Chapter Three

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"Don't forget to clean the kitchen while I'm out, Noah!" I yell as I grab my jacket and headed out the door. My first shift at Neeno's was starting soon, and I couldn't leave Ivy and Blue waiting.
I heard a quiet "okay" as I closed the door, taking Gansey's keys out of my pocket. Gansey... Why has I kept calling him that, you ask? Well it all started when we first moved here, and I had been calling him Richard then. I knew it annoyed him, but I couldn't call him anything else; just Richard. Then, we started rooming with Ronan and Noah, who kept calling him Gansey. So it just stuck.
I get into Gansey's car and start it up. The boys are taking Ronan's BMW to Neeno's later. I put pressure on the gas pedal, and drive off to work.
As I pull into the parking lot, I see Ivy pulling on her hat as she mans the cash register. She sees me and waves, calling behind her back, probably to Blue.
I walk in and immediately tackled in a hug by the girls.
"Where have you been?" Ivy asks. "Why haven't you texted me? Where were you during classes? Is it because of those raven boys? Do things have to get physical?!"
I laugh, "No, no. Ivy, it's fine. My brother just had me stay home to clean the house." Blue chuckles.
"So it is because of those Raven Boys," she stated. I sigh and head to the back to change into my uniform.


After two hours of the most boring work ever, I finally here the ring of the door and the voice of four familiar boys come through the door. Gansey spots me and smiles, then heads to a booth by the window. Ronan, too, glances at me, and winks. Without my consent, my cheeks flush red.
     Ivy nudges me by her stand at the kitchen. "Didn't know you fell for bad boys, (Y/N)."
     I scoffed. "Well, that's a bit hypocritical considering your massive crush on Ad—"
     Ivy cut me short by putting her hand on my mouth. Her cheeks were a bright red. "Shut up."
     She went back to her station, her ponytail bouncing with each step she took. I glanced at Adam, and see him staring at where Ivy once was. I giggle.
     I walk over to the boys, and hand them their menus. "Hope you guys don't mind the grease. Ronan, stop picking at your scab."
     Ronan makes a face at me, and begins looking through the menu.
     "Hey, (Y/N)," Adam pipes up, "who's your friend? The one with the brown ponytail?"
     I internally squeal, hoping my ship would sail. "Ivy? She's a friend from school. Why?"
     Adam's face turns red. "W-Well, um... I just... Ahem."
     Gansey rolled his eyes and stood up. "Here, Adam, I'll go ask that other waitress to send her over."
     And then I mentally screamed. By short waitress, he meant Blue. If I've learned anything over the months I've been here, it would be that Blue strongly dislikes raven boys.
     Adam sighed, thinking the same thing I was: this is going to crash and burn.
     I walk back to the register, just in time to hear Blue say: "She's not a prostitute, and neither am I."
     I almost laughed out loud. Classic Blue sass.
     Gansey seemed confused, and like a sun rising over a hilltop, it dawned on him. "Oh, no, that's not what I meant. That is not what I was implying."
     "That is what you said! You think you can just pay Ivy to hang out with a boy she doesn't even know? And then you wanted to bribe me to let her! Clearly you pay most of your female companions by the hour and don't know how it works with the real world, but... but ..." Blue paused. "Most girls, when they're interested in a guy, will sit with them for free."
     "Yeah, tell 'em, Blue!" I cheered. Gansey looked at me with a sour face.
     "Please tell your friend here that it isn't unfair to ask for a girl to talk to a boy."
     "(Y/N), please tell this stuck up jerk that nobody should be paying for their friend to talk to a girl!"
     I shouldn't have, but I laughed. How could I not?! The whole situation was just ironic.
     "(Y/N), stop laughing!" The two said at the same time, then fumed at each other. They stopped when they heard laughing at the boys' table.
     While Blue and Gansey has been arguing, Ivy has went over to their table and started a conversation with the other three. Adam and her were talking and laughing the most, though. Ronan caught my eye and made a mocking kissy face at the two. I held in a laugh.
     Cialina suddenly yelled for Ivy to get back to work, and she waved a quick wave to Adam and the others and went back to the kitchen.
     Gansey and Blue looked back each other, silently saying, this never happened.

     Another hour passed, and the boys had thrashed through there pizza. Later on, I saw the boys send out Noah and Ronan, Ronan having an aggravated look on his face.
     The boys continued talking and talking and talking, though I did see Adam glances back to Ivy every few seconds, which just warmed my heart.     
     Finally they finished, going up to Ivy to pay. I noticed something however; Noah was acting weird. "Hey Noah," I called, "everything okay?"
     Noah seemed about to put his hands in his pockets and then didn't. He looked at me and then Adam. "Declan's here."
     I was out the door in seconds. There would be a fight, no doubt. Gansey followed after me, looking around. "Noah said the parking lot." "Amazing observation, Richard."
     They walked around the building to see Ronan deliver a punch to Declan's face. I winced, knowing that was going to hurt in the morning.
     "Ronan!" Gansey shouted, but too late.
    Declan was hit, but immediately got up again to smack his brother. Not waiting for it to get worse, I ran up to the brothers. "Cut it out!"
      It was like they were dead. Arms windmilled. Knees met chests. Elbows rammed into faces. The fight was endless.
      "Ronan!" I yelled, but he still didn't hear. If he couldn't hear me, he would have to see me.
     As Ronan was about to spring at Declan I grab his arm and pull him away. "I said. Cut! It! OUT!"
     I yanked, and was enough to send both Ronan and I backwards, but separating the fight. Gansey stepped in between Declan and us.
     I hugged Ronan, trying to stop him from looking at Declan. He hugged me back, his arms wrapped around my waist.
     "Declan," Gansey said, voice full of warning, "if you come back over here, I swear..."
     Declan spit on the ground. "Fine. Tell your sister that he's her little dog now. She's obviously the only one who can control him. Keep him from getting kicked out of Aglionby. I wash my hands of him."
     "I wish," Ronan growled, his grip tightening around me. I rubbed his back, sending Declan a glare. Of course.
     Declan said, "You're such a piece of s**t, Ronan. If Dad saw —" and this made Ronan let go of me and try to jump at Declan, but Gansey was fast enough to catch him before he could.
     "Why are you even here?" I asked in an angered tone.
     "Ashley had to use the bathroom," Declan replied crisply. "I should be able to stop where I like, don't you think?"
     "First of all," I started, ", Neeno's bathrooms are the worst bathrooms in all of existence. I find it hard to imagine that you would take Ashley here of all places."
     Gansey's voice was short. "I think you should just go. This isn't getting solved tonight."
     Declan laughed, just once. A big, careless laugh, full of round vowels. He clearly found nothing about Ronan funny.
     "Ask him if he's going to get by with a B this year," he told Gansey. "Do you ever go to class, Ronan?"
     I couldn't take it anymore. I should've done this from the beginning.
     I march over to Declan and point a finger in his chest. "Ronan Lynch is one the smartest boys I know. Ask him anything in Latin, he'll know it. And brains don't matter as much as character. And as for you, I can't say you've got a lot of it!"
     Declan's eyes were wide; it was almost as if he had never heard it before. I start to turn around then stop.
     "Don't you ever try to pull a stunt like this again, Lynch."
     Declan turned sharply, and pulled the door of his Volvo open. As he slid into the driver's seat, Declan said, "I don't want to talk about it" to Ashley and slammed the door shut. The Volvo's tires squealed as they bit into the pavement, we were left alone in Neeno's parking lot, dirty and frayed. Ronan touched his pinkie finger to his eyebrow to check for blood, but there was none, just a raised, angry bump.
     "You good?" I asked. It was a dumb question, but a sincere one.
     Ronan shook his head. "I want to quit."
     Gansey sighed. "Just graduate, and do whatever you want."
     "Yeah," I agreed, "you'll be able to do anything you want."
     Ronan suddenly leaned on me; it felt less for support and more for comfort than anything.
     The door to Nino's front opened, and Adam, Noah, and Ivy walked out. They were all silent for a moment.
     Ivy was the first to speak. "So... are we still up for movie night?"

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