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(Retz's POV)

I got back to my chair and Charles sat beside Auntie facing Gon.

"Hi Mom, Dad, Retz, Gon. Good evening to all of you."

We all nodded.

The table fell silent.

"*clears throat* Let's eat shall we?" Uncle said breaking the silence.

"Yeah we should!" Charles said as he stabbed the steak so hard on his plate causing everyone's attention to him.

"Charles?" Uncle Sam said.

"I'm sorry Dad my fork might have slipped my hands." Charles replied sarcastically as he looked at Gon.


"Okay so uhh. Gon, I heard from Retz that you rent a room on her apartment? Do you actually live on Retz's apartment?" Uncle Sam said.

Gon was busy eating and he stopped when he heard his name.

"Uh no no, actually I was new on that town because of some matters. But I don't live there."

"Oh really, so how did you two met? Exactly?" Auntie butted in.

Gon hesitated so I decided to do the talking.

"Gon here is a fine gentleman, he helped me with my bag one day and we got close to each other since I found out that he stays in ny apartment too." I said and Gon looks at me.

" That's Good." Uncle Sam said smiling to the both of us while I heard Charles grunted.

"So, how long do you two know each other?" Auntie asked Gon raising her eyebrow.

"Uhmm. 1 we-year, a year" Gon blurted out.

"Wow thats so long Gon. So Retz are you saying you kept Gon your boyfriend a secret to us? Why?" Charles said as he pointed a fork to Gon.

"I-I thought it would be for the best." I said hoping that we could escape right now.

"It's for the best huh? Do you expect me to believe that! You piece of s--"

"Charles! Watch your mouth young man!" Uncle raised his voice and slammed a hand on the table.

"Dad! Can't you see?! They're playing with us! I-its no real!!" Charles stand up this time desperately.

"Stop it Charles!" Uncle snarled.

Charles sat up straight.

"Good. Excuse me everyone I believe I am finished with my dinner." Uncle stand up, smiled to me and silently left us all.

We stayed silent. Auntie's eyeballs was locked to Gons.

" I believe I have lost my appetite. Excuse me. *drinks wine* And Charles we are going to talk after this. Is that clear?" Placed back the glass of wine and rolled her eyes to Gon.

"Yes Mom."

"Excuse me."

Auntie left.

After a while its just us three again.

"Like what you just saw Retz? You like it?" Charles said to me angrily.

I really don't like it when Charles is angry. It's just when he's angry I'm expecting something bad happening after.

I remained silent.

"Can't even talk? You don't use your brain don't you?! You replace me for a peasant? Seriously Retz?"

I saw Gon's eyes darkened so I held his hand and smiled at him.

"Stop it Charles! You don't know anything about Gon! Do not include him into this mess."

"Now you're defending him."

"I said stop it!" I said raising my voice.

"Wow, since when did you learn to talk back to me?"

"I believe Charles! That this conversation is over! I'm not giving a damn about everything you're saying. Guess what! Whatever you're gonna do I'm not gonna love you! And don't you ever touch Gon because this time I'm gonna use all of my power to fight back!!!" I yelled.

Charles fell silent.

I grabbed Gon's hand and we left Charles slamming the door hard as we got out.

"Hahahhahahah!! Hahahhahaha!!!"

"Retz? Why are you laughing?" Gon asked as he scratch his head.

"Hahaha it's just! Did you see the look on his face? Its so priceless. I can't even."

We sat on a bench under a large picture frame.

"Aaaaghh, that felt so good Gon! That was the second time I yelled at Charles, and his reaction did not change from before."

"oh. Is that so, that kind of reminds me of my friend. We always yell at each other and argue with everything. Aghh, those we're our good times."

"Is this friend the one you are looking for?"

"Yeah, he's all I got. My whole family is dead and my Dad is I don't know alive but dead."

"Is your friend a girl?" I asked

Oh my god oh my god... Please don't be a girl.

"Nope. He's a boy. Mmmmmm."

"Good." I said and smiled.

Gon looks at me raising one of his eyebrows but immediately close it and smiled.

"I did a really bad thing Retz. I really made a big mistake." Gon said, I felt his voice. Its sad and lonely.

"Gon?" I said not knowing what to say.

"I love him Retz!" He said this time looks at me straight in the eye. He looks like he was about to cry.

What's this feeling? If he did not say his friend is a guy I would really thought it was a girl with all this act of desperation and longing.

"O-of course you do. He's your friend after all." I said.

Gon's head fell.

"And that's why he left."

What? I don't understand?


"Nevermind Retz let's just go back." Gon said and he stand up and walked in front of me.

"Uh yes." I said and followed.

Why is he so down? Why do I feel like he's mad?

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