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( Killua's POV )

I placed Gon on the bed gently and watched him as he breathes softly. 

Such a beautiful boy.

So beautiful.

I bend down and caressed his face gently. 

You've been hurt baby?

I kissed his lips.

Don't worry I'm here with you.  I will always be.  I will never leave you again.

I'm sorry if you've gone through a lot because of me.

I love you Gon.

Sleep tight and tomorrow we will come back from the way we were.  You don't have to worry anymore. 

I stand up and go outside.  It's already 2 o'clock.  I can't sleep still. 

I'm afraid if I'll sleep I'll wake up and all of this will be a dream again. Even though I know now that it isn't I'm still terrified.

I got out and the wind chime clang.

I walked a little bit to feel the cold wind but then I noticed a figure on the sand not so far away?

I got closer and when it became clear it's the blond girl.

She's sitting hugging her knees and burying her head on her knees.

Maybe she heard me.

She lifts her head and she looked at me her eyes weary. 

I looked at her with my poker face and she just looks at me with no emotion and looks at the beach again.

She hurted Gon even though I do not know why. He just cried and fell asleep on my shoulders.  She hurted him so much I can tell.

She deserves to feel that.

I turned around and walked away.

" You're lucky. " She says causing me to stop walking.

I didn't answer.

" I never knew I could feel this weak by just simple words coming from the mouth of a simple boy. "

I stayed still.

" He hates me. He..  He looked at me disgusted! "

I heard sobs but I didn't turned around.

" He said that He's done with me!  He said I'm a liar."

I stayed silent and I just listen.

"  He's right I am!  But I told him the truth!.. So that doesn't make me a liar anymore right?!  *sniff* Yet he still said that to me. "


That got me thinking.

What is she saying? 

I looked at her and I saw her crying and looking at the beach. I saw her body trembling.

" It hurted me so much.  "

She's cold. But I can't find any reason for me to care. 

I'm not Gon who cares for almost everything.

" I just did that because I can't live my life without him!"

Well. Too bad for you. I started to walk away. But she spoke again so I stopped.

" Can't you..  Can't you just give him to me? "

I looked away and looked at her again.
She's sobbing.

I smiled.

" I have the same reasons as you why I can't. " I replied softly.

She looked away and cries again. 

Did she stayed here for 2 hours? 

" I just miss him. I miss Gon!  " She says.

I felt a sudden sting in my heart.

I could totally relate to her when she said that.

I walked closer to her.  Take off my jacket and placed it on her.

" You know? I'm mad at you for hurting Gon and for almost taking Gon away from me.  But, I still got to say my thanks to you.  I'm thankful for you, for you're the reason why Gon and I are together again.  "

" What? "

I turned around and walked away and didn't answer her.

" Hey!  Wait!  Killua! "  She yelled. 

She still has the most annoying voice of all.

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