21 siamo a casa pt2

44 3 6

-"Wait your parents know about this?" chiede mio padre a Ethan
-"Because there is a problem"
-"What is problem?"

-"It's a long story...."
-"Don't worry we have all the time"
-"So like 5 years ago my parents planned a marrege for me"
-"What seriously?!"
-"Yes unfortunately.
I'm engaged with the first daughter of the family of Okeke, Chelsea"
-"What?!" Dico io
-"Tu con quella no c'è nooo. C'è davvero?" dico io in preda alla disperazione
-"I can't believe that your parents did this. Do you want that i'm going to talk to them?" propone mio padre
-"No sir is not necessary I can do it"
-"Ok if you need any help you can count on us"
-"Thank you sir" dice Ethan
-"So where are you people going to sleep?"
-"Actually we don't know"
-"If you what, you can stay here"
-"Thanks ma, thank you mommy" diciamo insieme
-"You're welcome"

SCANDALO {in Revisione}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora