NIKI- I Like U (Part II of Summer Fling)

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"It's alright Lisa, it's alright. You can do this."

"Trust yourself okay, you can do this."

"Lisa we're on our way there."

"Okay Soo, thanks."

Lisa was mentally cheering herself on, trying to get everything together. After a few minutes, she finally hears a familiar voice laughing with two other voices. She was pursing her lips, and when the footsteps stop right behind her, she turns around and faces Jennie, Jisoo and now Rosé clearly surprised that she was up this early.

"Hi Chae." She hands her a box of crafted cookies. "I bought these for you, I know you tend to have a low sugar intake so I thought you might want to energize yourself."

Jennie scoffs in the background and that earned a pinch from the woman beside her. Lisa ignores that remark and just focuses on Chaeyoung who was staring at the cookies with a blank facial reaction.

After what felt like forever, Chaeyoung retrieves the box of cookies and that almost made Lisa smile, that is until the athlete hands it to a random college student, who was delighted that she received a compliment and cookies from one of the popular people in their campus.

"I'll head to class first, see you guys later for practice."

Lisa sighs after Chaeyoung leaves them and heads to class. "Forget it Lisa, just give up already."

"You know I cannot do that."

"Fine, I guess you can die trying or whatever." Jennie rolls her eyes. "Chu, I'm going to head to class first. See you there."

Jisoo receives Jennie's love peck before looking at Lisa with sympathy. "Cheer up buddy, I'm sure that she'll see how sincere you are."

Lisa who still feels down at the rejection forces a smile out from her face. "Thanks, Jis."

Soon enough Lisa finds herself in the campus' canteen where she sees Chaeyoung, Jennie, and Jisoo hanging out with other varsity players of their campus.

Despite the fact that Lisa's volley background is exemplary, she still got rejected to be a part of the team even after trying out multiple times. Other students would find it stupid, but when the captain of the women's volleyball team is Roseanne Park, there's clearly nothing you can do about it. Even Jisoo' multiple attempts all went to the drain and Jennie's one-time attempt was also ignored.

She looks back at them who were clearly having a good time. And though she tries to be happy, she couldn't help but feel jealous when Jisoo made the cut and now, she sees her sister laughing along to something Jennie shared at her while Chaeyoung was busy flirting with a random redhead.

Looking down, she tries to have an appetite but the thought of making absolutely no process despite being here nearing a term already puts her in a very, very down situation.

"Is this seat taken?" Lisa turns to three unfamiliar faces. "Sorry, we just thought that you might need some company?"

"Uh yeah sure." The Thai makes space for all four of them.

"I hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable though." A girl with doe-eyed features and warm aura smiles at her.

"No, I have all kinds of strangers approaching me all the time." She remarks, making the one in front of her laugh.

"Sorry, I have a low level of happiness." She beams, and Lisa couldn't help but compare her to a bear.

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