Ending Page- Part II

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"What?" Laura looks at her mother, completely baffled with what she just heard. "You left the group?" Her mother nods as a form of response. "But- why?"

"Hmm... let's see, how do I make you understand." She taps her chin while looking for the right situation. "Okay, so how about this- think of a weekend with your friends."


"Mommy told you that she's going to give you and your friends the best day out ever. Now, if you and your friends could choose the place to go, where would you like it to be?"

"I want to be in the zoo!"

"Why would you guys want to be in the zoo?"

"We just watched the Lion movie and it was really awesome! We saw lots of animals so we can definitely have fun in the zoo as well. Plus, the zoo lets us play with the animals too!"

"But what if I would bring you guys to the museum?"

"The museum?"

"You can still look at animals when you're inside the museum and you can even learn about different new things like plants and stars."

"I don't know..." Laura couldn't even hide her great distaste just thinking about the day inside the museum.

"Will you tell me that you want to go to the zoo if you can?"

The mother watches as her daughter continues to think about the situation. "It's kind of hard, I know saying that I want to go to the zoo instead would hurt your feelings... but I also want my friends to enjoy too..."

"So? What will you do?"

"I think...I will tell you to consider to go to the zoo instead."

"Why would you say that to mommy?"

"Because even though I know it would hurt your feelings, you will still be thankful I said something. If I didn't, we would all have a bad day out and that would make you feel worse..." She answers. "Plus, I know my friends will thank me for saying something."

"Will you take the courage and say something in behalf of everyone?" Laura nods her head. "Why?"

"They're my friends mommy... Real friends would always want what's best for their friends. I just want them to be happy."

"See baby, that's why mommy left." She says. "Just like you, I decided to be courageous and spoke in behalf of everyone."

"Oh." Laura reacts with furrowed eyebrows still. "You did that because you want the best for them and you want everyone to be happy?"

"That's right. I left so that they can know that they too can follow their own dreams. That even if we're not in the same group anymore, it's okay. It's okay not having any more reason to stay, that it was okay to let go of the life of being in a girl group and do things on our own."

"But still... it must've hurt their feelings..."

"It did, including me." She picks up her daughter and places her on her lap. "You see Laura, pain can start with a huge booboo and then it can end up leaving a scar on your body. It might not hurt anymore, but it doesn't mean it goes away..."

"Were they mad at you?"

"They didn't talk with me for some time but all it took was one meet up and slowly we started reconnecting."

"And Lisa?" The kid looks at her with her hopeful eyes. "Was she mad at you?"

"Lisa was more than mad at me..." She says in a sad tone, remembering what happened right after she told the news. "Lisa hated me."

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