Baby part 2

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Who am I?

My name is?

Baby pov

Modern time...

Waking up in a baby's body is definitely the last thing I would ever expect to happen to you, wouldn't it? It was for me. I always wondered what would happen if I could do things in my life all over again, but when I thought that I didn't mean for it to be like this.

I just meant to be granted some magical powers or something similar but not to become an ACTUAL BABY, at least not again. Damned if I didn't grow up and curse them out, the bottled up emotions for some reason wouldn't stay inside this bottle instead causing me to cry loudly.

I could hear the footsteps rushing towards my door and listened to the knob open with a loud click. I was only barely able to open my eyes. 

I can't pretend

To know how you feel

But remember that I'm here

Know that I'm real

I could hear the first male voice who picked me up beginning to sing and would never admit that it sounded melodic and soothing along with the heartbeats coming from his chest...wait heartbeats why the heck do I hear this shouldn't I be why can't I just be normal.

Reach for my hand

Because it's held out for you

My shoulders are strong

But you can cry on them too.

Singing those lyrics for a brief second made me want to give in to pretend that my past life if I ever remembered it could be forgotten but the pain i was forced to live through I could never remember nor did i want to forgive especially since I am now stuck in the body of a stupid infant...gosh I think I realized why I woke up, and I think the person holding me has figured out the reason why too.

"Ohh does someone have a wet diaper?" said a cheerful Daddy. 

'Lord help me he better not be a morning person, I'll strangle him once I get full use of my arms back.' I thought dreadfully

He commented as he laid me on a soft surface which he then clipped to straps forming an X shape over me. I realised it was so I didn't move and fall, what could I do anyway I had no control over my own body if they hadn't achieved this yet.

maybe if i'm lucky than they're foolish though, which is fine by me I can just get away with more I thought with s inward smirk.'finally A plan I can go on to get myself out when I am older. But he just didn't realise that they controlled if he grew or not and if the boy did know he would have come up with a different plan but then what plans could he make as a newborn baby forever.

Marston / Daddy's Pov

I knew what he was thinking from the moment he woke up, and I would like to say I didn't think. He was going to believe that, but I would've been lying as I changed his diaper into a fresh one putting on powder and cream to make sure he wouldn't get a rash.

I sighed, unstrapped him from the changing table and went over to the corner. They had a rocking chair before switching directions and going into my love and my bedroom which held another rocking chair and a bassinet with a mobile attached.

My poor little wasn't a morning person, just like his dear old papa thinking of glanced over my shoulder, readjusting my shirt so my baby could suckle, but I don't believe he has realised this yet. sure enough there was papa laying up against the headboard smirking as i adjusted our newborn to my other nipple for him to suckle on.

He came up off the bed and leaned my head up for a kiss before moving to my ear and seductively whispers, "Do you know how hot you look feeding our son. When he's asleep tonight, I am going to have my way with you, and then I'm going to have you ride me long and hard while you beg me to cum." I could feel my cheeks blushing with tomato colour red.

Oh Lord, my husband knows what, too, to say, even at the worst times possible to turn me on...

I'M YOUR BABY SINCE WHEN?Where stories live. Discover now