Teething's a beep for parents

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Mama/ Marston Pov

Could hear my baby boy crying as his new set of teeth were coming in, he is 5 months old, and his first tooth is giving him as much grief as it does for all babies. But seeing him be in pain and knowing that there isn't indeed anything we can do about it or for it.

Without him being given medicine which was absolute hell, not from me was difficult. When I say we tried everything there is to try in this whole damn world I mean we tried everything.

Every internet, book, doctors site, pharmacy, toy, soothing techniques, every single damned fruit, we even tried putting a bit of whiskey on his gums and that worked for but barely 4 hours and without risking him becoming an alcoholic with how many times he cries out in pain that is out of the questions, we took suggestions from other parents.

PFFT: Nothing worked all it indeed resulted in was a very cranky baby from having to try so many different things every time he cried out in pain.

When my husband returned from work, he came up from behind, wrapped his arms around my waist, kissed my cheek and said, "Let me try, now go to bed and get some rest mama bear," I glared unamused at the statement he intended to make.

"Go ahead" I replied in a tired tone of voice to my husband who had a determined look settled onto his handsome face making my lips twitch up in a small smile of appreciation.

"I would do anything right now to get him to just stop crying and start his nap or at least give him his bottle before he gets himself sick from all the crying he has been doing so much." I then turned around in his arms, leaned up on my toes and just barely reached his lips giving them a quick peck before moving and heading up the stairs towards our room.

Romans /Daddy/Father 's pov.

I watch as my husband goes into our room for a nice long relax and watch something to fall asleep to while I go tend to our wayward cranky little boy in his walker inside our living room, he's currently screaming his tiny little lungs out and doesn't seem to realize that I have returned home at all with all the screams happening.

"Hey there my little man, what all the fussiness about I know you just wanted to cuddle up with the both of us didn't you baby boy. you just wanted your parents to show you lots and lots of love huh?" I say in a cheerful tone of voice which I didn't believe would really and truly work, but sure enough, his cries start to slowly die down into little sniffles and hiccups in my arms.

As he looks into my eyes which show how much trust he has in both of us and how protected and safe he feels when both of us are together.I held him carefully while I walked up the stairs and into the master bedroom where my mama bear was laying down looking at me with a soft smile on his face and love gleaming in his beautiful eyes.

I lay down with D.C. on top of my chest and scoot closer to my husband, who is all but ecstatic with the sound of quietness being shown in. And within the next half hour, our little one is fed and fully conked out of consciousness with the fact that he is feeling secure now that we're all together again as he has a small hold onto both our fingers giving them an unconscious squeeze as to somehow assure himself that we are still next to him.

Within the next hour, all of us have fallen into a peaceful and well-deserving sleep. We only wake up once or twice at the need to change our baby's diaper and give him another warm bottle to get him to fall back to sleep.


An unknown pov.

That should be my baby, not theirs, they don't deserve him, I deserve him, he should be living with me and relying on me, I saw him first, I just needed to get the stuff ready to have everything prepared for my baby's arrival.

Just wait for the little one, I'll save you from their unworthy hands, touch your real body and make you believe that you are theirs when it is all wrong. You are all mine, and sooner or later I will rescue you from their undeserving lives and raise you how you should be appropriately raised as my son.

Don't worry it won't be too long now I just have to have patience the time will come when I finally find the perfect opportunity to take you back into my arms which you should have been in all along in this whole time you have been there these past couple months now.any day now and I will have you in your rightful family.

I turn around and walk away leaving the unaware family the hell that they have brought upon themselves by stealing from me no one, and I mean no one takes from me without paying the consequences for doing so afterwards.

I started whistling the haunting tune of the devil's trill as I walked into the far side of the woods my hands are in my pockets and my eyes bitter and angry at the fault of the idiots I had posted to watch him, and somehow they lost him. After he sneaks away without them somehow not noticing that he was gone till a while after he had already disappeared from their vicinity and their sights.


This is the next chapter I am still waiting for at least one review before I even begin to think about updating the next section on the site.

thanks for reading until the next time guys bye and enjoy your time reading this chapter even though I think it is a bit short but I can't seem to figure out what to write next also I am welcome to ideas and suggestions on parts of the story that I can write out. 



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