Maybe more wouldn't be such a lousy idea Part 1

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Roman/ Papas pov

Looking back towards my newborn wolf baby in his bassinet right next to our bed in the master bedroom. He was crying loudly, but according to my husband, he's becoming spoiled with how much we do for him. I disagree but I know he was telling the truth our baby wasn't acting like a baby and because we weren't putting our foot down and we needed to because he is a baby and becoming a baby is a must happen to him.

Otherwise, he would have to go back into the A.W. to but not the same one he was in but an artificial mind conditioner: this is where instead of his body changing it's his mind getting reconditioned, this was particularly new almost 2 years now.

I heard the TV and grabbed the remote to put the show on rewind the movie Hairspray to the beginning to rewatch it as I haven't been paying attention to it at all."Wah Wah Wah," the vampire creator, helped me be strong enough to go through with this. Good lord almighty, please stop his son's pain and crying before I begin to cry as well.

Then slowly he stops crying, and it turns to hiccups after a long time of tears coming from his son's room. At this, a feeling of relief overcame me and padded tiptoed towards his room peeking in the ajared door I see he's passed out from exhaustion.

At that moment I gently began to pick him up and change his diaper and take him into the living room, put him in his portable playpen bassinet and carefully swaddled him into his blanket before putting him down to sleep.

I get up slowly mad at my husband for making me do this to our son even though I know he doesn't want to make our son feel unloved. He's small for a baby but seeing as our baby was soon to turn 2 months old he was premature, tinier and weaker than regular babies would be.

D.C. was starting to get fussy, and I've been expecting this for some time now. He needs his regular feeding in about 10 minutes, so he is probably feeling hungry and restless from being unfed yet.

I walk over to his bassinet and pick him up from my shirt having already been removed in preparation for his feeding and calmly guide him toward my nipple for the breastmilk, I hear keys in the door.

He doesn't yell that he's home knowing that it's was our son's feeding time right around now and so quietly comes into the living room having smelled our scents most potent in the living room.

I ignored him in favour of watching our son finish gulping down the milk and put him on my shoulder burp cloth on top and began rubbing his back to get the wind-up. Soon enough I heard the telltale "burp" and laid him back down to have him go back to sleep. But sadly he wasn't in a sleeping mood and began to wail loudly, wanting to be picked up by one of us and rocked, and myself finally obliges to this, giving my husband a warning glare if he should speak.

He backs down automatically knowing the couch was not where he would instead be sleeping by, and it wasn't the couch that is for sure. He leaves and heads into the kitchen to start cooking dinner, and soon enough the smell of pasta cooking on the stove has me smiling at his trying to make it up to me.

After that, the next few weeks pass by, and to our delight, our baby is acting like a baby, babbling and giggling at the silliest things. Like peek-a-boo, Caillou and the baby rattle and blow spit bubbles. Finally, we took him outside the house for the first time since he was brought home seeing as we decided he was able to handle going outside without getting sick, but we weren't going to take that chance and keep him in the house till he was a bit stronger.

We went out to a dinner planned by the community of supes to celebrate the victory of taking back our rightful places in the world. We stopped to talk to many of our old friends we haven't seen in a long while.

Introducing them towards our son who they have seen pics of on social media but never meeting him in person as we wanted time for him to adjust to being our baby boy. Everything went smoothly. So we were finally becoming a perfect family in my eyes maybe, maybe more kids wouldn't be so feeble after all he should have some siblings to protect him and them.

I looked at my husband and just knew he was thinking the same thing, so I started to think about having older ones to have some protectors and probably give our little one a twin sister we have always wanted to have a girl baby.


This is the end of this chapter of comments and votes are welcome.

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