Reborn: Part 1

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D.C Kingston Baby pov

Some people have said that this world is going to be destroyed one day and I can't say that I disagree, but the fact of the matter is it already has been ruined for us humans anyway.

I wasn't alive back when humans ran the world, but I am here now in a world owned by Supes.

Where did they come from? How did they hide and not been found out by the humans how come the advances made by them couldn't be caused by humans like flying cars or living on other planets I think I forgot to mention that, but yes all planets are now livable somehow i'm not even going to get started on this.

The real fact is why the hell am I so small and why is everything so fuzzy who are these people and why can I not remember my name, who is this person they call D.C.

'Why can't I speak?' Oh God, someone, someone save me from these people, please.

What am I going to do now? Where am I going to far? Why the hell do these people call themselves parents and what do I keep sucking that gives such sweet flavours into my mouth

'Why can't I see anything either? Oh God, once again someone, someone save me from these people, please.' Though I will admit that they both can sing albeit I happen to say that because I know, I can sing, so I don't understand how I know this I do.

These past few days since I first woke up from what feels like a long nap, everything has been weird now. Oh great once again I was being picked up by one of the giants, can this get any worse? Please don't let me have jinxed myself.

You don't know what it's like. At least I pray that you don't but if you do welcome to the club is their even a club for kidnapped children turned into babies if not I will create one.

'Woh what the guy's doing is he's changing something I am wearing. I'll kill him if I ever change back into my original body hopefully one day preferably someday soon. '

All that comes out, though, is baby babble.


Hey, that was good, let me try again to make sure it wasn't a one-time thing.

"GRR "I viciously growled out to the person holding me.

I'm hearing muffled sounds coming from the man holding onto my body.
Next thing I noticed was I was feeling a bit of a tingling feeling going throughout my entire body, and then I was not a human being, but a Wolf a werewolf to be exact.


Roman/Papa pov.

I hear a sound coming from our newborn. It sounded like growling. He figured out "BABE COME HERE AND LISTEN TO THIS!" he comes into the nursery in seconds watch I hoped that he would be doing it again.

'GRR's our baby growled, GROWLED: "haha he'll be a wolf soon if he's already getting the hang of growling," and like that it seems to be the magic he changed into a wolf pup "woof," he said.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marstons/daddy pov

I changed into my wolf form so I could guide our son into managing properly he stood up feet wabbling like a newborn fawn trying to stand and well technically he is an infant wolf pup 'snap' I turned to see that my husband took a picture of me picking up our son in order to help him stand I playfully jumped on him with our son in my mouth protectively.

I trotted over to our room and got into bed making sure to make a nest around, so he didn't go anywhere he shouldn't or fall off my husband is just following us around still taking photos on his phone and most definitely filming. I pretend not to hear as I groom our little wolf pup who's trying to bat me away with his tiny paws. I rest my head over him to stop him from moving and to get him sleeping then start making him sleepier by doing a wolf hum in my throat.


D.C. pov

'I try bopping something that licks me all over my body which is now a wolf pup 'honestly can my day get any worse?' 'Achoo apparently can'achoo' which comes out as a wolf sneezes' but at least I can see it now and hear everything better.' I stand up shakily and move around as I don't want to sleep like I know he's trying to by doing those very comforting growls whines 'yawn' 'woah I'm tired maybe just 5 minutes or whatever.' I'm beginning to lay down on my paws wishing that I'd be human again soon 'ahh ahh achooo' pop' waaahhh and just like that I was back to being a baby again but still sleepy, so I close my eyes yawn loudly once more and then like a lightbulb I was out

I'M YOUR BABY SINCE WHEN?Where stories live. Discover now