Give my baby back to me.

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The freaking nurse dropped my baby. She fudging DROPPED him like he wasn't even worth her time, I was ready to kill her, but I held myself back. My other little one is D.J. and Dahlia Jane cries out seeing her baby brother in pain.


"Wahh", was the only sound that I had been hearing from my baby boy all day today, we were going to the supernatural paediatricians for a long past overdue visit to check my babies health then find a solution for as to why he was taking so long to regress.

the minute our little one heard the word doctors he started wailing as loud as possible in hopes that we might change our minds about this. To be truthful, it almost worked. almost.

When I got to the pediatric clinic my baby and I waited for the doctor and the nurse to come, looking around at all the other people with children, playing in the play area, some in their laps either babbling, sleeping like he/she didn't have a care in the world.

I sighed, wondering how long it would be before our baby would become like that, but that was why we were here to fix all that.

I look to my side to see D.J. snoozing in her stroller - she's not yet 2 years - but you can see how beautiful she would be. although she is already my beautiful baby girl. she loves her baby brother and never gets as fussy as we believed she would be, but as we put her in both A.W.'s to test it out, if we should have done it to our newborn, we saw the difference.

she was the perfect baby from the beginning to choose from and neither of us regrets it at all. she took after her papa with his coloured hair and eyes that had flexes of gold within them, making them stand out - it seems both of our babies inherited the flexes of gold within their eyes and we love them dearly.

She's only just started walking which put us over the moon with pride and she says momma so cutely and her papa just melts when she tries pronouncing his name.

"Mr Kingston to room 8 please, Mr Kingston to room 8 please once again. Thank you."

I got up placing my son in his part of the stroller next to his sister who was just starting to wake up as well. 

"Momma?" She says she's so cutely. "yes baby." she looks up at me owlishly and blinks slowly before looking next to her and seeing her baby brother.  "browser sleepy byes?" "She said adorably. "Yes, baby girl's your baby brother has gone sleepy byes" "okay," she then lays back down and closes her eyes again.

We reached the room in no time and I gently rapped my knuckles onto the door and waited for a response from the other side before walking in. D.J. looks around the room curiously and oohs at everything, and she looks up at me and says, "Momma out." I shake my head before taking a seat as a doctor asks for a few minutes while he goes to get the folder and has a trainee nurse take the baby's vitals and height etc.

the nurse comes in and I dislike her instantly as she has an aura that says she'd rather be anywhere else than here. I take my daughter out first and the nurse barely even pares a glance while she takes the measurements and vitals and has her given back to me. I then carefully handed her my son and that's what set me off as when she grabbed him it was not gentle or caring.

she went to the baby weight measurement scale and then dropped him, he woke up wailing at the top of his lungs and I was instantly at his side snatching him back into my arms and rocking him, gently cooing words of reassurance at him, trying to calm him and myself down before I did something I'd regret. 

"How dare you drop him like that, you could have hurt him?" I said furiously at the nurse, in which just sneers and says that it's a baby, its fine, like my child is a toy that can't break. "he is a baby, not a toy, and you just dropped him. is this how you treat all your patients?" 

before I could say anything I heard a voice from behind me and saw it was the doctor and he didn't look impressed at all with the nurse, I have told you that we don't tolerate things like this happening and you don't seem to care so I will have to inform the Head of the nurse program that you aren't good to have around our patients with that attitude towards others."

the nurse spluttered out of rage and screeched out that the doctor couldn't do that to her only to have her notified that he wasn't just ANY doctor, he was the HEAD doctor and owner of the
Paediatricians Centre. 

She stood there stunned before storming out of the office and screaming profanities at people to get out of her way to others. The doctor comes over looking apologetic at the man holding his son close to him.

"I am extremely sorry Mr Kingston that this happened to your son and that your daughter had to experience that traumatic event today's check-up is free of charge and the next one is too. now let's get back to the matter at hand."

-1 hour later-

I thanked the doctor that had been recommended by my husband and went home, seeing his car already back I came in announcing that I was home and got a response from the kitchen and took our kids out of the stroller letting our baby girl walk as she wanted to and hold our son while making sure that D.J. doesn't fall down and hurt herself.

she takes off toddling towards the kitchen into where she hears her papa's voice and when we get there we see her toddle into his arms which are open wide as he kneels down to pick her up. he swings her up when she gets close enough and she let's out a shriek of happiness at being in the air and clings to her papa when she is brought back down to his neck. 

"How's my princess today?" he said with a kiss to her forehead, "good papa," and she giggled, leaning into him.

I smile and think this has been a good way to end a terrible day.


Hello all, I am sorry it took me this long to update but with the university and now the coronavirus happening I never found the time until the lockdown happened. However, I promise to update more now. whenever I can. comments and favourites appreciated

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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