Chapter 11

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 I lost him…..

  I slowly lift my head up from the tree where I was lying on. I opening my eyes to a bright orange sun shining in my face and a light blue sky spreading across the arena.

   I lift my arm to my eyes, blocking light from blinding me with it's shine.

  I slowly move my head, looking around, trying to find Jin's eyes on me, but he wasn't anywhere to be found.

   I yawn, bringing my arms up to stretch. My warm fuzzy body pushes itself up from it's sleepy state and stands up. I brush off the pieces of bark and leaves off me.

   I look around for Jin once more, hoping he would just pop out and scare me, but nothing. Not a single sound is heard from anything besides my breathing. I let out a sigh, finally accepting that Jin has left me.

    I pick up the backpack, which doesn't seem like anything was taken, and carefully climb down the tree. I hear a crunch of the leaves when I jump down onto the ground. I rub my eyes and slap my cheeks, waking me up fully.

    A crunch lets out with every step I take, letting the sound echo back to me off the trees. I grip onto my backpack straps, thinking of where Jin could be.

  “Where are you Jin?” I whispered out loud, questioning myself of where he could have gone. It's been one whole day in the arena, and things have already gone down hill for me so far. I think, continuing to hear the crunch of leaves under my foot steps.

   I let out a gasp, hearing a cannon shoot about 18 meters away from me. I hear a loud menacing laugh escape a mouth of a man with a deep voice, but it doesn't sound like Jin or anyone I know. I think.

   I dart deep into the forest, trying to escape the man with the menacing laugh. I hear the crunch of leaves underneath my footsteps, but also behind me.

  I quickly dug into the pocket of my backpack and dig out my knives, throwing them quickly behind me. I didn't look back, continuing to run for my life.

   I hear the crunching of leaves stop behind me, but I still continue to run like I was gonna die. I regretted that immediately, watching the ground below me sink in, making a steep drop. I fell down it, rolling down the hill and hitting my sides. Bouncing off of branches and finally hitting the ground with a big thud. I gasp for air while the wind from my lungs was shot out. I let out a groan of pain, letting my body rest there, collecting the pain.

  I hear the crunch of leaves again, coming fast towards me. I try to lift my body up with my weak arms, but my muscles couldn't do such a thing. My head felt light like a balloon and could pop any moment.

  I let my eyes gaze up to the person coming towards me at all speed. It was a hug dark skinned man. His arms of muscles were huge compared to my body. His face was sweaty, with a worried look on his face.

 Once he made it to the hill, he quickly slid down it with ease. Running towards me and picking me up carefully. Holding me gently like a fragile rose withering before him. Let let me in his back, carrying me like I was gonna break any second.

  I look at his face once more, his light brown eyes and dark brown skin covered in sweat. He had a sharp nose and thick pink lips. He had grabbable cheeks that made me was to squish them, which was weird now that I thought about it.

   “Where are you taking me?” I asked softly, making him turn his head to the side and his eyes meet mine.

   “I'm taking you somewhere where you don't have to fall down steep hills and be too close to killers.” He said in a deep voice, making me surprised on how deep it is. The other guys that I've meet compared to him have super high voices. I smile at his sentence, letting my head rest while my brain pounds on my skull. My eyes slowly drift closed, hearing the man laugh.

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