Chapter 12

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  Another friend….


  “It's close.” I say,  lifting my legs to take a step and hear the leaves once more.  I look back to Sayron, waiting for his response.

  “What's close?” Sayron asked,  walking beside me, walking away from the terrible memory of Jin's body.  I kept getting sick the more I think about it. I know that I didn't react like this Taehyung's death,  but the person that I thought I could win with suddenly lays there dead on the ground with blood all over him,  knowing that your district partner killed him, terrifies me.

    “My birthday.  It's a shame I'll have it in the most terrible place. Knowing I'll die soon.” I said,  grabbing a rock and threw it into the trees out of anger and sadness. Tears still streaked down my face,  I wipe them away I occasionally.

    “That sucks.  I can't imagine my birthday in here.” Sayron says,  wrapping his arms around himself. Yeah, happy birthday to me. I thought, letting a breath of air push out of my lungs into a sigh. The dark blue sky covered the arena in a purplish blue that calmed me down, but I could lightly see auroras forming high above me. I start to think how Jin would react to this. Oh my God! This is so cool! I pictured Jin saying.

  The auroras started to form into a bright neon green that spread along the purple hints in the sky. I look back at Sayron, who is to invested admiring the terrain to look up, and whisper his name.

   “Sayron, look! Auroras! Aren't they cool?” I asked him as I pointed up to the sky. His eyes widened and shined in the auroras light reflecting there themselves onto us.

   “Woah, these are cool.” He said amazed, staring at the sky. A smile formed in his lips, bringing out his straight white teeth again.

  I decided to focus of Sayron instead of crying over Jin. I think it's the appropriate thing to do in the arena. If I don't make it, I would like Sayron too win in my name,and for me to do the same. And if I want that to happen, I have to be a team with him. I can't be careless and just team up with someone and not promise to protect with our lives.

  I whine in pain, bringing my bloody covered hand to my infected cut on my cheek. My mind flashes back to when Hoseok's blade cut threw my cheek when he tried to attack me at the beginning of the games. I haven't put anything on it or anything to help it, I had it out in the open for four days now. Around the cut is a deep red and the cut itself is gross and still wide open.

 Sayron lunges himself towards me, grabbing my chin and bringing it up for him to look at. I squinted his eyes to focus more since the night is old, but the auroras light makes it bright enough to see.

  “There are red streaks in your skin coming from it. Along with a bit of Cloudy wound drainage. Your cut is infected and we need to get it attention, quick. Or else it will poison your blood with the bacteria around here and kill you.” Sayron exclaimed in a crack voice, noticing how bad my wound really is. He looked at my cut after my visit with Jin's, you know, and he seemed to be calm about it.

  I looked into Sayron's eyes after he looked at my cut, his eyes of worry meet my eyes of fear.

      “We don’t need to worry about this now, let's get to a place of safety then try to fix it. Now that most of the tributes are dead and only like five tributes are left excluding us, the feast will surely come any day now.” I say, smiling at Sayron and continued to walk through the long grass, leaves, and tall trees. The auroras still shined brighter than my future, more brighter than anyone's.

       “Hey!” I suddenly hear to the right of me. My heart sank when I hear the deep man's voice approach Sayron and I. I hold my breath and close my eyes tightly, expecting to be killed right then and there, but I feel a hand push me back slightly. I open my eyes, looking up to Sayron in front of me.

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