Chapter 22

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*Warning, heavy curse words in this chapter!!*

      "Are you fucking stupid or something?" Jimin let his mind do the talking, saying what is printed in his brain. But I'm not kidding around, I don't believe Y/N is dead. There is not way.

    "There is no was he is dead." I spoke, watching Jimin flinch in pain while he stood up from the ground I threw him on.

     I grabbed his arm and quickly pulled his body off the ground, hearing a grunt from him as well and a shove to the chest.

     "Don't fucking touch me you-"

     "Stop being a total rat shitting douchebag and listen to me for God's sake dammit." I spit in his face, two inches away, staring into his eyes with pure angry but a hint of guilt. I could be wrong about this feeling, and I could be giving him and I false hope.

     "Listen, Yoongi-"

     "You don't call me Yoongi, call me Suga. I don't want my name coming out of your mouth."

      "Fine, fine, Suga, I know for some odd reason you and Y/N were close once, you broke off and suddenly you come back together best friends again. And I know seeing her die like that-"

      "Stop trying to give me a Ted Talk. I just came or of hell that forced me to kill many people for the sake of being god damnit rich under my will. I didn't want to kill anyone, I didn't want to see anyone die, I didn't want to sacrifice my life all being of a person or people wanted me to just for there games." I held my fingers into Jimin's shirt vet tightly to the point that I'm not sure if the shirt can last any longer. I don't blink away from Jimin's eyes, and I have no desire to.

        "If you didn't want to kill anyone, sacrifice your life or watch people die, then why did you murder someone and blame it on someone else who is now a Avox." Jimin said in a rather angry voice, not believing my words and taking other sources.
        "I didn't kill anyone before the games. And after the games, I am not afraid to kill anyone else. Even if that's killing Y/N's best friend." I spit into his face again.

        "Just let me tell you this, that no one knows." I spoke softly this game, I leaned forward to Jimin's ear. I could feel how uncomfortable he was when I got closer.

        "Wha- Suga-"

        "I hear her."


         I pull away from him and I stare at him once more, looking into his confused yet desperate eyes of his. Dark yet creamy, hard yet gentle, Angry yet sad. I let go of his shirt, I push him away from me and I start to think. But I can seem to wider what I'm thinking of or why I'm even here in the first place. I wonder.

           "Suga?" Jimin's voice spoke to me but I couldn't seem to understand. I couldn't look at him and wonder what life meant. I could bear the thought of asking him. Are the things that I was born to do already be done. And if so, what am I doing here.
          "I here her, talking to me in my head. Telling me that I've done life wrong. Telling me that something is wrong with me and that I'm the reason she died. I'm the reason she killed herself. I the reason she's gone and that we'll never get her back. Never." I started to ramble on and on and I couldn't understand.

          "It's okay, Yoongi. It's okay." Jimin's voice sounded more feminine, sounded like s women I've know for a while. I liked up at him, and I noticed that it wasn't him. Y/N stood right in front of me, looking at me with her captivating eyes that I used to get lost in.
         "No, no, no it's not. " I push Y/N away, then she turned back into Jimin with his confused look on his face. I pushed him hard away from me. Y/N is alive but I can't bare to look at her.


         "Jimin... You fucking jackass."

         "Says the one thats going crazy o-"

         I reach my arm over Jimin's shoulders, feeling the tension build up between us. His face turned pink and his eyes were wide. He put his hands on my sides to push me away, but I ignored his efforts.

        "Jimin, come with me, we have some business."

        "Suga, you were literally have a mental crisis and then you wrap your arms around me and ask me to come home with you? Are you fucking insane Min Yoongi! Who do you think I am!? Going from missing my dead friend to being dragged to your home!"
           "Oh just shut the hell up." I did the unthinkable. Unimaginable. I leaned forward towards his face and kissed his cheeks. I wasn't kids mg Jimin, or I mean I was but, I felt Y/N help me reveal something that I didn't think I was able to find out myself. I loved Y/N, I'll die for her all over again and again and again, but I knew something wasn't right.

         "Are you fucking insane!?" Jimin said flusterly.

      "I guess I am Jimin. But we still have things to do."

       "Like what?"

       "How to bring what was once thieving to it's rightful place of happiness and prosperity. And he'll isn't where she belongs." I spoke, not truly sure of what I was saying. 

       Surprisingly, Jimin nodded, still trying to get away from my grasp while I held him by his hair of his head.

      "What is that supposed to fucking mean Min Yoongi!" Jimin yelled.

      "It means shut the fuck up and come with me. These games aren't over, I won't let them be till I find out something very important." I spoke finally getting Jimin to step wiggling around like a fish out of water.

      "You confuse me Suga." Jimin spoke,finally giving up on the thought of escaping my grasp.

I know I know, it's a bit of a confusing ending. Ask me any questions that you may have about this story. And, would you guys like a part 2 to this story? Tell me if you want it. Ily guys, byeeeee!!

Haha, I actually got you guys. Did I? The story hasn't ended yet. The last episode will be the one that you guys might like or hate depending on you. But, be up for someone to be hurt. Badly.

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