Chapter 16

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 Is this the end?


   “Thank you.” I said to the 15-year-old boy while get tossed me an apple. I immediately bit into it, looking at my bit I printed into the apple. The memory of Jin's last moments with me lingers in my brain still, the memory of his dead corpse falls into my brain, bringing a shiver down my spine.

    “I saw you… The time when you were trapped by that Taehyung guy from district 5.” The boy whispered, bringing my attention from the memory's of Jin to him now.

    “You saw that? That was a long while ago. At the beginning, before any of this started.” I said, taking another bit of my apple. I looked at Namjoon, who was standing in front of me with his back towards me. I tried to stop my thoughts heading the wrong railway, but Namjoon's ass looked great in those black leather jeans he was wearing.

    “May I ask you a question?” He asked, which brought my attention back to him instead of Namjoon ass.

    “Go ahead kid.” I said, sinking my teeth I to the apple once again, ripping off another chunk of it.

    “If you were to bring back on e tribute  what tribute would you choose?” His question stopped me from thinking anything. I wanted to pick Sayron, but Jin scratched his way into my brain,leaving his mark in my brain forever.

   “That boy that was with me that day, his name was Jin.I would bring him back.” I said softly, imagining Jin's smile spreading across his face in my head.

   “I see. I don't know who I would  ring back. I didn't really team up with anyone besides that other 15 year old girl. Her name was Claire.” The boy said, seeing him try to hold back a frown.

   “What's your name?” I asked, watching him shoot his eyes to meet mine. I see the unsteadiness in his eyes, the frightening feeling of losing someone close.

   “Henry, Henry Seabury. That's my name.” The boy said, staring into my eyes with the sense of comfort calming his eyes.

   "My name is-" I was cut off by a sudden loud horn echoing itself into the arena. I turn to Namjoon to see him run back to me and Henry. The voice that I haven't heard in a while speaks, making it noticeable that some event is gonna take place.

   "Good morning tributes! Oh I have an event for you to take place in! This year in the Hunger Games, we'll be having a danger in the forest game. It's kind of like the feast, but more deadly. I can't wait to see your faces when you react to this! Well, good luck tributes. And may the odds be ever in your favor!" At that, the announcement ended with the cheerful announcers voice. I look at Namjoon, watching his face turn into fear.

    "What does that mean?" Henry asked, watching Namjoon and I's reaction to the announcement. I let out a sigh,taking another bit of my apple. I sigh, trying not to worry about the announcement.

   "Y/N." I suddenly hear a voice so familiar to one I've heard before. My body froze, my stomach dropping into fear, my nose filling with the sickening stench of a dead corpse. I turn around, my throat wanting to vomit my apple right back up. A blade pointed at me from the person, the dead look he gave me haunted my body. I look at his eyes in complete fear, wanting to vomit.

   "Sayron…" Namjoon said breathlessly, freezing my bones still. Tears formed in my eyes, bleeding out of my eyes and down my cheeks. My hands started to tremble, looking at the person who died for me, stand in front of me. Sayron quickly throw the blade down at me, but I quickly moved my arm in front of me, causing Sayron to cut my arm. I threw myself back, pushing Henry and Namjoon back.

    "Run!" I yell, watching Namjoon grab Henry and book it into the forest. I took a few steps back,processing the events in my head. Sayron ran at me, throwing himself at me. I quickly run away from him, making him stab his blade into a tree. I continued to run, not looking back.

    I catch up to Henry and Namjoon, only to see a little girl around Henry's age attacking them. I quickly grabbed my knife that I tied to my shorts and broke the strong that connected me and the knife together. I lunged the knife into the girls lungs, throwing her to the ground. I quickly pulled the knife out of her, slamming it back into her chest. The overwhelming smell of human corpse filled my nose, pushing me off the girl. The girl stop up, looking at me with the most disgusting look ever.

    I heard Sayron pop up from where I was. I looked back at Sayron, noticing he had another person with him. The boy with his last moments with me was to kiss me, Jin stood beside Sayron. Tears continued to bleed out of my eyes, seeing the horror that the GameMakers did to these innocent people. My wipers didn't help when they stepped closer and closer to us three.

      I noticed that Namjoon didn't have any weapon on him. I cursed out loud, ready to do what I must. I held my knife tighter, ready protect these two at all cost. My arm bleed more and more by the second. Namjoon hovering over Henry to protect him.

    "Guys, I need you to run over there! I see a camp over there, it will most likely be Yoongi and Jungkook's camp. Go and be safe!" I yell, pushing them over to the camp. Henry turned back to me, fear engulfing his eyes. I smile, knowing what my fate was. Namjoon picked up Henry in his shoulder and ran, leaving me with the three of these zombie monsters. I smile at Jin, replaying my last moment if him alive. I dropped my blade, accepting my fate at this point. The three if the surrounded me, trapping me from escaping. I look down to my bloody arm, the deep cut stinging me.

    "So this is how I'll die huh?" I said, looking into Sayron's dead eyes. I closed my eyes, smiling afterwards.

Hope speaking! -

Sorry that this is so short. I just wrote this today and I didn't want to skip a week without any chapter updates. Despite this, I hope you like this chapter! I might put these little comments at the end of the chapters now, idk. I PURPLE YOU GUYS! 👫👬👭

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