Connverse/Stevonnie (Don't hate me for what I say, if you like it or not)

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Whatever I say, don't hate me if you disagree. I know some people on here who thinks Connverse/Stevonnie is trash. Now don't go hating on them. (Plus, I already blocked the two people who's been harassing some of them for hating it so I should be good)

*Deep breath* Please.

So I'm in the middle of liking and disliking the ship. I shipped them a little bit before. And you should know that I started watching the show after SDCC 2018 (July 2018), after they showed Legs From Here to Homeworld in Comic Con.

Now, I didn't watch Dewey Wins until I don't remember when, like at least September? But I didn't know that people didn't like how Connie behaved there until some point in the past few months.

I like Connie, okay? Plus, Stevonnie is actually one of my favorite fusions. But I don't think she will end up with Steven.

I think what I'm saying in conclusion is that I kinda ship them a little. BUT that doesn't mean I like Stevethyst less.

Again, don't give me hate for what I said. 











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