This Ship....(Pearlx???)

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I made the title seem suspicious so I can tell you the small backstory of yesterday which was April fools day. (4/1/2019)

So one of the fan accounts of Steven Universe I follow on Instagram changed her account up for the day. Her favorite character is Pearl (she is gay for Pearl) and she did a set of posts of Pearl x Mayor Dewey (Pewey). She lost followers because of this joke and I don't know if they had come back.

I'll tell you my opinion on the actual ship.

I'm not into this ship, like it's a hated ship and a ship you never think of. I mean, it's obvious that Dewey actually has a crush on Pearl (calling her "the hot one" in Political Power, saying that the gems are Steven's "sisters").

The only humans that will ever be shipped with gems is Greg with Rose (and possibly another gem or two shipped with him).

So this ship is one of those hated but forgotten/unknown ships in Steven Universe.

Note to That mentioned Person: If you end up finding this book and this part on this website/app over me talking about your 2019 April fools joke, it was actually pretty clever. I don't like the ship myself and I have a small feeling that you don't actually like the ship either. You're still awesome! ❤️











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