Chapter 2

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I walk up to Milly still seething and she looks petrified. 

"What?! I didn't do anything! Okay fine I ate the doughnut I bought you I am so sorry, I was so hungry and it was practically begging me to eat it and who am I to make a doughnut miserable!" she looks guilty bless her, I burst out laughing at her confession and she giggles nervously.   

"oh sweetie i'm not angry at you, just this guy I met, the new geography teacher he just made me so angry but damn you! I wanted that doughnut you fatty!" I laugh and she pokes my belly.   

"babes by the looks of it I did you a favour!" she teases and I shriek and run away from her tickles into the arms of Carlton. Our best friend.   

"dude! Why didn't you hang out all summer?!" he yells in my ear and I hold my ears as I pull out of his death grip hug.    "dude!" I mock "I was busy remember I had work, staying at my aunts and babysitting." I explain or rather I lie. He nods and accepts it quickly launching into a full description of his holiday in Kenya and how many girls he met out there and how many girls he pulled. Basically Carlton is a ladies magnet an he loves it completely. Proud to the core of his player attitude. However I know how much Milly likes him, she has been in love with him forever.   

Carlton is very tall at 6'2 and being in the football team he is also muscular. His short black hair and eerie blue eyes make a combination that results in the typical hot bad bad. Sometimes I wonder why he is friends with us considering we are quite nerdy. He runs on to tell more people about his holiday and the girls.  Milly subtly nudges me and stares at me silently judging.   

"you know you are going to have to tell him about your dad one day you can't keep it from everyone" I glare at her for mentioning it. "oh come on Storm! Who is going to by that act of you going to your aunts all summer! People say you out and about!" I slap her on the arm gently warning her to stop and she shuts up.   

Milly was never a fool. She knew from the very first time he marked my skin which was a month after my mother dies and I have never been able to fool her otherwise. She always begs me to leave and come live with her just like i can hear her begging me to do so now. But we both know it will only make things worse. People would ask questions. Questions are bad.   

"like I said you always have a home wherever I am" I hug her gratefully and she pats my arm fondly calling me dopey.   

We fall into our seats in our first lesson of the day. Psychology. Oh what fun. Mr O' Donal is in a foul mood despite it only being the first day back. Well this is going to be a fun year!  

"so how are you holding up after the bastard catastrophe?" Milly whispers sympathetically an I feel my insides flare with anger. The strange thing is I never felt sadness towards him just anger. How dare he treat me the way he had. I never loved him I just thought I did   

"absolutely great! Glad I be rid of his" I laugh ignoring the tiny amount of fear my mind still held for him. Liam was bad from the beginning I just didn't want I see it through all his perfectness that was his lie. 'slut!' 'whore!' 'worthless!' his voice yells at my mind and I wince. I build up a wall around it do I can ignore it once again.   

"glad to hear babes" she smiles.   

"Miss Smith! Miss Thomas! Quieter down now! I won't have another year of your constant gossiping at the back of my classroom " Mr O'Donal yells at us, his face red with anger as he puffs out his chests to appear bigger bless him. We mutter our apologises not wanting to e the cause of his inevitable heart attack. But we both know he won't do anything. The amount I time Milly and I have been told off for talking is impossible I count but since we get straight As no teacher follows through on their threats. It's brilliant.   

"so apparently there is a new hot geography teacher I can wait I meet him" Milly brushes her hair out of her eyes showing off her beautiful hair, she thinks she can pull him despite him being a teacher.   

"already met him" I mutter remembering his amazingly handsome face and body. Oh my that body. I shake my head in annoyance. He kept creeping into my head all day. 

"the one that annoyed you this morning?! That's him?" she laughs incredulously

"is he hot?" she asked curiously.   

"I guess of you can get past his arrogance and big headed ego!" I growl annoyed already " and Milly you don't even take geography you won't meet him!" I laugh and she stares at me as if I'm an idiot.   

"trust me if he is hot I'll find a way to meet him!" she laughs and hugs me goodbye and walks off but the problem is the idea of her getting him makes me strangely jealous. That's not right!   

I walk to sociology and Carlton plonks down beside me and rests his head on the table like he always does. I pay his arm sympathetically , he enjoys learning sociology just not the experience. He is the only boy is a class of twenty girls and our teacher is not only a feminist but a radical feminist. Not even stereotypical, she is a tiny young thing but bloody hell does she hate guys especially Carlton.    

"one more year" I hear Carlton muttering under his breath as Miss Townsend charges into the classroom firing questions at us well I say us it was more at Carlton as she likes to make him look stupid which is impossible since he answers every question perfectly. That's the difference between us he just knows it all instantly while I have to revise my butt off and more to barely scrap an A.   

The lesson drags on for two hours. Two hours of Carlton squirming in fear and annoyance while us girls set back and let her praise us on everything we did simply because we were female and in this room we were the dominate gender for once. I admit  I like that she stands for a good issue but she takes it a little to far sometimes.   

We walk out in a daze sitting quietly in the lounge for Milly to arrive so that we can regain our mental strength lost during that harsh lesson. Milly bounds over sitting between Carlton and i a little to close to him but both seem happy is happy to be close to the guy she likes and he is happy because he just lives attention dim girls and Milly have him attention constantly.    The bell sadly rings after a fun lunch of catching up and avoiding Carlton's questions of where I was all summer. Milly's glares telling me I should tell the fifth but I don't want to. Things change when you tell people that sort of thing. They don't want to know you anymore or simply go on as if you never told them. As if your pain doesn't matter. Milly was the only one who ever stuck by me and tried to support me.    We say goodbye for the day and he's to our last lesson. Mine? Geography. Great. I have to face my own version of hell. Mr Patricks. 



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