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kim taehyung

it was the next day, and taehyung didn't know what to do with jimin. last night, when they had arrived home from the mall, the two boys spent most of the night playing board games with the fam. they had worked on homework as well, and taught jada some more korean. they didn't know much about each other yet, and the younger was hoping to learn more soon. but right now, he had to makes some plans before his mother would try and make them do something stupid.

"finally," jimin suddenly groaned, letting his head rest against the back of the chair.

"finally what?" taehyung questioned, sitting crisscrossed on his bed.

"oh. i just finished my homework," jimin grinned, shoving his work into the grocery bag.

"we're buying you new school supplies," taehyung decided, sick of seeing jimin live like this.

"b-but all of my stuff is at my house. i-i'll just use this until i go back." jimin lowered his head down in shame, his long hair covering half his face, embarrassed that he's being treated this way.

"i've also decided you're getting a haircut today," taehyung continued to ignore jimin, and jumped off of his bed. jimin huffed, crossing his arms.

"go get ready, i'll be downstairs waiting."


"tae, i'm scared," jimin admitted as he sat down on the hairdressers chair.

"why? it's just a hair cut. and you need one."

"i know... but,, i haven't been to a hair salon since i was a little kid." jimin frowned as he looked at his reflection. his hair was too long. it was damaged. yuck.

"do you know what you want done?" taehyung questioned, taking a seat on a bench close to jimin.

"i ain't going blonde like you, tae. that's for sure." jimin didn't mean it in a offensive way, but it sounded like it.

"yah! are you making fun of my hair," taehyung pouted, looking as if he could cry.

"no! i mean that i can't pull off blonde like you can. blonde suits you. nothing suits me."

"chim, if i hear one more negative comment about yourself come out of that mouth of yours, i will not hesitate to demolish you," taehyung glared at the elder, jimin not even flinching at the evil stare.

"what are you going to do? kick me out. don't worry, i'm used to it." silence. that's all they heard.

"jimin, that's not funny. you know i would never do tha-."

"good afternoon, gentlemen," a young lady interrupted. "now what do you want to have done today?"

"he would like a trim similar to this," taehyung showed a picture to the lady while whispering a hair colour as well.

"okay, let's get to work!"

the mirror was removed from in front of jimin, so he couldn't see anymore.

"hey, when did i agree to this?" jimin pouted, scrunching up his nose.

"i'm paying, so be quiet. also i'm getting my hair done as well, so bye!" taehyung kissed the top of jimin's head before leaving the flushed boy.


an hour later, taehyung was done and went to see how jimin was doing.

at this point, jimin had a blindfold over his eyes as they styled his hair. the mirror was also back up, waiting for the elder to see his new hair.

"hey, jimin, i'm back!" taehyung sung, startling jimin.

"what'd you get done?" the older asked, very impatient at this point.

"it's a surprise," taehyung giggled, knowing jimin would be upset.

"what's with you and surprises?!" jimin groaned, tempted to rip off the blindfold.

"here, i'll give you a hint. you look fucking hot." taehyung teased even more, jimin continuing to whine.

"we're done!" the lady finally said, slowly removing the blindfold. jimin's vision was blurry for a few moments, but when he got into focus, his jaw dropped.

now he looked like a completely different person. no way his parents would recognize him. he looked like someone who had extra cash, and too much of it.

"so, do you like it?" taehyung asked, putting his head next to jimin's as they looked into the mirror.

"yes! i— i don't look poor anymore!" jimin's lips started to quiver, taehyung smiled sadly at him.

"what about mine? is it good?"

jimin was too busy looking at himself to even pay attention to the younger. but when he did, he swore he almost had a heart attack.

"wow. you look really fucking cool," jimin chuckled, wiping his tears. taehyung has dyed his hair blue, while jimin's was pink.

"we're matching," taehyung smiled, fixing jimin's bangs as they got messy when he cried. taehyung noticed how much shorter it was. his smile grew.

"oh my god! we're cotton candy!" the elder screamed, jumping up to give taehyung a hug. "thank you, thank you, thank you!"

the lady who had done jimin's hair smiled at the two, and motioned for them to go to the front counter.

"you're welcome, chimchim. now let's pay." taehyung grabbed jimin's hand, leading the way.

taehyung was happy for the elder. he's never seen jimin look so happy. it makes taehyung feel as if he's done something right for once. he smiles down at jimin once more before pulling out his wallet.

"that will be $275," taehyung didn't look at jimin when he pulled out he money.

just these couple days taehyung has spent more than $1,000 on jimin.

there was no way jimin could ever pay him back.

jimin's stomach sunk. "tae... where do you get all of this money?"

"eh, i have my ways. but that's not important. our next task is getting you a job!" taehyung thanked the lady once more before grabbing jimin's hand and leaving the salon.

today was going to be fun.


i had an ice cap at like 7:00pm so i ain't sleeping tonight 🤪✊ why not update ?

aLsO idk why i'm telling you this... but was i the only one who never really had a "crush" when they were younger?

and whenever one of my friends asked, i always said some random dudes name from our class sksksk. there was a time i was questioning myself too, so i pretended to have a crush on this guy because i didn't want to have feelings for a girl. i ain't homophobic or anything (obviously), but i'm aware that me liking the same gender wont be easy (especially because my extended family isn't supportive). my dad's my number one supporter tho, and won't hesitate to knock out a bitch if they talk shit abt me.

but uH i've found out jeon jungkook is the only man who keeps me straight 😔

and yeah i have a gf who i love with my whole heart and is prettier than everyone ever 🥺💞

^if for some reason you're reading this, baby, i love youu kiss kiss 😚 💗

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