Chapter Eleven

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Warning: Sensitive Scene Ahead. Contains language as well.

Lyla's Point of View

"I'm late I'm late I'm late." I said over and over as I grabbed my coat and slipped on my shoes.

I took a quick glance in the mirror and fixed my tie.

My boss is going to kill me.

"Jin, watch over everyone please. Don't let Suga eat Namjoon. Watch out for Taehyung trying to eat your feathers. I love
you guys!" I grabbed my purse and slung it over my shoulder.

I glanced over and saw Suga eyeing Namjoon.

I threw Suga his little mouse. Immediately, Suga put all of his attention on the mouse.

I smiled and picked up Jungkook. He kept hopping on my feet.

"I'll be back at lunch, okay? Ill be back." I hugged him gently.

I sat him down on the floor next to Jimin.

Hobi barked and wagged his tail.

"Bye Sweeties!" I shut the door and locked it.

Then I started running.

"Crap crap crap." I looked at the time on my phone.

I'm supposed to be there in 6 minutes.

Jungkook kept following me and Suga kept trying to eat Namjoon. Jin was 'fighting' with Hobi and Jimin.

Taehyung was chasing Jimin around the apartment. It was utter chaos. But, a good chaos. I couldn't help but smile at
the thought of the seven of them going everywhere.

Hopefully everything will be okay. I have a shift at 7, but my boss wants me there no later than 6:45 so I can set
everything up. 7-11:30 Then 12:30-4:55.

The outfit I have to wear is pretty simple. Black dress pants with a tucked in white dress shirt. A black tie and a black waitress pocket skirt thingy.

4 minutes.

Ok ok ok. I can make it.

I got stopped at the pedestrian cross walk.

Tapping my foot, I checked the time again.

1 minute.

The restaurant is just across the street.

"Come on." I bounced on the balls of my feet.



I sprinted around the people and ran to the restaurant. Grabbing my keys, I realized that it was already unlocked.

"Oh no." I whispered.

He's in there.

I opened the door slowly, trying not to make any noise.

Silently, I closed the door as well.

I tip toed throughout the restaurant towards the back room.

I walked through the opened and door and I was pulled to the side by my hair.

"The fuck have you been?! You're late!" He screamed in my face.

"I-I'm sorry." I mumbled, looking down, trying to ignore the fact that he was digging his nails into my arms as he held
me in front of him.

"Like hell you are!" He spat as he punched me.

I fell to the ground, holding my cheek.

My tears splattered on the ground.

I closed my eyes tight as I watched my boss get ready to kick me.

"Boss." A voice spoke.

I looked up, fear shaking me.

Jose pulled me up from the floor.

"I think she learned her lesson." He defended quietly.

My boss huffed in annoyance and stormed off.

"Are you okay?" He whispered, looking me in my eyes.

I nodded and sniffed.

He grabbed me a tissue.

"Thank you." I smiled gently at him.

My boss is a horrible man. But we all need the money, and he won't let us quit. He threatens us. He knows our
addresses. We're forced to stay here. everyone is too scared to report him. I'm his punching bag. He throws insults at
everyone else, including me.

I straightened my tie.

"Let's get everything set up, shall we?" I asked Jose with a small smile.

Namjoon's Point Of View

"You almost killed me!" I shouted at Suga.

"No I didn't." Suga yawned.

"Yes you did! Jin! Tell him he almost killed me!" I whined, turning to Jin.

"I'm staying out of this." Jin told me, flying around with his tiny bird plushie.

"Jungkook, come play with us." Taehyung called out.

I turned my attention to the younger three.

It looked like Jimin and Taehyung were playing, and trying to get Jungkook to join. But I noticed Jungkook sitting in
front of the front door, staring up at it attentively.

"I have to wait for her." Jungkook said, determination shining through his voice.

"Welp," Jin sighed. "I'm turning into a human."

"What?!" I shouted.

"You, you can't do that! What if she catches you!" Jimin stutters.

"She won't be back till noon or something. Besides, it's been years since I've been a human. I miss my beautiful face."
Jin landed on the ground and ruffled his feathers.

"I wanna be human." I heard a whisper.

I turned towards Hobi.

He had his head down.

"I miss being human." Taehyung added, joining us all.

"Well then." I smiled. "What are we waiting for?"


End Of Chapter Eleven

I'm sorry for the late update! I'll probably be averaging at least one update per week, most likely on Saturdays.


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