e.d. ; alcoholic

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Your POV

The sound of the door slamming echoed throughout the living room. I ignored it, knowing it was Ethan. "Where's my goddamn Pepsi, y/n?!" He yelled, slamming all of the cabinet doors in the kitchen. I groaned and took off my headphones, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"You drank it already, dumbass," I snapped. He ripped open the refrigerator door and pulled out a beer can, cracking it open with a flick of his fingers. He shoved me to the side and headed up the stairs without closing the fridge door. I closed it for him and followed him up the stairs. "Why the hell are you following me?" He asked once we were both on the second floor.

His voice scared me, but I never acted like it. Being scared when he was drunk just made me feel weak. "Because I'm going to bed. And you're sleeping in the living room tonight," I said as I stepped into our room, turning on the light. "Like hell I am," he said. I changed into an oversized t-shirt and pajama shorts, then threw my hair up in a bun. I threw him a blanket and a pillow. "Go."

He slammed them against the wall, I guess totally unaware to the fact that they made no sound at all. "I'm not sleeping in the living room, y/n!" He roared, kicking the hell out of the bedroom door, making me flinch. "Ethan, you're drunk, and I need some space from you."

"Whatever, bitch," he snapped, storming down the hall. "I'm going to the store for more beer."

"Like hell you are," I yelled, following him down the hall. "You're too drunk, you're not driving. You'll kill yourself, Ethan."

"Good!" He yelled. "Then maybe I can have some peace and quiet without being interrogated by your whiny ass." He grabbed his jacket off of the coat rack and searched the living room for his car keys.

I sighed and tried to push aside what he said, telling myself that it was the alcohol making him this way. "Ethan, stop. You're not going anywhere. You just need to go to bed and get a good night's sleep."

"Don't tell me what to do, you stupid bitch," he slurred. "I'll do whatever the hell I want." He threw the pillows off the couch and across the room, still searching for his keys. He groaned in frustration.

"For the love of God, Ethan just stop!" I yelled. He stopped and turned around to face me, still holding a couch cushion in his hand. "Did you just yell at me?" He said through his teeth.

I cringed at the sound of his voice and took a step back. He walks toward me and firmly grabbed me by the shoulders, shaking me roughly. "Did you?!" He yelled in my face. I felt tears fall down my face as I tore myself away from his grasp.

"Get out!" I screamed at him. "Just leave! Get all your shit and never come back!"

He looked me dead in the eyes and turned around, storming out the front door. Not another word, nothing, he was just gone. I fell to the floor and let out loud, uncontrollable sobs. I hated him, I absolutely hated him.

Even though I didn't.

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