g.d. ; his hoodie

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(Hello, I'm feeling angsty so I'm here to ruin your night)

Your POV:
I opened the door to our apartment and hesitated walking in at first. I felt like I was intruding. The whole room was dark, with no color, and no outside light to shine in. It was pouring rain outside, and the sky was pitch black. I stepped in slowly and shut the door behind me. I flipped on the light switch next to the door.

I crossed my arms across my chest and kicked my shoes off. Everything was so quiet, yet far from peaceful. The kitchen was a mess, the living room was a mess, and I can guarantee every other room in this whole place was a mess.

I threw my keys down on the table on the other side of the door and turned on a few more lamps in the living room. There were two wine glasses sitting on the glass coffee table, one was half full, and one empty. My heart sank as I picked them up and carried them to the kitchen. I poured out the half full one then put them both in the sink before heading down the hallway to our bedroom.

I turned on the light and headed straight for the closet to get some clothes to change into. I stripped off my black dress and took down my hair, throwing both my hair tie and my dress onto the bed.

I dug out an old tshirt and a pair of old gym shorts and called it a night. I stepped out of the closet and into the actual room, and immediately wish I hadn't.

I could practically picture it a week ago. The sun poured in through the window and turned the whole room a golden orange color, the little specs of dust you could clearly see floating about in the morning sun's rays...

Everything was perfect. Everything was peaceful. He would kiss me good morning then get up and head to the bathroom, and I would wait patiently for him to come back, because he always did. He always came back.

I felt tears fall down my face as I let my thoughts run deeper and deeper. It was only a week ago, but it feels like it's been years. He was right here. Right within arms reach, and now he's nowhere to be seen.

I sobbed quietly and climbed under the sheets on his side, tucking my face into his pillow. I could still smell him and feel his warmth; it was like he was right there. I grabbed the loose blanket beside me hard enough to make my knuckles turn white, and sobbed hard enough to lose my breath several times.

I tucked myself in by pulling up the sheets and felt something touch my leg. I jumped up, and saw an imprint under the sheets. I pushed them back, and saw his hoodie laying there, untouched, like it'd been there forever.

I dropped my face in my hands at the sight of it. "No, no, no," I whispered repeatedly as I grabbed it with a shaky hand. I immediately held it up to my face, smelling it like I always did when he left clothes here.

It smelled like he'd just taken it off maybe five minutes ago. The cologne was still fresh, and the coffee stains were still on the sleeves. I slipped it on over my head and let the ridiculously oversized sleeves and torso swallow me.

I was sobbing uncontrollably, loud enough and hard enough to make my throat raw. I stumbled out of bed to turn off the light, and then went right back to his side of the bed. I held his pillow in my arms and wrapped myself around it like a vine.

"Please come back to me, baby," I sobbed quietly. "Please."

I thought maybe if I said it enough, that'd it would eventually. He'd come running in through the door and throw himself on the bed with that winning smile on his face. He had to come back, he had to. He always came back.

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