g.d. ; promise ring

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Grayson's POV
"Gray, what are we doing out here?" She asked, giggling as I lead her into the center of the basketball court. I had brought her to our favorite spot, the old basketball court at our town park. The cement was cracked and the goals had no nets, but out of all the spots we could've chose to hang out in this town, this court has always been our first pick.

I have had this planned for a few weeks now. Our two year anniversary was coming up, and I wanted to get her something really special and really meaningful. I asked my mom and dad for a few ideas, and the first thing they both told me was a promise ring. I searched online for hours, until I finally found a store that could custom make them.

So, tonight was it. Our two year anniversary. I could hardly believe it. I firmly held the ring box in my hoodie pocket, and could feel myself start to nervous sweat.

"Grayson?" She asked, dragging out the letters of my name. She let out small laughs, and smiled when I turned around to face her. I took both of her hands in mine, and let out a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"Now," I started. "You and I both know, I'm not a writer, or a crier, but I guess for the next few minutes I might be a little bit of both."

She furrowed her eyebrows at me. "Gray, what's wrong?"

I shook my head and kept going. "I love you so, so much, y/n. More than I will ever be able to put into words, or show with actions. You are my heart and soul. You're my home." My voice was already getting shaky. I raised my eyes from the ground to meet hers, which were as bright and sparkly as always.

"I love your smile," I said, my voice cracking at random, but I did my best at laughing through it. "I love your laugh, I love your eyes, I love your heart. I love how you always try to impress me by watching scary movies even though you're terrified of them, I love how you bite the eraser completely off the end of your pencil when you think really hard, I love how you throw your hair up into a crazy messy bun when you're working on something..."

I cut myself off, because this could go on forever. Lord knows there isn't a single thing I don't love about her.

Her eyes were starting to fill with tears, and that sweet and breathtaking smile grew softer and softer by the minute. "Gray," she said quietly. I dropped her hands and reached into my pocket. I took out the small black box, flipping the top up to reveal the ring. She let out a small gasp as the tears came pouring down her face.

"This isn't a proposal, because we have a long way to go before that, but it's the first half," I said.

I sniffed and took the ring out of the box, placing it on her finger. "It's a promise that no matter what happens, I will love you for the rest of my life, and nothing will ever change that. It's a promise that I will never leave, or hurt you in any possible way, it's a promise that I will always be whatever you need me to be, at any time, and it's a promise that I will spend the rest of my days trying to make you as happy as what you make me."

She admired the ring, more tears falling down her face. "Grayson, it's beautiful," she said in between small sobs. I took her in my arms, finally letting the tears fall down my face. She wrapped her arms around me, burying her face in my chest. "I love you so much," she sobbed out.

"I love you so much more," I said shakily.

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