e.d. | morning

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Ethan's POV
The sun invaded the space from the windows across the room, painting the room in a orange/tan color. The carpet and the walls seemed to be glowing, and I could see little specks of dust floating around the room in the rays of light. I'd been awake for a few minutes now, and my eyes were just beginning to adjust.

I rolled over on my back and stared up at the ceiling, letting my eyes drift shut a little before subtle movements beside me woke me up again. Y/n was still peacefully asleep, as I expected her to be. She doesn't wake up until almost one in the afternoon. Not even kidding.

She had the blanket wrapped around her from shoulders down, with just her neck and face exposed.

She was beautiful every single moment of every day, but there was something exceptionally beautiful about her in the morning. She seemed so soft, so angelic, so natural. No makeup, no crazy faces like she always makes, just her face completely untouched.

He lips were parted slightly, and her hair that had originally been thrown into a crazy messy bun before bed last night had now fallen lose, the hair tie probably lost in the sheets somewhere. A few lose strands had fallen down in her face, so I used the tips of my fingers to push them to the side and behind her ear. She stayed still, breathing steadily.

I lowered my head onto my pillow so that we were facing each other, but not touching. I know how overwhelmingly creepy it sounds, but there was nothing better to me than waking up in the morning and looking over at her sleeping next to me. It's like I have her for this short period of time where she can't hide her face when I say she's beautiful, or she can't try to say how ugly she is. There's nothing more beautiful than this.

She shifted around a little bit more, stretching her arm up and letting it fall back down, her hand resting in front of her face. I took her hand in mine and kissed her lips as softly as I could. A tiny smile appeared on her face as she pulled the blanket up passed her face. "Were you watching me sleep, weirdo?"

I chuckled and pulled the blanket back down and pulled her into me. She nuzzled into my chest and kissed my jaw, making her way up to my lips. "Good morning, beautiful," I said with a smile on my face. She smiled and kissed me over and over again. "Your breath smells awful, E," she said before rolling out of bed and running her hands through her hair.

I watched her as she stumbled into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. I smiled to myself like an idiot and covered myself up with the blanket, letting myself fall back asleep.

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