Chapter Fourteen

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Harry stands next to his high chair at the kitchen island, he clearly is angry, his face is red and he is fisting his hands so hard that the knuckles have turned white.

"Sometimes you act normal, like everything is fine," he says with a voice full with emotion, I can see he is trying to stay calm.

"But most of the time you act like a total bitch and you are mean while I have been nothing but nice to you since you arrived." He raises his voice to the point that he is yelling. Harry isn't someone who gets mad easily, I didn't expect this to happen and I don't know what to do or say. I just stand here, next to the dining table. Harry is looking at me like I'm the most horrible person in the world. I should be happy because if he hates me, he won't want anything to do with me and he will start to avoid me, but I'm not happy. Seeing Harry with so much anger and hurt in his eyes breaks my heart and I feel guilty because I did this to him. Pinching his lip between his thumb and index finger, he is waiting for me to say something but for once I'm speechless.

"Come on, open your mouth Eve!" the voice in the back of my head is telling me. "You can do it and we both know you want to. You know he is safe, he is Harry, he won't hurt you." she pushes.

"I... You..." I'm too shocked to talk, I stutter and in the end nothing comes out. Harry clearly thinks I won't say anything because he turns around and starts to walk towards the stairs shaking his head in disappointment. I know I have to say something now or I will never get the chance again.

"You left me." I whisper, and a lone tear rolls down my cheek. Harry stops and slowly turns to me.

"What did you say?" he asks while he ruffles his hair, his tone is a little threatening, it makes me uncomfortable so I take a little step back.

"No don't step back! You tell him now, come one Eve." I want that voice to shut the fuck up, it's driving me crazy. My breathing starts to speed up, tears are burning in my eyes.

"Come on, tell him!" the voice yells at me.

"You left me alone!" I cry out while I take a step forward. I look at Harry who is looking at me with a pale face, mouth agape and eyes wide open. I take a breath and press my hands together, looking for some extra courage.

"You left me, you broke my heart and you left me all alone." Harry pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. He looks like he is fighting an internal battle.

"I can't talk about this." he mumbles and turns back around, slowly walking up the stairs, I assume to go to his room.

He has been asking me what is going on from the day after I got here and now I'm telling him what my problem is, he isn't going to talk to me about it? He is just going to walk away? Anger bubbles up in my stomach and I feel my blood rushing through my veins.

"I thought you were the love of my life but you broke my heart and left without telling me. And even now after all these years you don't even have the guts to talk to me about it. Is that all that I am worth to you? I thought you were my best friend, my partner, my lover but clearly I was nothing!" the words come out of my mouth like I have practised them for years. I'm angry at him, I deserve more, I deserve an explanation.

Harry jumps from the stairs and furiously walks towards me. The closer he comes the more I back away, this is something that arseface would do to and although I know Harry would never hurt me, it scares me a little. Intimidated I take little steps back till my back bumps against the cream coloured wall next to the door.

Harry is standing close, his eyes are like daggers, I can feel his breath on my face and his nose is just inches away from mine.

"You don't know what you are talking about." Harry says with his jaw clenched.
"Do you really believe I wanted to leave you?" he asks me, something in his eyes has softened, I can see so much pain in them. You could cut the tension in the air, it's like we are in an electric bubble and one of us might explode and make the bubble pop then everything will be ruined.

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