Chapter Fifty Five

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I rub my tired eyes and close Harry's laptop before I look up and see him walk to the house from across the beach. I jump up and move to our back door, I'm still scared to be home alone and make sure that all the doors are locked so I open the door and run towards my boyfriend.

When he sees me he stops with a big bright smile and opens his arms, I'm just a couple of steps away when I jump into them. I don't think he expected me to jump and now I'm pregnant I've gained a lot of weight so it makes him take a step backwards and we both fall down in the sand.

"Are you okay?" I ask giggling while I roll on the sand, away from Harry's body.

"I am perfect now I see your beautiful face. Are you? We didn't hurt our little blob right?" hearing Harry say 'our little blob' makes my heart swell, I'm so glad, so grateful that he wants us both in his life.

"We are okay." I smile and I rub my hand over my belly. Harry gets up from the sand before he reaches out his hand and helps me back on my feet. We shake the sand off of our clothes and then I move closer to Harry so I can kiss his delicious pink lips.

"I missed you! I didn't expect you to be home this early, I hope everything went okay?" I look up to Harry's face, he looks tired but his eyes sparkle like they always do when we're together.

"Jonas wasn't happy, first he said I had to do the extra hours because there isn't anyone else who can work them but I knew that wasn't true. I knew Stephanie wants to work more. In the end, I told him I don't care what he does but that I wouldn't work extra." with his hand around my shoulder we walk back to the house.

"Wow how did he react?" Harry is someone who wants to please others, even if it would be negative for him, he would still do it just to help another person so hearing that he stood up for himself, especially to someone like Jonas who has taken advantage of Harry before, makes me incredibly proud of him.

"He wasn't happy but didn't say anything more so I just left his office. But I think he understood that there isn't another option because Stephanie came to take over from me just now and told me she would do my weekend shifts too and she was so grateful to Jonas because he gave her a full time contract." He scoffed loudly

"She should be grateful to you but Jonas obviously didn't tell her it's all because of you." Harry shrugged his shoulders.

"Everything is okay, I'm happy and she is happy." Harry says while I lead him to the breakfast bar.

"What smells so good in here?"

I smile proudly when I turn away to the stove to fill a bowl with tomato soup for him.

"After this difficult day you deserve some comfort food so I drove to the shops earlier to buy all the ingredients for a large pot of soup. Do you like it?" I ask realising that this is the first time I prepared tomato soup for Harry. With his mouthful he nods his head.

"Delicious!" he states in between swallows.

"I did something else too." not sure if he will like it I bite my lip nervously. "I used your laptop and I managed to do some of your work." Harry looks at me with big eyes before he swallows. I can't stop myself from giggling at the red moustache above his upper lip, I move closer and wipe it away with my thumb before I put my thumb in my mouth.

Harry pulls me between his thighs.

"You really did that for me?" he asks, his eyes suddenly glossy.

"Of course I did, if I had realised how bad things were I would have done it sooner. I will do some more tomorrow okay?" Harry nods before he snuggles his head in my neck.

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