Chapter Fifty Six

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Frustratedly I search all the shelves of my closet, I really thought I put it here after I washed it. When I can't find it on the shelves I close the door and open the other door where I push through my clothes that are put up on hangers. I groan when I look down to see if it might have fallen off the hanger and might be laying at the bottom, but nothing.

"Just wear another top!" the talkative friend in my head has been quiet for some time, I don't know if it has to do anything with it or not, but I think it is because everything is going really well with Harry. With her being so quiet, I felt almost normal but here she is again, butting in, telling me what to do.

I don't want another top, I want my new pink maternity top. It isn't an extremely fancy top or anything, it is just a pink sleeveless top with baby blue buttons but the fabric feels so soft against my skin and my big belly looks good in it too. I look through my room for the second time, I even look under my bed but it isn't there.

I open the door of my bedroom and pop my head into the hallway to look if Jonas is out there. When he isn't I cross the hallway to Harry's room, I swallow hard when nervousness washes over me. I hope he won't be angry at me anymore. Standing in the hallway, only wearing yoga pants and a black lace bra, I take a deep breath and knock at Harry's white bedroom door.

"Come in!" I hear him yell, I put my hand on the door handle and slowly push it open. Harry sits in his armchair in front of the big seafront window with his laptop in his lap, he looks comfortable with his black shorts and no shirt, his sock clad feet are resting on the coffee table. Harry frowns when he sees me enter his room but doesn't look up, I know he is annoyed with me and I don't like it at all, it makes me feel self conscious so I cross my arms over my breasts.

"Have you seen my new pink top?" I decide just to ignore Harry's mood and ask what I came in here for. He looks up at me, shakes his head and turns back to the screen. I step further in the room so I can close the door behind me before my eyes start to scan the room for my top.

I look through his room and his bathroom, when I search his closet, I am finally lucky. I have no idea how the top came to be in here but finding it makes me so happy that I do a little happy dance in Harry's closet.

When I return to the room Harry still is staring at his computer screen without giving me a glance, I walk to his bed and sit down on it.

"Talk to him!" the voice in my head orders me but I don't see why I should start to talk when he is the one acting like a child.

"Show him that he is being childish! Show him that you are an adult!" she says now. Maybe she is right about that, I don't think he has the right to be upset about this but I know he is because he is worried about me and little blob. I rub my eyes and sigh, maybe I should stop being stubborn and just talk.

"Babe?" I whisper, Harry is watching Friends on his computer. I know he is watching this particular episode for the thousand time, he probably knows what is going to happen before it happens and knows every line of every character. Still he is choosing to act like he is so into the episode that he doesn't hear me but I know that he just doesn't want to hear me.

"Harry?" I try again, my voice a little louder this time. Again no response, I purse my lips while I wonder what I can do to make him give me his attention but I can't come up with anything.

My heart feels heavy, I don't like to be ignored, it makes me feel like I don't matter but I know this time it is a wrong feeling to have but it still makes me sad. A tear dances over my cheek, I normally wouldn't cry about this but all these pregnancy hormones are making me an emotional mess.

"I understand that you are upset with me but I don't understand why you have to ignore me." I sniff as I get up from Harry's soft bed. Harry probably heard me sniff and he tries to secretly look at me but when he sees my tears his head jumps up too.

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