Chapter Eighteen

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A couple of days later I sit on a high chair at the kitchen island, my legs bounce up and down in excitement. Harry is taking me to a town about ninety minutes away from here, he says it's really beautiful and authentic. That's all the information he gave me and I decided to not push him for more, just go with the flow.

"Are you ready?" My guide for the day runs down the stairs. I nod and jump from my chair

"I was waiting for you, mister Styles." I grin. I notice that Harry's eyes slowly wander over over my body, he isn't even trying to hide it. I feel my cheeks heat up and look away trying to hold back a little smile. I have to admit I don't mind him looking at me like that, like he wants to eat me for lunch. For the longest time Arseface told me how ugly and useless I was and at some point I started to believe him. Somewhere deep down I know I'm not ugly and I know he only said all these mean things to me to bring me down but there is also a part of my mind that says he was right and I am a worthless whore who deserved every nasty word and every beating she got.

"Y... You look nice today." Harry stutters. He opens the front door for me, I walk past him and his eyes are set on me again while he is pinching his bottom lip they follow every move.

"You make him nervous." the voice at the back of my head giggles. Inwardly I roll my eyes at her, I'm not making him nervous, why would he be nervous around me?

"Thanks, this is the jumpsuit I bought when we were at that little street market." I brought some pieces of clothing for every season with me because I wasn't sure where I would end up so I had to buy some extra pieces of summer clothing. Today I'm wearing a red floral print short, off the shoulder jumpsuit, it's playful, casual and easy to wear.

"It's beautiful but you are a very pretty woman." Harry says while he opens the car door for me.

"Look he is blushing." the voice in my head points out. I look up and she is right, a light rosycolour covers Harry's cheeks and I have to bite my lip to hold back a giggle.

During the drive we talk about everything and anything while we listen to a Spanish radio station and Harry points out some places that we can go to in the future.

"I hope I'm not getting sick, my stomach was a bit upset when I got up this morning." I tell Harry.

"Are you okay now?" he immediately asks, his voice worried. He is always so caring about others, it's a beautiful quality.

"Yes I'm okay, I had some fennel tea and toast and then it settled." I shrug.

"Let's hope it was just something you ate yesterday that didn't digest well." Harry smiles at me.

When we arrive Harry parks his car at the outskirts of the town so we can walk up a hill into town while looking around.

"Where are we exactly?" I ask while I stretch my legs and take my black cross shoulder handbag out of the car.

"We are at Friginiana, It's a very picturesque village. You will like it very much." he tells me when we start our walk through the maze of cobbled streets.

Harry and I have been hanging out a lot lately, no big things, just chilling with a movie, having fun at the beach and we even went jogging together. I have to admit Harry has to hold back because I'm slow or to use his words "The snails are faster than you."

After I got the chance to let everything he told me sink in, we talked about it again and I think I'm ready to renew our friendship.

Fortunately Harry understands that I want to avoid Jonas for awhile, I just can't believe he betrayed his own sister and best friend like that and I don't see for what reason he would do it. Someday I hope to find out why he acted that way.

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