05: Just Being Nice

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Taking online college classes was really my only option. I refused to send Rosalie to a day care center, I just don't like the thought of my child in someone else's hands. And now, that decision haunts me every night as I struggle to get things done. It's not hard, it's just a heavy load of things to do for the classes. One day it will be worth it, I'll get to do what I love as a career and it's a great goal to strive for.

Plus I have to remain strong in front of Rosalie. I never let her see me stressed or anxious about anything. Constantly, I remind her of how much hard work will pay off. She usually brushes it off, only interested in being allowed to play her games on my phone while I'm doing school work. One day she'll be old enough for me to talk to her about stuff I want her to always remember. Until then, I will cherish the little things.

"Mommy! We're home!" The door shuts quite loudly in the living room, making me jump in the chair.

"I'm in the kitchen, lovey!" I call back, a smile on my face as I realize my little princess is finally home.

Normally I tag along on grocery shopping day, but I resolved to stay home and finish some work that was due in the upcoming days. A few moments slide by before my mom comes into the kitchen with her hands full of our reusable bags. I give her a smile as she sits them on the counter, sighing heavily.

"Was she a mess?" I ask, standing from the table to go help her put things away.

"Oh, no. She was an angel, actually. Helped me and everything." Mom says, laughing slightly as she grabs our fruit basket. I watch as she starts to sit the oranges and apples into it.

I worried whether or not my mom could handle Rosalie on her own. Sometimes she can get distracted by things and try to run off. When I'm with them she behaves better. But, according to Mom, things went well and I'm very proud of her. Speaking of my angel..

"Rose, c'mere!" I figure she's in the living room. I left the cartoons on from earlier so I'm sure she caught sight of it playing when she walked in.

"You got apples this time, thank you." I crack a smirk as I glance at my mom, who is currently adjusting the position of the fruits - she's a perfectionist at times.

"You're lucky Rose reminded me in the car, I almost forgot."

Mom isn't a big fan of apples, and Rosalie prefers applesauce so sometimes, mainly when I don't go, Mom forgets to grab me a few apples. It's never a problem, all fruit is pretty good to me. Rose likes fruits too, I'm very glad because I didn't want her to want nothing but sugar and candy. She eats well, healthy, and balanced.

Rosalie comes strutting into the kitchen, a medium sized chocolate bunny in her hands. She's biting an ear off as she climbs onto one of the stools at the island, eyes wide as the sugar enters her veins. I laugh faintly at her, she loves chocolate. I'm in the middle of putting the milk in the fridge when a thought comes to my mind.

"I thought you only took three dollars to the candy store, love?" I say, looking over my shoulder for a second at her.

"I did."

I furrow my brows, I've been to that candy store plenty of times and I never remembered the bunnies of that size being only three dollars. I push the milk back to make room for the apple juice, my mind still circling the thought of that chocolate bunny.

"How did you pay for it then? I know Nana doesn't like buying you candy."

Mom has never been a fan of allowing Rose to eat loads of sweet things. She doesn't want her teeth to rot our or her habits to become bad. However, Mom knows I would never allow anything like that to happen. Rosalie is a child and children love sugar. I give her some every now and then as a reward for good behavior.

"Some nice man offered to pay for it." Mom tells me after Rosalie doesn't reply for a minute.

"Was he flirting with you, Mom?" I say, nudging her side with my elbow.

She laughs, "Oh no, he was quite young. A few years older than you, maybe." She gives me a shrug, showing no interest in the stranger they met at the store.

"Hm.. maybe he likes older women." I keep my voice low, not wanting my daughter to hear such things.

"Oh, stop it, Jenny. He was just being nice." We share a few soft laughs, our quiet joke making her turn red in her cheeks.

With my help, it didn't take Mom very long to have the kitchen cleaned up from all the new grocery items. I tossed a bit of trash into the can before shutting the pantry door. Rosalie is sitting at the table now, arms crossed over her chest in anger. Mom took away the chocolate bunny and stuffed it into a sandwich bag. She claimed that Rose wouldn't want to eat dinner later if she filled up on that. Rosalie already broke it into pieces to make it easier to eat, so putting it in the small bag was no hassle at all.

"Nana just cares about your teeth, babe." I run my fingers through her blonde hair, it's gotten so long, and pull a few knots out as I go.

Rosalie just sits there, breathing deeply as she stares down at her arms, avoiding eye contact with me. As her mother, I easily am able to tell when she's upset or concerned about something and right now is definitely one of those times.

"I feel like the chocolate bunny isn't the only thing on your mind, sweetheart, what's the matter?" I ask, sitting in the chair beside her. She gives me a shrug, silently denying my request to talk about things.

"You know you can tell Mommy anything." My arm slides around her back, pulling her closer to me. She grunts, trying to fight it off. "Baby, what is it? Mommy hates seeing you so upset."

Rosalie finally replies to me, but it's not what I expected to hear. "You'll be mad at me."

"No I won't, sweetie." I assure her, pressing my lips against her temple, giving her a few kisses. "Mommy could never be mad at her princess."

"But you will this time."

"No, I won't. Tell me, sweetie." I try my best to soothe her by rubbing my hand in circles on her back, she enjoys that - it always makes her calm down.

"T-today.. when I was with N-nana at the s-store.." She says, sniffling as tears begin to drip down her flushed cheeks. I wipe them away as they fall, I hate to witness her cry. "I.. I dr-drop your a-apples.. 'c-cus my hands were full."

My heart melts for her, she's so sweet. "Baby girl, that's nothing to cry over. Mommy loves the apples." I tell her, kissing her forehead a couple of times in hopes to make her feel better.

She shakes her head rapidly, "No, no, no.. that's not it, Mommy." She whines, frowning just seconds after.

"Keep going." I whisper gently near her ear, I try my hardest to be careful with her - she has a fragile heart.

"A-a apple hit a man's f-foot. He.. g-gave it b-back" She informs me, her head shifting so that our eyes meet in a stare. "When.. when we got t-to the c-candy s-store.. I.. I wanted the-the bunny. N-nana said n-no.. bu-but a man he-he got it for me."

"I know sweetheart, Nana told me. Now tell Mommy why you're crying over this?"

"It-it was-was.." She starts, but soon her voice fades away and the tears pour from her pretty eyes. I pull her her snug to my chest, rocking slightly as I pour comfort over my daughter. There is no telling what she's trying to say, or why's she is hurting so much over this. I have never seen her cry so suddenly over something.

"What on earth.. Rose? Jenny, what's going on?" My mother starts to get frantic as she comes into the room.

"Mom, did you know the man that was at the grocery store and the candy store? Rose was just telling me about him and started to cry." I'm desperate to have answers at this point, I need to connect dots with whatever information my mother hands to me.

"The grocery store? What?"

"She told me that she dropped the apples and one hit the man's foot. He handed it to her or something like that." I quickly say, silently pleading her with my eyes to hurry up.

"I-I didn't even see him there. Jesus, Rosalie! What is the matter?" She kneels down on the other side of Rose.

"Mommy!" She cries out, leaning back so that I could see her face again. I look into her puffy eyes, tears stain her cheeks. My heart is racing as I await her to speak to me finally. "It was that man... the one that made you cry, it was.. him."

Twenty minutes flew by after Mom suggested that Rose should go watch television in our room. She carried her up there, got her situated on the bed with a few of her toys, and returned downstairs. Mom sits down quietly beside me on the couch, her hand gently sits on my thigh as she takes a breath, preparing herself to talk to me.

"I didn't recognize him, Jenny. I.. I didn't really see him that night. It all happened so fast, I was trying to get Rose in.. I didn't even pay attention to him. If I had known it was him I would have excused myself. I'm sorry." I can sense the nervous vibe coming from her, she always believes things are her fault even when they aren't.

My mother's apology is unnecessary. She done nothing wrong here, as a matter of face, no one done anything wrong at all. Harry was being polite, and he just happened to be in that same place at the very same time. It happens, we live in the same place, it's bound to happen again - I'm sure of it.

"Mom, it's nothing, I promise. I.. I'm not mad or anything."

Her hand moves to the small of my back, where she rubs shapes against me - just like she did when I was younger. My mother has the best ways of soothing people, of calming them down. "I believe it effected Rosalie more than anyone else, including him."

"She'll forget about it in a few days.. won't even remember what happened." I shrug it off, knowing that my daughter will just push it aside until it eventually slips out of her mind for good.

"It's been weeks, Jenny.. and she still knew who he was. I doubt she'll forget this."

"I don't want to talk about it, Mom. I don't want to talk about him." I shake my head, pushing myself to my feet.

I don't mind having a chat with her, but things are starting to go down a bad road. The last thing I want to do is get dragged into a conversation about Harry. Two months ago, if my mother had asked me to talk about him, I would have been ecstatic - not able to shut up for an hour. She loved to hear me talk about it. I told her everything that I knew, and even things that I assumed but never had the chance to get the true answer about.

Harry Styles broke my heart, therefore I'd like to get rid of the thought of him.


A/N: I won't call this a spoiler because it should have been noticed by now if you pay attention, but Harry isn't Rosalie's biological father. Just wanted you to be aware!! 

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