18: Waiting For You

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It's a good thing I didn't eat anything this morning, because I highly doubt I'd be able to keep it down. My nerves are acting up, my palms are sweating as well. I take once last glance in my rear view mirror, just assuring myself that I look okay. I don't want to look like a sweating pig when I come face to face with that little girl - the only person standing in the way of an incredible future with the woman I adore. Of course, I don't mind the fact she's there, she's got every right to be. I just hope she forgives me for what I done, and she accepts me.. I'd love to be in her life.

A minute is all it takes for me to get out of my car and head to the front door of her home. I take a deep inhale, slowly allowing it to slip back out just a few moments after. I raise my hand and knock on the door a few hard times. I step back some to give whoever opens the door some breathing space.

My hands clasp behind my back, my eyes fall to the ground as I wait. I see the door mat that's stained with mood. The colors are faded, and most of the words are worn off. Before I had time to piece together a sentence on the mat, the door opens.

"Harry.." Jenny's sweet voice sighs out, I can tell she's pleased to see me - the feeling is mutual. "You're a tad early, you know."

My head snaps up in complete worry, "I can wait in the car. I'm sorry."

"It's fine.. Rosalie is still trying to decide on something to wear." She smiles at the mention of her daughter, who I have yet to properly introduce myself to. "You can.. come in and sit.. She shouldn't be more than ten minutes."

Her suggestion sounds nice, I'm glad that she's willing to welcome me into her home. I give her a warm smile, "She seems a lot like you.. trying to pick something five minutes before it's time to leave."

Jenny lets out a laugh and I notice how quickly the redness lifts to her cheeks.

"And thank you, I'd love to sit for a little bit."

She escorts me into her house and into the family room. I claim a place on the couch and relax against it as she excuses herself. My curious eyes are roaming around the room, observing the pictures that hang on the walls and the ones resting on various levels of a bookshelf. There's a nice sized television above the fireplace, a wooden coffee table sits in front of me on top of a dark colored rug, and there's tan curtains hanging over the windows. It feels like a real home, I definitely can sense the vibe of a family.

The pictures range from some of Jenny when she was a child, to the most recent holiday snapshots of her daughter. A smile finds its way to my mouth as I silently admire the photos - they're all quite beautiful. It's so heartwarming to see the ones of Jenny cradling her newborn child, or posing with her on Christmas morning. I don't see any male figures, aside from elders who I presume are grandparents or family members. That gives me an insight on how things are for Jenny.. Her father wasn't around, and neither is Rosalie's.

"It's fine, sweetheart, he isn't going to hurt you." I hear Jenny's voice suddenly behind me, pulling me from my trance. I have no idea how long I was gazing around the room.

I stand up, immediately turning to face her. In that same moment, I see her near the end of the staircase. I take a few steps aside so I could see better. She's squatting, her body is blocking what I highly assume is her daughter, Rosalie.

"Mommy.." Her voice is soft and gentle, reminding me to stay calm while speaking around her. I'd hate to frighten her.

"C'mon, baby. He's been waiting for you."

With that, Jenny stands up and heads towards me. Her eyes meet mine, a light smile comes to her pink tinted lips. I return the gesture, remaining patient as I stand with my arms by my sides. Within a moment, Jenny approaches me and leans up on the tips of her toes.

She pecks my cheek, which catches me off guard a little, "Sorry about the wait, once again." Her bare feet rest against the floor now, her eyes still lingering on mine.

"S'not a problem a' all." I mumble, making sure she's looking at me when I drop my left eye to a wink.

Those cheeks blush as usual, and she turns away from me. However, this time, it's not to hide her embarrassed reactions, but instead it's to guide her daughter closer to us. I peek past Jenny to get a glimpse of the child. I've seen her before, but it's been a while since I've seen her properly face to face.

"Rosalie.. be a good girl like we talked about, remember?" Jenny crouches down to her daughter's level so that she can speak to her clearly.

"M-mommy.." She nervously stutters out, "..m'scared."

"Baby, there's nothing to be scared of. He's my friend, and he wants to be your friend, too." Jenny's hand lifts to touch against the cute girl's chubby cheek.

The bond between them is quite beautiful. It's easy to see the relief spread over Rosalie's saddened face as her mother caresses her skin, calming her down. I watch her face lose the frightened tension it had been holding for some time now. She's relaxed under her mother's touch and that alone makes me see how pure and amazing the two of them are. Jenny's an excellent mother, I can tell.

Jenny stands back up and faces me yet again, her eyes apologetically staring into mine. I give her a small lift of my lips, assuring her it's alright. I completely understand why the harsh feelings are present - I made a horrible impression on the girl, she has every right to dislike me.

Rosalie walks closer to where Jenny now stands, and her arms wrap around her mother's leg, hiding her face from my view. I watch closely as Jenny's hand pries the small ones from her leg and she gives her daughter a light tug to bring her toward. Rosalie hesitates and tries her best to fight the commands.

"Rose.. remember what Mommy told you, sweetheart."

I am unaware of what that is, and I don't plan on asking - some things are private. The small girl, who's eyes are just as blue as her mother's and hair just as golden blonde, anxiously positions herself directly by her mother, still clutching Jenny's hand as a way of cooping with the situation I'm sure. Fear is evident in her eyes and her expression.

"W-what's.. your-your.. n-name?" The sound of her angelic voice speaking directly to me melts my heart instantly, she's adorable honestly. I never knew a child would ever have such an effect on me. Perhaps it's due to the connection I have with her mother, and the relationship I hope to have.

I kneel down, while keeping the same safe distance between us, "I'm Harry. And what's your name, darling?"

My voice is relatively a normal tone at the moment, but I am retaining a softness. I don't want to scare the poor thing. Obviously, I know her name but I know that asking her will show that I care. She needs to be reminded that as much as possible.

"R-rose-Rosalie." She informs me in a murmur, her eyes tearing away from my gaze.

"That's a beautiful name, love. What do you prefer to be called? Rosalie or Rose or Rosie?"

Her eyebrows shoot up a split second later, "Rosie? Never had that one."

"Rosalie is fine." Jenny cuts in, giving me a kind smile to push aside the slight rudeness she displayed.

"Alright then, Ms. Rosalie. I heard you like going to the park?"

A happy grin grows on her face, "I love the park!" But it sinks just as quick, "..but I can't.. my dress."

She gestures down to the yellow dress covered in a litter white flower pattern. I glance up at Jenny, who decides to join us on ground level. She squats down, her hand going on Rosalie's back.

"It hasn't rained in a few days, there won't be any mud."

I highly assume that she has a slight fear of getting dirty, at least a dislike of the thought of it. Rosalie pouts slightly, staring down at her dress as she holds it out with her hands. Silence begins to spread among us and I want to break it so hard, but I don't know what to say.

"Mr. Harry..." Her words grab my attention, my head snaps up so that we make eye contact after all this time. "..do ya'like my dress?" Her eyes widen as she rolls in her lips, mutely insisting that I answer with the words she wants to hear.

"Of course, sweetheart. Yellow looks beautiful on you."

"You need yellow.. Mr. Harry. Black is..... old." She sighs out, her finger pointing to my black shirt and then down to my dark jeans.

"I know, perhaps on our next date I'll wear something bright for you." I suggest this, which first brings a smile to her face, but it gets replaced by a confused expression.

"Next? How y'know they'll be 'nother?" Rosalie questions me, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well.. I don't know. If there is one.. then I'll wear a bright color for you. What would you like me to wear?"

She taps her small index finger against her chin, her eyes are lifting towards the ceiling as she thinks about her answer. While she's doing this, I look over at her mother - who is watching us in utter awe. She's grinning ear to ear, happiness present on her gorgeous face. Her smile shrinks when she notices I'm observing her, but I'm aware it's from embarrassment. However, her smile doesn't vanish completely.

"Pink!" She squeals, excited about her choice.

"I promise I'll wear pink for you, love." I give her a smile, in which she just giggles at. She's quite cute, I don't think I've ever met someone with such a beautiful personality before - at least, not a child.

The majority of children are upbeat and seeming as if they are always on sugar highs, but it's different with Rosalie. I can't explain it, and that's bothering me. I like to have explanations to most things, especially if I notice them on my own. She's bubbly, she's giddy, she's sweet.. The list carries on, yet there's no need to mention it all. She's precious, simply precious.

"Mr. Harry.." She sighs out, curiosity in her tone.

"Yes, love?"

"You talk funny... Why?"

I'm rather taken back by her statement. My eyebrows drop on my forehead, and my mind drifts off in deep thought. Do I talk funny? Does she not like the way I talk? Is my voice too deep? Is afraid of-

"He's from England. We live in America, remember? Harry has an accent.. because he's from another place." Jenny distracts me from my rambling thoughts. Obviously, I should have realized that.

"What's Egg-land?" Rosalie looks puzzled at the mention of the country.

"It's a country.. all the way on the other side of the ocean." I cut in, hoping to prove to Jenny that I'm making an effort.

I want her to know I'm doing my absolute best to make this day good. I want Rosalie to like me, I want her to approve. It's crazy, honestly, I can't live the life I want without getting the confirmation from a four and a half year old that I can proceed with my relations. This world is something else. I suppose it's a good thing that I'm always up for a challenge.

"Far, far, far away?" Rosalie turns her attention to me.

"Not too far." Jenny replies.

"Are we goin' there?"

"No, love. I'm going to take you to the park. How does that sound? Then after, we can grab some food. I heard you like ice cream." The smile on my face grows as I watch her eyes glow after hearing that last part.

"I love it! Can we get some! Please! Please! Mr. Harry, please." She's jumping up and down, clapping her small hands together over and over.

I chuckle at her reaction, "Of course, love."

Just from our little meeting, I can tell today is going to be action packed. Rosalie is active, she isn't going to sit in one place and stare at the grass. She's gonna run around at the park and probably do everything she possibly can with the time she's allowed. Then with the ice cream, gosh that'll be fun to witness. An already happy child being filled with sugar - I'm in for a good, long day.

It's worth it.

Because of Rosalie «Harry Styles AU»Where stories live. Discover now