16: Through The Blinds

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Another date has come to an end. Harry is pulling up in front of my house, a relieved sigh comes out of me. I'm tired from our long night. It was an enjoyable time, but I'm just ready to climb into my bed.

"Would it be inappropriate if I walk you to the door?" Harry asks with a chuckle, his eyes looking over to me once he's parked his car on the side of the street.

"I don't believe so." I smile gently, causing him to give me the same gesture in return.

Harry tells me to stay still until he reaches my door. I comply with his command and patiently wait for him. The door opens, his hand immediately extends to me. I grab it and he helps me out of the car. Once my feet are settled on the ground, he shuts the door and releases my hand. I bite my cheek, suddenly growing anxious. Why doesn't he want to hold my hand anymore? Did he get tired of doing that tonight?

My suspicions disappear as Harry's arm snakes around the lower portion of my back, his hand resting on my waist. I don't say anything in protest, this moment is actually perfect. We begin the short walk to the front door. My heart is racing, something is screaming inside of me.

"I had an amazing time, Jen. I always have the best times with you." Harry says as we reach the door. He removes his arm, but brings his touch back to my body when he presses both hands on either side of my waist.

"So did I." I put my hand against his hard chest, yet my eyes don't dare lift off the ground.

Silence emerges between us, sounds of traffic in the distance is the only noise invading. I can feel his eyes sticking to my skin, I'm sure he wishes I was looking up at him. I can't find the strength to do that. My instincts believe there could be a potential kiss, but I can't handle that. I've already disappointed him one time tonight, I don't want to do it again. If I deny him, I might just run him off again. He'd probably hate me.

"I hate dropping you off." Harry mutters out as his finger pushes under my chin, forcing my head up.

My eyes are trained on his chest, I don't have a desire to lift them any further. The temptation is suffocating me - but I have to be brave. I can not kiss him, not tonight. It's still too soon for me, I'm just not ready.

"Why?" I softly ask.

"Because.. I have to go home alone. I'd rather stand here and talk to you all night." Harry says, a very subtle laugh rolls from his throat.

I put on a smile, his flirting has always made me smile and blush uncontrollably - he's a natural pro.

"I should go." He sighs, grabbing my focus instantly.

I snap my head up, looking straight at his eyes, "Why?"

"I'm keeping you from someone." He whispers lowly, leaning to my forehead.

A skip occurs in my heart beat pattern as he places a kiss against my skin - his lips soft and warm just like I've always noticed.

"She's peeking through the blinds." He adds, a heavy sigh comes out of me in reply.

"I'll text you. Let me know when you get home." I mumble back, taking a few steps away from him. This causes his hands to fall, all our contact lost.

"I will. Goodnight, Jen."

For the final time tonight, I carry my gaze up to meet his. There's a sly smirk on his lips as he quickly lets his eyes fall down my appearance, then slowly back up to my eyes.

"Goodnight, Harry."

It didn't take but a minute for him to get to his car. I take this as a sign to go in, he won't leave until he knows I'm safely inside. Just as I shut the door and turn the lock, I hear his car start up outside. A moment later, he's going down the road. I go to switch off the porch light, but I notice it was never on to begin with.

Rosalie - maybe she didn't see him. As much as she was sneaking, I highly doubt she caught a glimpse of him clearly. My attention changes to her whereabouts. I walk through the small foyer, and turn straight into the living room.

On the couch against the wall, the window directly behind her, sits my daughter with a baby doll in her lap as she flips through a coloring book, a purple crayon in her hand.

"Rosalie Grace."

She looks up in fright, she knows how serious this is going to be - I used her middle name. "Yes, Mommy?" She asks sweetly, an attempt to deceive me.

"First of all.. why are you up? It's two hours past your bedtime." I cross my arms on my chest, lifting a brow at her. I'm very curious to know what on earth she's doing, or tried to do.

"I-I wanted you, Mommy." She pouts, aware that she's getting in trouble currently.

"Second, why were you looking through the window?"

She looks shocked, like she can't believe I knew she was doing that just a few minutes ago. It's hard for me to cope with the fact she's done this again - and there isn't telling how many other times she's done it.

"I-I.. was lookin' for you." Rosalie takes a strand of her hair and starts to twirl it around her finger - a definite sign that she's nervous. I know my daughter entirely to well.

"Go upstairs and go straight to bed. No tv tonight."

"Mommy! Please tv!" She whines, clasping her hands together as a beg.

"Rosalie, I will not repeat myself."

She huffs, angry tears forming in her eyes. I watch her jump off the couch, taking her doll but ditching the coloring pages and crayons. I follow her up the stairs just to make sure she does as I told her. She's usually good at following orders, mostly because she doesn't want to get herself into anymore trouble.

To my utter surprise, she climbed onto the bed and pulled her blanket over herself. I turn off the light and put the remote on a high shelf on the book shelf, just in case she got any sort of ideas.


A very pleased smile stretches across my lips as I stare down at my phone screen, one a few seconds after I sent my message I received a reply. That's a definite sign that he has been waiting for me. About thirty minutes ago he sent a text saying he had made it home, that's when I was supposed to start our conversation. However, I couldn't do that because I was doing last minute chores around the house.

To Harry:(11:34PM) Sorry I just saw this. Had to do some things!

From Harry: (11:34PM) you're fine love ;)

To Harry: (11:35PM) so I had a talk with Rosalie about her sneaking around. -_-

While thinking about my daughter's actions from earlier, a sigh comes out of me. I am ashamed in her, she never asks out like that.

From Harry:(11:36PM) oh no I didn't get her in trouble did I? I shouldn't have said anything..

There he goes once again, his concern with Rosalie brings a little smile to my heart. I keep this in my mind, I'll need to be able to remind myself of all the good things when it comes to making that decision. Harry cares, and that - above all - makes things easier on my part.

To Harry:(11:36PM) Harry you aren't to blame. She knew what she was doing was wrong.

From Harry:(11:37PM) I sorta am to blame though.. did she know it was me?

To Harry: (11:37PM) I didn't ask but I'm sure she didn't. It was too dark.

From Harry: (11:38PM) if she did see me.. i don't believe it helped me in any way. She probably still hates me, even more now than ever.

"How long will you be staying up tonight?" My mom's voice frightens me, my hand flies onto my chest.

"Gosh, Mom." I sigh, recovering from the shock.

"If you didn't have your face stuck in that phone you would've heard me call your name." She says, sitting down on the other couch. "I don't even have to ask who you're talking to."

My eyes roll at her, she acts like she's annoyed by the fact I'm finally happy. After all these terrible dates, all those worthless guys and troubled relationships - I'm content with where I am, I'm happy with who I'm seeing. She ought to be, too.


"It's unhealthy, Jenny, always being on the phone with him." Mom's attempt at a warning was weak and uncalled for.

"You know.. I've actually been feeling better inside and out." I tell her, sitting my phone on my thigh. Harry is patient with me, he'll be alright.

She just shakes her head at me, almost as if she's ashamed of my response. How can she not be happy right now or any other time? Harry is someone I've been praying for - he is the person I've prayed to find. He's here, he's not going anywhere, so she needs to get over whatever it is that's bothering her. Harry's a keeper, for sure.

"I just think he's going to break your heart more than he already has. He's no good for you."

"I'm sorry that I've actually found someone I genuinely like, someone that I enjoy being around." I start, feeling my skin heat from anger. "I'm not like you were, Mom. I don't just want some random one night stand. I want something real.. and I've found it."

"I'm just telling you, honey. I have more experience."

I stand from the couch, observing the shocked expression overtaking her features. "When you realize how ridiculous you're being.. then we can talk. Until then, leave me alone."

With that, I make an exit and head towards my room.

What's gotten in to her? She used to constantly support me in all ways. She's never acted this way, never been annoyed by something that's happening in my personal life. She doesn't even know Harry, she has no right to judge him.

When I lay down in my bed, I turn my back to Rosalie so that I don't end up disturbing her. I bite my lip gently, nervous about how this new topic will go for us.

To Harry:(11:46PM) she doesn't hate you.

To Harry: (11:46PM) You never told me what was bothering you earlier at dinner.

From Harry: (11:47PM) I thought you had fell asleep on me ;) and what exactly do you mean? I don't think anything was wrong with me..

To Harry: (11:47PM) I'll explain it another time then. Too much to text.

From Harry: (11:48PM) alright, love. You aren't leaving me are you?

In no way do I want to leave, but I feel like I need to sleep on some things. That includes my mom's sudden behavior, the question Harry popped, and why on earth my daughter was spying on me.

To Harry:(11:49PM) I'm tired :( I'll text you in the morning

From Harry: (11:50PM) sleep tight, love xx

It's been a long day.

Because of Rosalie «Harry Styles AU»Where stories live. Discover now