20: An Accident

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A gasp comes from me as I watch Rosalie's foot slide out from under her on the slick tile, her socks aren't helping her balance any.

"Please don't run, sweetheart. I don't want you to fall!" I call out from the kitchen, hoping she heard me clearly.

Currently, I'm in the kitchen preparing dinner for the three of us. Rosalie requested chicken, preferably grilled, with baked potatoes and toasted bread on the side. I, of course, guaranteed her that I would fix her an amazing meal including the things she wanted. Jenny tried to convince me otherwise, saying that we should just grab some take out or something. She doesn't want me to go out of my way, but I hope she realizes I'm trying to prove a point.

I want to do this, I want to make dinner. That way, I can display how invested I am in our potential future together. I hope she understands how important the two of them are to me.

This has been such a nice afternoon with them, and I pray that the evening goes just as well. Rosalie has warmed up to me extremely well, I am so glad things are working out for me. Jenny has taken notice of Rosalie's behavior around me and I know she's happy herself.

Jenny is upstairs in my guest bedroom taking a nap. She said her head was hurting so I gave her some medicine and ensured her that I'll watch after her daughter while she's resting. She hesitated to go up there at first, not wanting to leave Rosalie and also not desiring to disturb my guest room. I told her it was fine, she can sleep if she wanted to, at least lie her head on a pillow for a while.

"Ow!" A cry erupts suddenly, echoing in the high ceilings of my apartment.

I quickly shut off the stove top before rushing into the living room, afraid of what I might find. The sobbing gets louder as I head towards the seating arrangement, my eyes searching for that sweet little girl.

"Rosalie?" I call her name, "Sweetheart?"

When I step in front of the couch I instantly fall to my knees, my heart breaking for her precious soul.

"Mr. Harry... I sorry. I didn't mean to." She whines out.

When she turns to face me, the first thing I notice are the tears flooding her eyes and the blood dripping from her lip.

"Sweetheart, are you alright? What happened?" I ask in a soft voice, gently pushing her hair out of her face.

She's shaking, the overwhelming situation had her nerves in shock I'm sure. She wipes her eyes off with her palms, but the tears continue to fall.

"I-I was.. was ru-running." She admits, I can hear the heart break in her voice. "I know you say not to.. I sorry.. I'm- I broke picture."

From behind her back she pulls a picture frame that had previously been on my coffee table. The glass is cracked and the frame itself is chipped in a few areas.

"Don' be mad, please." She pouts her lips out, eyes wide and redden as she gazes up at me.

"Darlin', I am not mad at you. It was an accident, yeah?" I keep my tone light, not trying to give her the wrong impression. I am not upset with her, it happens sometimes.

"I-I wanna know who-who that.. so I was gonna ask you.. but.. fell.. it was slippery." She explains, her lips quivering.

"I understand, love." I smile gently. "C'mon, let's go get your mouth cleaned off."

I stand up and hold my hand down towards her as she reaches her feet. She pushes my hand away and instead lifts both of her arms up in the air, insisting that I carry her. So, without hesitation, I pick her up by her waist and hold her against me. My heart melts as she lies her head down on my shoulder, her small hand presses against my other one.

Because of Rosalie «Harry Styles AU»Where stories live. Discover now