19: Wouldn't Leave you

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"I, um, never thought I'd have a child at my age." Jenny sighs out, both of us are watching Rosalie trot around the park. There isn't a big crowd here, but enough for her to find a few kids to play with.

"I assume she wasn't planned." I look over, just to find Jenny's eyes are already roaming on me.

"No.. but I wouldn't change a thing." She smiles softly at the thought.

"If you don't mind me asking.. um, how did she.. um." I shake my head lightly to myself, staring down at my lap. I believe that might be a line I'm not supposed to cross this soon.

Jenny lets out a laugh, pulling my eyes back over to her. Her cheeks are red from her wide smile, she just rolls her eyes playfully at me.

"Don't be scared. It's fine."

With her words assuring me it's alright, I go on and ask the curious question that's been buzzing in my head for a while now. "How'd she come about then.. if she wasn't planned?"

She takes a deep breath, preparing herself for the story. Jenny's eyes tear from mine, she goes back to watching her daughter play. "I was.. pressured into going to this party." She begins, the smile leaves her lips.

"My.. friends.. if that's what you'd call them.. insisted that I have a few drinks. So I did. I wasn't wasted but my judgment was clouded."

Jenny glances at me, taking notice of my intense glare. "Basically.. I met this older guy.. and it just happened. I didn't know.. well I didn't realize the, um, possible outcomes."

"Did he ask.. for your consent?" I bite the inside of my cheek, afraid to know the answer to this. I fear the worst for some reason.

"I gave full consent. I remember that."

"I presume.. either you never told him or he didn't care." I say with a gulp, my eyes finding Rosalie, she's chasing after a butterfly. A smile makes it way to my lips, she's so precious. She quickly got distracted by a few flowers the butterfly landed by.

"I um.. I'm not really sure who her biological father is. The guy, um, had a few friends tag along."

My head snaps in her direction, she's got to be kidding right? She's aware of my sudden concern, so she continues on as I stay silent.

"I let them.. I thought it'd be a cool story to brag about.. and it was for a few weeks. Then I  found out I was pregnant.. and I became the school's whore. Not the best time of my life."

"You aren't a whore. Like you said, the alcohol impaired your judgment.."

"Harry, I don't consider myself a whore.. anymore. You don't have to worry." She laughs gently, slapping her hand casually against my knee.

I didn't have time to reply to her because when I looked up I saw her sweet daughter running over to us, a frustrated look on her cute face. When she gets to us, her quick movements shock me.

"M' tryna find f'owers.. Mr. Harry.. help me, please." Her small hand wraps around three of my fingers. Her pretty eyes are glaring up at me, silently begging.

"Love, you're giving up too soon. Keep looking, you'll find more." I try to encourage her, but it isn't seeming to work.

"Please." She whines, tugging on my hand.

"Honey, Harry and I are talking." Jenny sighs out, slightly irritated with her child.

"Oh, Mr. Harry, please!" Rosalie begs again, pouting her lips out at me. She wants my assistance in finding the small flowers in the grass to add to her bouquet. She's picked all the ones close to us, I've been watching her in utter awe. She's so adorable.

Because of Rosalie «Harry Styles AU»Where stories live. Discover now