11: White Roses

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"This is incredible, Harry." Happiness coats her voice, bringing a smile to my face. I'm so glad she's excited right now. I've been waiting for this moment for months.

"I promised you I'd bring you one day. I don't break promises."

"I'm happy that you don't!" She says, a laugh slipping past her grinning lips.

For a moment I thought she was going to stand there in that same spot, but she changed that by beginning to walk along the walls - her eyes roaming over my displayed pieces. I don't have every thing hung up, only the things I like the most. Some are framed drawings, most are canvas paintings.

Jenny glances over her shoulder as she comes to a stop in front of a painting. "Harry.." Her voice trails off.

I walk over to her, knowing she'll be asking tons of questions as she observes my work. "What is it, love?" I mumble as I reach her side.

"This is beautiful." She tells me, her head turning back to the painting.

I glance over at the giant canvas on the wall that she finds so amazing - a painting of roses.. white roses. Debating whether or not to tell her, I put on a simple smile for her. Her eyes are on me again, I can feel her stare burning through me, but I keep my gaze on the painting of mine.

"I love white roses." She whispers, her eyes return to slide all over the painting.

"I know.. that's why I done it."

"What? " Jenny asks with a shocked tone.

A chuckle comes from me, "Mmhm."

"You're kidding, right?"

"No, love. I done this one.. about a week after our first date. You were all I could think about.. so I decided to work on something I know you'd love." I explain truthfully.

It's not hard for me to think about that night. My creativity was extremely blocked, because all my mind could focus on was the thought of her. Everything she told me on our first date was circling my mind - the memory of her flooding my head. I forced myself to sit down and I just began painting the roses, it came out just the way I wanted it to. Gosh, it feels so odd to have her in here. No one's ever been in my studio, not even my mother. It's off limits since it's a very personal thing of mine.

Her face is tinging with blush - I can sense how nervous she is, especially while I'm standing behind her again. She lifts her hand, desiring to run her fingertips across the texture of the paint strokes. She gasps suddenly as I grab her wrist, pulling her hand back down.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you not to touch art?" I ask, allowing a laugh to come out to assure I'm not mad about it.

"Yeah, at the museums." She giggles, looking over her shoulder at me.

I release her wrist, "Are you saying that my work isn't worthy enough to be on a museum wall?" I cock an eyebrow, pulling another giggle from her mouth.

"I never said that." She shakes her head a few times. "This surpasses worthy."

Her compliment makes me slyly smirk. "But, seriously. Your fingertips have natural oils on them that could potentially break down the paint particles."

"Sorry.. I won't taint your artwork." She says, holding both hands up in surrender fashion. Jenny backs herself away from the way, smiling wide at me.

"I'll leave you to look around.. Do you want something to drink?" I ask, going towards the door.

Her teeth bite down on her bottom lip for a few moments as she debates on whether or not she's thirsty at the moment. I lean against the door frame, my eyes never leaving her beautiful face. She sighs, eyebrows coming to a relaxing position on her forehead.

"You can pick for me. Anything'll do." She informs me, grinning from across the room.

With an understanding nod, I exit the studio - leaving her curious soul free to roam. As I make my way down the stairs, there is nothing I can think besides her. She's here, in my home, and she's in my art studio. The girl I'm indefinitely in love with is touring my house. This is a day I've been waiting what seems like ages for.

Jenny means everything to me, and now I feel like we've become one notch closer. Bringing someone into your home, a significant other to be more specific, is a huge milestone for relationship development. Allowing someone to enter your sacred place where you feel the most comfortable, the most content, is your way of showing them how open you are with them, how willing you are to display to them every aspect of your private life.

As I come into the kitchen, I carry myself to the cabinet and grab two glasses - one wine glass, and one regular glass. She insisted that I decide what she'll be drinking, but I know if she were to pick, she'd chose ice water. I feel her glass first, then I pour a little red wine into my own - just to excite my taste buds, not to get wasted.

It only takes me a few minutes to reach the studio, finding Jenny sitting down in the chair in front of my easel - which currently has a painting sitting on it. It's nowhere near competition, though, so that makes me worry slightly about her thoughts regarding it.

"Tired?" I ask, smiling as I see her jump slightly, her head whipping around.

"No." She smiles, "Just looking."

Jenny stands from the chair and lifts her shaking hands up, fumbling with her own fingers out of pure nervousness.

"You didn't have to get up." I tell her, handing her the glass.

She gladly takes it from me and swallows some of the contents. Her small hands carefully cradle the glass as she picks up where I assume she left off during her self guided tour.

"You're so talented." She sweetly says, her eyes glued to another painting now.

"Thank you."

Acknowledging that my feet are aching, I take the opportunity and sit down in the empty chair. I sit my glass on the floor beside the scattered tubes of paint. While I'm working on something I'm quite messy - afterwards, though, I am quick to clean up everything. There's no point to pick up things when you're in the middle of something.

"Harry.." Her voice slightly fades, pulling my attention faster to her.


"When will you be painting again?" Jenny asks, a high level of curiosity in her tone. "I'd love to watch you."

The corner of my mouth lifts upward, "I can do a little now, if you want."

I've never seen her move so fast before. She twists around on her heels, eyes bulging out of their socks and mouth agape.

"Really?!" She excitedly asks.


"Okay!" Jenny squeals happily, dragging a laugh out of my throat.

"Let me go grab you a chair-"

"I'll sit right here, I'm fine." She interrupts me from her new seat on the floor.

"Are you sure? I can go get a chair, love." I say, smiling down at her.

"I'm fine." She nods gently, still holding the glass with both hands wrapped around it.



In my twenty years, I have never actually witnessed anyone create a piece of artwork. The way he flicks the brush across the canvas, spreading the thick oil based colors around, intrigues me. My focus has heavily been on the way his hands move, how he can easily blend the colors together.

The painting itself will be of a giant red rose once it's completed. Harry informed me that it could take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to completely be finished with an oil painting. He mentioned the long drying times, all the changes and details he adds in, and the planning itself.

It greatly amazes me that he can speak so clearly, so smoothly while painting. I can't even write and talk at the same alone, let alone do anything this complicated. A few times I've noticed him staring at me and his hand will still be moving the paint around - he's amazing.

"Do you sell anything you do?" I decide to break the silence, it's been about ten minutes since either of us said a word.

He glances at me, shrugs gently, "Sometimes. I do a lot charities.. and I've done things as gifts."

"I'd buy any of this, you're incredible." I admit, instantly feeling the blush arise to my cheeks.

"I would never let you buy anything." His words catch me off guard, the smile vanishing from my face.


Harry sits his brush down on the edge of the easel and turns to face me, a smirk written over his lips. "I wouldn't make you pay for it. I'd give you whatever you wanted. Do you want the roses?" He nods towards the giant painting of the white roses on the wall behind us.

"I-I couldn't p-possibly take a-anything for fr-free, Harry. And-and I have no room for that.. but it's so beautiful." I start to mumble a few of my words, too nervous to say them boldly.

"You will never, ever have to pay for anything. And if you want me to do a smaller scale version.. I most definitely will. Free of charge, love." Harry's warm smile lights my heart on fire - he's too kind to me.

"Would you really paint roses... for me?" I ask in a mutter, my eyes darting away from his - looking anywhere but into his stare.

"Yes. I will."


more updates coming very soon xx stay tuned for more!

any feedback left will be greatly appreciated! thanks for reading my little creation, means the world!!! xxxx

- this chapter is important to the story line and to the development of "them" -- the white roses (and roses in general) will be a reoccurring thing! - very special for the plot! :)

**I was going to include a photo of the painting, but I decided I'd let you guys use your imagination! Plus, it's very disrespectful to use someone else's work without their permission! ;) Also, a recent comment has brought something to my mind: despite the fact I provide you with a description of Jenny, you are free to image her the way you want! I just think it's easier for me to develop her instead of leaving you guys hanging, plus not putting in any details makes it story very bland. So, with any of my characters you are welcome to imagine them whichever way you desire! 

(I will probably not do a ton of author's notes, but I will check in every now and then!) 

Because of Rosalie «Harry Styles AU»Where stories live. Discover now