13: Little White Lies

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The date with Harry went well, for the most part. There were a few moments when I was feeling a little uneasy, yet I don't know why. I have no explanation for why I was being so distant those handful of times. Harry would notice and ask me if I was alright, I would just brush it off and assure him I was content.

Now that I'm home, however, I wish he was here so I could talk to him about things I didn't want to mention. All we really discussed while eating was college and anything we done since we last went out that was worth talking about. The food was good, the drive back was good, too. Everything was fine. It was a great date, I'm glad I got to see him again.

"Hey, Mommy?" I hear a mumble beside me, causing me to roll over in the bed.

"Yes, sweetie?" I softly ask, curious as to why she's awake right now. It's been an hour since I got home and she's just now noticing it.

"Tha' man.. got you again."

My heart stops, she must have saw me get into his car, or either she witnessed the kiss he gave my forehead after opening the car door for me when he dropped me off. I gulp, swallowing the nervousness forming in my throat. I grow some courage quickly, and I keep my cool.

"Yeah, he did. How did you know that?" I asked, squinting my eyes to see her appearance better. The glow of the muted television assists my sight, but only so much.

"Seen him." She mutters. I was about to speak when she continued on, taking me by surprise. "Why you go with him lots?"

Rosalie's grammar is something I've been working on recently, and she normally tries her best to remember the things I've told her. Except for when she's tired, she doesn't care at all and I completely get that. I don't do much while I'm tired either. She got that trait passed to her directly from me.

Being honest with my daughter is also another thing I've always tried to do. Little white lies don't count, and the information she's asking isn't considered to be a little white lie, so I'm going to answer her as best as I can. The simpler I put it, the quicker she'll comprehend.

"He takes me to dinner."


More than anything, she can ask questions, and she won't stop until she's absorbed all the explanations and answers she desires. I know, for a fact, she won't give up. She'll force it out of me - always getting her way.

"We go on, um, dates." I sigh, unsure of where this conversation will wind up.

"Dates? Like a boyfriend?" She giggles at the word, covering her mouth with her hand.

She doesn't really understand the concept of dating, just the simple cliche cartoon relationships - if they're considered that. I know she's heard that word on the TV, maybe even at the park. I don't question it.

"Sort of, but not really. We're just friends."

"Do ya wan' him to be your boyfrien', Mommy?" Rosalie lifts a brow, a serious look written over her face.

"I don't know yet.. we haven't gone on enough dates." I throw a straight lie to my daughter, which only makes my heart sting. Of course I wish Harry and I were dating, but sadly we aren't to that point yet.

"Did he say sorry?" Rosalie asked in a earnest tone.

"He did, sweetheart, he did."

"Good. He was mean.. 's he still mean?"

"No, baby. He's not mean anymore. He was just.. upset that night."

I fear that she will ask why, I don't believe I can come up with an explanation aside from the actual truth. Telling her that he acted like that because I never told him about her existence would just break her heart, and I could never do that to her.

"Can I eat with you an' him? " To my surprise, and relief, she moves on along.

Her words make my eyes widen, my heart immediately begins to lose it's functional control. "H-honey, I don't.. I don't know about that."

"He.. he don't.. like me?"

"Rose, he.. he does like you. But.. it's too early for that, lovey."



"I wanna see him, Mommy."

Denying her of this would only break my heart more, as well as her own. I take a deep breath, knowing this decision will make or break everything. There is no turning back after this, we won't be able to recover if this goes terribly wrong. If my relationship with Harry fails, I will never try to find love again. I will never attempt to do anything of the sort for the rest of my days. I never wanted to settle down until I found Harry.. and now I'm terrified of losing him.

"We'll see."


"She wants to meet him." I mumble, my mother almost choking on the coffee sliding down her throat.

"What are you talking about?" She asks, furrowed brows settled low on her forehead.

I pick up my empty plate, breakfast was small but I'm full now. I go over to the sink to rinse it off, trying to distract my mind of certain thoughts.

"Rosalie told me last night.. She wants to meet Harry." I explain further as I turn on the tap.

My mother's gasps makes me sigh, I guess you could say I reacted the same way when I heard it for myself. I hear the sound of the chair moving against the floor, along with her footsteps a second later.

"What on earth did you tell her?" She asked me, suddenly appearing at my side.

"I tried to avoid it.. but she begged."

Mom's hand touches my back, comforting me as we discuss this. I need more than just a pat on the back, though.

"Have you told him yet?"

I scoff, "No. And I won't."

Sitting the plate in the dish rack, I wipe my hands on my shirt and walk towards the living room - already aware that my mother is hot on my trail. She's calling out my name, but I try to ignore it. When I reach the couch, it doesn't surprise me that she sits down beside me once I've flopped into a comfortable position.

"Honey, you need to tell him."

"Why?" My ask, irritation rising in me.

"Because, if he knows she's willing.. then this will strengthen the relationship. Isn't that what you want?" She says, resting her hand on my leg. I don't try to shake it off, I know that won't work.

"Mom.. just let me handle this on my own.."

Because of Rosalie «Harry Styles AU»Where stories live. Discover now