04: A Little Sugar Never Hurt Anyone

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The weeks have been slowly dragging by. My mental state isn't getting any better. I barely sleep at night, I hardly ever eat enough. My mother is worried beyond words about me, but I can't seem to feel the same. Why should I care about my well being? I have no one to impress anymore.

My feet carry me down the display of fresh fruits, my eyes fighting to stay open as I look over the options laid out for me. I reach down and grab a few apples, dropping them into my basket, not really caring if they get bruises on them or not. At this point, I just want to grab the rest of my items and go to the registers. If I don't get home soon, I might pass out on the grocery store floor.

"Careful, honey." A voice speaks behind me, making me groan to myself.

I absolutely hate the thought of having to interact with a living thing. I have been avoiding other humans like the plague. I try not to think about it, if I mind my business she will mind hers. A couple of oranges find their way into my basket just a minute later.

"Go get three apples.. say excuse me." That very same voice talks again, this time it grabs my attention more.

My body is blocking anyone's attempt at reaching an apple. I exhale slowly as I move a few steps, trying to give whoever is coming up behind me enough room.

" 'cuse me." I hear a gentle sound, barely audible.

Thinking nothing of it, I push my basket further away from the apples. It's just a child, I shouldn't be annoyed by it. Children are innocent, and besides it's not like I was bothered. You should not ever blame a child, they don't know any better.

"And a four oranges." The sound of feet skipping on the tiles enters my ears, reminding me of just how close I am to these people.

" 'cuse me, again." Once more, I move out of the child's way so that she can do as she was told. "Nana, I can't carry 'em."

Yet again, I'm completely distracted with the two of them talking rather loudly behind me. I push a few fingertips into my temples, massaging my skin in hopes of having my headache somewhat relieved. My phone beeps in my pocket, making me pull it out to check who the message is from. I see my sister's name on the screen along with a request to have lunch tomorrow at one. I slide open my phone, I don't feel in the proper mood to eat, let alone go out in public and do it. I tell her I'm busy, it's a lie but I'm sure she won't mind. We get meals together quite often.

"Oh no!" A quiet whisper erupts behind me. "The apples!"

While I'm reading over Gemma's response to my rain-check, I feel something hit the side of my foot. I look down to see an apple sitting on the floor, a few dents in it from where it fell and rolled. I squat down to pick it up, knowing that it belongs to the little girl behind me.

A gentle smile comes to my mouth as I watch her small hands try to gather all the apples from the floor. My head turns just as I extend my hand out to her, the apple sitting on my palm. Our eyes catch glimpse of each other and my heart nearly gives out. I can't believe it.

There stands the little girl that was in Jenny's doorway that night. She's not just any little girl, that's Jenny's daughter. She recognizes me as well, making a shocked expression as she snatches the apple from my hand. She spins around, silence kept tight between the two of us, and scurries over to the older woman who I realize is Jenny's mother.

Quickly, hoping not to be seen or mentioned, I leave the aisle and head to the register. I need to sleep.


Her arms release me from the warm embrace, making me pass a smile her way. I opted on joining my sister for a few hours today. I ran my groceries to my place before linking with her at a candy store downtown. She's watching a friend's son while they are out of town and I thought it would be nice to treat him to some candy, a little sugar never hurt anyone.

"Thanks again, Harry, for meeting with us." Gemma says, gesturing to the little boy at her side.

"No problem."

"Can I get anything I want?" The boy, who's name I remember to be Austin, looks up at Gemma with wide eyes and a big, front toothless smile.

"Mhm. Harry said whatever you'd like." She nods to him.

"Don't go overboard." I remind the two of them, knowing that Gemma will want something for herself as well.

Only a moment passed before we all walked into the store and the journey began. Gemma drug Austin over to a large counter - freshly made fudge waiting to be bought. I just laugh at how much of a child she can be. It's no harm, I suppose, she lives her best life. Even though she can get on my nerves, I adore my sister. She's always been there for me, even when I didn't want to speak to anyone.

My sweet tooth isn't as extreme as hers, however, I wouldn't mind getting some sort of chocolate or hard candies - those are usually what I aim for when I do have a sugar craving. I trail over to the section of the store dedicated to chocolate. It's quite mind boggling to know that this much candy exists. There is a handful of children running around, shrieks coming out when they discover the location of the favorite sweets. Being here, among all this happiness, is making me feel a little better. I'm not cured, obviously, but I do feel a tad different.

The thought of all the sugar makes me cringe though. I just hope these parents are making their children brush their teeth after eating all this. Maybe it's the future dentist in me speaking, I don't know.

It didn't take me long to grab a pack of strawberry flavored jelly beans, I ditched the idea of plain old chocolate, and head towards the register with Gemma and Austin. They each gathered ten dollars worth of candy, which I told them wasn't enough. Gemma insisted that neither of them needed anymore sugar than they already gathered in their bags.

While I was up to pay, they both went outside to sit on the bench, getting fresh air that wasn't filled with the scent of freshly spun cotton candy. I mumble a few kind words to the cashier as he passes me the receipt. I shove it in my pocket as I slide out of the next person's way. I needed to put my card back in my wallet without blocking them from paying.

A sigh comes through my lips as I struggle to put the card into my wallet. I have entirely too many unnecessary things in here - like a picture of my cat for Christ's sake. I roll my eyes to myself, still wrestling with the card.

"Sweetheart, I told you to only get what you could buy with your money." An all too familiar voice fills my ear - this is going to happen for the second time today, I assume.

I glance over and sure enough it's them. The lump in my throat starts to swell as I stand so close to them, listening to the little girl whine about wanting the chocolate bunny more than anything else in the world. Her grandmother continues to tell her she should have got more from her piggy bank - also reminding her that buying candy was something she had to do with her own saved money.

My heart leaps in front of my brain, determining that this is a good thing to do. Not as any sort of apology, but just as a good thing to do. Be a good human, be kind, Harry. Just do it already.

"I got it." I say, handing my card back to the cashier, who looks both annoyed and confused at the same time. I'm feeling the same way.

"No, it's fine. You don't have to do that." The woman says, I never was told her name and I doubt she even realizes who I am. If I were her, I would definitely remember the face of the guy who broke her daughter's heart. Maybe it was too dark that night, maybe she didn't pay any attention, or perhaps she just forgot.

"It's not a big deal, I promise. I got it."

She sighs, giving me a kind smile as the cashier swipes my card. The purchase went through, and I took the receipt with me as I walked away, giving one last look down to that little girl. She returned a gentle smile.

This is going to kill me.

Because of Rosalie «Harry Styles AU»Where stories live. Discover now