09: Absolutely Everything

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There's a chilling breeze flowing, gently whipping my hair from side to side. The night air is crisp, cold from the late hour's temperature. It's half past nine, which means that Rosalie should be in the bed asleep already, also meaning that I won't be able to talk to her when I get home. Usually we tell each other about how our day went, even though majority of the time we are always together throughout the day. I guess missing out for one night won't kill me.

"Thank you for coming, Jen, it means a lot." Harry says with a faint smile on his handsome face.

I nod lightly, "Thank you for.. inviting me."

"Be careful, traffic's getting bad." He tells me, still resting his arm on my open car door. I wanted to go on and start my car so the heat will have to properly come on.

"I will."

"I'll let you go now.. I'm sure you have someone waiting to see you." His mouth curves upward, the mention of my daughter has seemed to brighten his mood throughout the night - making me believe that he's honest about wanting to meet her and change how she currently thinks of him.

"She's probably asleep." I laugh a little, looking at the time on my phone. "Um.. I should really go."

Harry removes himself off my door, nodding in agreement with him, "Yeah. I should head on, too. Busy day tomorrow."

I toss my phone over to the passenger's seat, about to get in my car when I feel a soft touch on my back. I stand straight, turning to see that Harry's brought himself closer to me. His eyes stare deeply into mine, resulting in my heart to start violently thumping. Without asking me, his lips fall onto my forehead. I bite my lip as the utter bliss of the moment makes me tingle all over. He holds himself in place for a long moment, making sure he takes in the feelings as well. Harry leans back, his hand falling from the small of my back.

"Will I hear from you, again?" His words are mumbled close to me, just inches apart.

I lift my head to see him better, he just gives me a sly smirk. I shrug my shoulders, we've already discussed this. "I told you.. we'll see."

"Fair enough." He winks at me, displaying his dimples as he gives me another smile.

"Bye, Harry." I say, sitting down in the driver's seat.

He grabs the door, "Bye, Jen."

Politely, he shuts my car door and steps back some so that I can pull from the parking stop. I wave him goodbye as he does the same to me. Before long, I was staring at him in the rear view mirror, waiting for a chance to drive onto the busy road. He's still looking at me, hands shoved in his pockets. Only once did I ever drive myself to one of our dates and it was the very first one. He insisted that he'll wait until he's assured I've safely gotten onto the road before getting into his own car. I thought then it was a kind gesture, and I feel the same now.

For the most part, tonight wasn't so bad. I was pleased with dinner and desert, and the service was good - especially the times Harry wasn't being so mean to the poor guy. I tried to get him to relax, but he said he was just fed up with the bad timing. Other than that little outburst of his, the night went well. Our topics of conversation varied from very serious to just casual chat about someone he saw on the news that he found funny, some weird viral prank video.

When I first started to get ready earlier I had this heavy fear floating in my head that everything would become just completely garbage and that it would've been a total waste of time for both of us. However, it wasn't a waste at all. I think it was nice to have had the chance to talk in person about the things that were bothering the two of us. I was able to fully explain to him the reason why I had to refrain from telling him everything about me - mostly just be being a parent.

That was the most nerve wracking thing I've ever had to do - silently sit while his brain absorbed what I told him. I feared that he was going to call it all bullshit and just hate me for lying to him. Thankfully, things ended on a good note and he completely understood my reasoning.



Feeling oddly giddy, I hurry into my apartment so that I could dial my mother's number and fill her in on how tonight went. To me, everything was lovely. We had a few heated moments here and there, but they due to the things we were talking about. Jenny had a good time, I could tell it. And I, well, I definitely enjoyed myself. Being around her makes my heart sing, getting to look at her beauty all night really makes me melt. She's always so perfect and gorgeous.


"Mum, I have something to tell you." I throw my keys on the kitchen table, not caring about where they land. I trail up to my bedroom to discard my clothes into the hamper, even though I need to get the blazer dry cleaned.

"What is it, love?" She asks, curiosity present in her voice.

"I had my date tonight with Jenny." I inform her, shutting the bedroom door behind me.

She gasps, "Oh really? How did things go?"

A smile creeps onto my lips at the memory of our date, it was great to spend time with her again. I really hope she decides on seeing me again, it would mean the literal world to me if she let me take her out more. I don't want what we have to die - one mistake already threatened its survival.

"I think really good, Mum. We talked about her daughter. I apologized to her and told her how I felt about what happened. It was really nice to see her again."

While sliding some sweatpants up my legs, I head to the bathroom to do my nightly routine. My mom is happily squealing on the phone, just as excited as I am about how things went. When I told her that I had made those reservations and insisted Jenny join me, she was ecstatic about it - told me how proud she was of me.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm so happy for you! I pray that this goes well. I know she means so much to you."

"She means everything to me, Mum, absolutely everything." I lift my head, my eyes staring at my reflection in the mirror.

I don't have to think hard to remember how I looked the first few weeks following our terrible ending. I had dark circles under my eyes, along with bags from the lack of sleep. My hair was never styled and my lips were chapped constantly. I had a few blemishes pop up from the pure stress of things. My body was weak and tired, all I wanted to do was sleep. Two months later, I'm feeling amazing about how things are going. I put a lot of effort into making sure I looked nice for her tonight. I didn't want to show how horrible things hit me, how bad I was feeling. She, as usual, looked stunning. I could hardly breathe around her.

"I know, baby. You must mean just as much to her, especially since she went out with you again." She assumes, which only makes me smile even more. "Did she say anything about letting you meet the little girl?"

Leaning against the counter, I nervously run a hand through my hair. "We talked about it some.. but I doubt it'll happen anytime soon. Jenny wants to make sure that her and I are going to work out. She doesn't want to bring someone into the little girl's life just to have them leave, y'know?"

"Yeah, I understand that. Did you find out her name?"

Ever since I told my mom about Jenny's daughter she's been highly curious to know what her name is. The night that I saw her for the first time, I believe her name was spoken but I didn't catch it then. I didn't know what it was myself until Jenny told me.

"Oh, Mum. She has such a pretty name. It's Rosalie."

"Aw, that's gorgeous. Does she look like Jenny?"

I could hear the grin in her voice, she gets so excited about things - especially when they revolve around my personal life. I don't tell her everything, but I tell her enough.

"The times I saw her, I didn't get to focus too much. But from what I could tell, she has the same color eyes and same hair color. Their noses are quite similar. She looks like Jenny."

"I wish I could know what Jenny looks like." My Mum huffs, irritated by the fact I haven't shown her a picture or suggested that they meet in person.

It's sort of similar to how Jenny doesn't want her daughter to meet anyone too soon - I don't want my mother to get attached. Of course, I have a deep feeling that what Jenny and I have is real, that it's durable if we are willing to maintain it. I hope one day, sooner than later, that my family can meet her and I can meet hers. It'll be wonderful.

"I'm not rushing things.. I want her to be comfortable."

When it comes to making these decisions, I will have to consult Jenny about it. If she doesn't want to meet my family then I will not force her to. The same thing goes for little Rosalie, if she doesn't have a deserve to see me again then I know good and well that Jenny would never make her.

"I'm very, very proud of you, Harry. It takes a real man to own up to his mistakes."

My mother and I carried on for a about fifteen more minutes. We caught up on how our weeks went and the recent news my father told her about the company expansion. I didn't care all too much about the topic of my father, but I listened anyways just to hear Mum's voice. You never know when it could be the last time. Once our phone call had ended, I took a quick shower and found myself getting ready for bed earlier than usual. While laying down, I thought about Jenny and how perfect she looked tonight. It gave me the idea of messaging her, maybe she's still awake.

To Jenny: (10:44PM) Hey, love. Have you gone to bed yet?

The very first moment I laid my eyes on her, I knew she would be one to keep around. We met on a dating app - pretty cliche, but it was great. I remember after our first date I texted her phone, she graciously gave me her number that same night after we declared there most definitely would be a second date, and I told her that I deleted my account and uninstalled the app - not having any desires to speak to anyone else. She, surprisingly, informed me that she already done that the moment she got in the car to leave the restaurant. It made me feel very special, I still feel that way. I doubt she's gotten the app again, I know I haven't. Not even thought about it.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear my phone go off, indicating a new text message. I look down, nearly have a heart attack as I see who it's from - that gorgeous girl.

From Jenny: (10:47PM) Nope! My night to do the laundry.

A small smirk covers to my face as I get the thought - just keep texting her and she'll carry on a conversation with you, almost as if she was here for real. So, I do just that. And it worked.

To Jenny: (10:48PM) Sounds like you're having a good time, ha.

From Jenny: (10:48PM) Definitely not. You're still up.. what are you doing?

To Jenny: (10:49PM) Absolutely nothing.

From Jenny: (10:50PM) Woah, you're having loads more fun than me!

Even through the messages I can hear her cute sarcasm. She really does make me smile, inside and out. It's like she's this little ray of sunshine in my cloudy world. Jenny makes me feel warm, welcomed, and most important.. alive.

To Jenny: (10:51PM) For sure. Did you make it home safely? No fender benders, I hope!

From Jenny: (10:51PM) No fender benders! I have to ask you the same, you have more road rage than I do.

To Jenny: (10:51PM) I didn't have any road rage tonight. It was pretty chill.

I was expecting a quick reply, like the rate we were at so far, but suddenly the bubble showing me she was typing disappeared. I swallow gently, is it too late to be talking to her?
Surely not, we've talked way later than this before - on a call, too. Part of me regretted messaging her. She was probably trying to get ready for bed, or either get her child situated. Maybe I just reply too fast? My eyes are drawn back to my screen, a new message from her.

From Jenny: (10:53PM) I hate to leave, Harry! I have to get up early in the morning and I'm veryyyy tired.

To Jenny: (10:53PM) It's fine, I understand. Sleep tight x

I highly figured that would be the end of it, but I was proven very wrong when another response came onto my screen - my heart fluttering as I read her message.

From Jenny: (10:54PM) I had a great time with you tonight, Harry. We definitely should do it again sometime.. if you're down for that. Goodnight :)

To Jenny: (10:54PM) I'm down ;) Goodnight xx

It blows my mind to know that a human can bring so much joy into my life. Just the thought of her brightens my day. Seeing her name in my contact list makes me smile. Above all, knowing that I'm the one she goes on dates with and spends hours with - that makes me very, very happy. My life isn't so bad, she makes things greater.

Because of Rosalie «Harry Styles AU»Where stories live. Discover now