07: Wasteful Mail

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The appetizing smell of coffee has made it's way up the stairs, filling the second story. A warm smile takes over my face when I see Rosalie is still asleep, cuddling with a stuffed bear she adores. I have seemed to forgotten the name she gave to it, but I'm sure she'll remind me if I need her to. Throwing the covers off of my legs, I sit up and stretch my arms far - getting my body ready to handle the day ahead.

My feet slide into my slippers, immediately my toes heat up from the cozy material. A sigh escapes my mouth as I open the door, dragging myself down the hall and to the stairs. I hear the television in the living room, the news station is on and the weather is currently being broadcasted. I know Mom has the volume up so that she can hear it in the kitchen, where I already know she is. Her morning routine usually doesn't alter from day to day - including her off days.

When I come into the kitchen, I see her sitting at the table, eating some toast she fixed. She passes a smile by way, in which I return. I'm not really a morning person, the only human that can make me truly feel good in the mornings is my daughter - she lights my world up constantly, even in the dullest of moments.

"I'm surprised Rose didn't follow you down. She still asleep?"

I turn on the tap to fill my cup up, "Yeah.. She woke up last night feeling a little sick. I gave her some medicine and she went on back to sleep. Plus.. we didn't go to bed til midnight."

I smile lightly at the thought of what we did last night. She begged her heart out and didn't stop until I put in The Little Mermaid. She adores that movie above all the others she's watched. I couldn't say no to her, she was literally on her knees with her hands clasped together. She knows how to get her way.

"Midnight, gosh, Jenny." A laugh follows her words, she should know by now that I normally stay up late. Rosalie doesn't always accompany me, though, she has a bedtime most nights.

My breakfast consists of some apple slices that my lovely mother previously cut and put in the fridge for me. She's the best, I swear. I don't think I will ever be as great as her. It doesn't take but a few minutes for me to eat the apples then swallow down the rest of the water. Mom excused herself to go get the mail since I didn't bother to put on any pajama bottoms when I came down. It's not like anyone will see me, just my mom - she gave birth to me, I think she's pretty accepting of my pant-less mornings.

"Ohhhh, Mommy, where are you?" I hear Rosalie's voice sing out, her voice carrying throughout the house. She's quite loud when she needs to be.

"Kitchen, love!" I yell back, knowing she'll be down here in no time. Her little legs move fast, especially when she's looking for me.

My nails tap against the counter top as I await her arrival, slightly hoping for a dramatic entrance. The door shuts, my mom must be back from the mailbox, and the television is finally turned down to a more appropriate volume. Rosalie skips into the kitchen moments before Mom does. They share a quick smile, but she's ready for breakfast and doesn't waste anytime getting to the table.

"Mommy, can I get Lucky Charms?" She displays a pretty smile, the one she always gives when she wants something - which is very often. I nod to her as I grab a bowl from the drying rack by the sink.

Forgetful me didn't put away the dishes I washed last night. It wasn't much, so I know my mom isn't bothered by them being there. I fetch the cereal from the pantry and the milk from the fridge. I hear the sound of paper slapping onto the table - I presume Mom is sitting down to sort through the mail.

"Me, me, bills, me, junk.." She sighs irritably, there's nothing she despises more than wasteful mail, "Bill.. ooh, coupons!"

A snicker leaves my mouth as I pour the milk into the small pink bowl. Rosalie likes for her things to be colored, she doesn't have a specific color scheme - she just doesn't really like the plain white or black dishes. She claims they are boring and lame. We make adjustments so that she can have her exciting, bright plates and bowls. A princess and she knows it.

"Me.. junk, again.. and.." Mom comes to a stop, almost as if she's shocked by whatever she reads on the next piece of mail. "Jenny."


"No.. Jenny, it's.. this is for you." She sounds confused, which makes my eyebrows furrow.

I bring Rose her breakfast, reminding her to eat neatly before I walk over to the other end of the table where Mom sits, holding an envelope in her hand. My eyes scan over the front of it, expecting to see an address, a stamp, perhaps some sort of business name - yet all I see is my name written across the middle in a cursive handwriting.

"You don't think..." Mom begins, but her voice quickly trails off.

"Impossible." I snatch the letter from her, knowing exactly what her thoughts are - mine are the very same.

My fingers work fast to tear open the envelope, I nearly cut myself a few times trying to get to the contents inside. Once I get it open, I reach in and grab the paper that's folded a few times, ink slightly bleeding through the back. With a rush of anxiety hitting me, my heart bursts into fits of deep pounding - my stomach cramps and my teeth nervously bite on my bottom lip. I unfold the paper, sighing as I finally have it open so that I can read it. My eyes grow wide, I'm not even five words in and I already know who this is from..

  My apology to you, Jen.

  It's been about two months since I last saw you, yet I have been unable to forget the way you look. You're constantly on my mind, the image of you is always in my head.

  There is nothing I regret more than the way I treated you on our last night together. I acted out of shock and anger and I want to apology to you. My heart has broken into pieces, what I done to you was unacceptable and I hate myself for hurting you. You meant so much to me, you still mean a great deal to me, and it truly hurts to know that I was so mean to you.

  In addition to you, I want to apologize to your family. It was never my intention to be so rude in front of them, and towards them. Your dear mother had to witness a horrible side of me that I hold so much hatred for. I know she will never forgive me for hurting you the way I did, and I don't blame her. This is something I've wanted to say since it occurred - I'm terribly sorry for behaving the way I did in front of your daughter. It was not my place to judge you, and I hope you can forgive me for being so cruel to you. Knowing that she watched it all happen hurts me more than anything else I've ever been through.

  When she dropped those apples I didn't think I'd ever see her again. The way she looked at me, almost as if she was terrified, broke my heart even more. And then, to my surprise, I saw her again in the candy store. Part of me wanted to speak to her but I refrained from doing so, not wanting to interfere in any way.

  The point of this letter is to let you know that I am so sorry for what I done to you. I would love to have a chance to make it up to you, to prove to you that I'm willing to fix the mistake I made. I made reservations for this Friday night at our place - 7 o'clock, if you want to meet me then you are welcome to. However, if you wish to never see or hear from me again just don't show up. I will understand either way.

  Finally, after many years of failing horribly, I had found someone who I actually enjoyed being with. I hope you give me this chance, because I swear I won't fail you again. Not ever.

- Harry x

My mom's eyes are staring hard at me, waiting to be informed of what this piece of paper says. I swallow the huge lump that formed in my throat as my eyes read over the words. Folding the paper back up, I grab the envelope in my hand.

"Mom.." I take a deep breath, knowing that this decision is a major thing for me, "I hope you don't have plans for Friday. I'm going to need you to watch Rose for me."

Because of Rosalie «Harry Styles AU»Where stories live. Discover now