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"Gross," Nate scoffs as he sees a group of girls discussing their friend's recent soulmate tattoo. "How could you believe in such a thing?"

Cooper looks at him, rolling his eyes. "You're such a Debbie downer, Nate."

He turns to look at him in disbelief. "What? It's the truth! How that hell do you just wake up one day and  know exactly who you're gonna end up with?"

"I mean, sooner or later you're bound to find out who it is," Cooper turns back and scrolls through his phone. "It's kind of nice when I think about it."

Nate scoffs again, for the hundredth time in the past 10 minutes. "This soulmate thing is bullshit," he begins.

"You wake up on your 18th birthday with a tattoo somewhere on your body that tells you who your soulmate is? That's the dumbest fairytale shit I've heard in my life." 

"Technically, you don't know exactly who your soulmate is," Cooper says. "You'll find them at some point in your life, or maybe you don't."

Nate shakes his head, running his hands through his hair. He finds this entire "soulmate" thing kind of repulsive.

It sort of disgusts him whenever there are girls who wish their tattoo matches Nate's. He doesn't want any of them.

Matter of fact, he doesn't want anyone.

"Anyway, I don't know why you stress about it, dude. You're gonna get your tattoo in the next 24 hours and then you're going to find out who it is," Cooper says, standing up. "It's up to you whether or not you want to find that person."

Oh shit, that's right. Is what's going through Nate's head at that moment. His birthday is tomorrow, and in 12 hours from now, his tattoo will start forming.

"Shit, I forgot about my birthday." He lets out a dry laugh, causing Cooper to shake his head.

"Whatever bro, I gotta go hang out with Kris," he says, walking towards the student lounge door. "Catch you later."

And like that, he's gone, leaving Nate to think about his thoughts by himself.

A soulmate, pfft. How could anyone believe in something like that?


Nate sighs, throwing a little rubber ball up in the air before catching it.

It was almost midnight, and he's gotten none of his homework done. Not that he tends to do much homework, anyway.

"Whatever, I don't need this anyway." He says, standing up and grabbing his leather jacket and keys before heading downstairs.

He passes by his dad, who's laying on his sofa, passed out. At least it's not alcohol.

His dad is doing much better than before, going through rehab and actually working a job. It's not that great of a job, but it's still pretty decent and manages to pay the bills, so Nate doesn't complain.

He closes the front door behind him and heads over to his motorcycle, getting on it. He starts up the engine and heads over to the only place where he can feel free, Marshall's Peak.

The ride over there wasn't that long, maybe about 15 minutes total. He stops his bike in an open area, and he begins walking over to the edge.

He sighs, sitting down on a rock and taking in the view of Bayview.

He closes his eyes and breathes in the air around him, trying to calm his nerves down.

I don't understand why I'm so nervous right now. It's not like this tattoo is going to mean anything.

"Fuck." He sighs, opening his eyes again.

Nate just doesn't understand what the big deal about this tattoo is.

If you find someone you like, you ask them out. Whether or not they like you back will make you see if you're supposed to be with them. A tattoo can't matter in that situation, can it?

"Lucky Cooper," Nate sighs.

Cooper met Kris a year ago after stumbling across a modeling gig. They hit it off well, and when it came time for Cooper's 18th birthday, he had the same exact soulmark that Kris had.

It was a little rose on his left ring finger.

"It doesn't matter anyway," Nate scoffs. "It's not like this soulmate shit is real anyway."

He stands up, looking at the view one last time before heading back to his motorcycle. He gets on it and heads back home, not thinking about all the soulmate stuff.

He sighs, pulling up in his driveway and getting off his bike, walking towards the front door.

He goes into his house and heads back upstairs, passing by his still passed out dad. He enters his room, throwing his jacket on his bed.

He looks at his clock that reads "12:06" in bold red letters.

"Happy birthday to me." He mumbles, taking off his shirt and looking in the mirror.

He scoffs, walking towards the mirror so he could get a better look at it.

There it is.

In a fancy drawing, his soulmark appears on the right side of his chest.

It's a drawing of a withering rose, all but one shining petal has fallen off the flower. The remaining petals are surrounding the rose.

Nate shakes his head, letting out a soft laugh.

He kicks off his shoes and takes off his jeans, going over to turn off his bedroom light.

He collapses on his bed, sighing. Fuck, dude. This is going to be interesting.

Hello! Welcome to this soulmate AU of Nate and Bronwyn! This story is going to be on the shorter side, but I tried to make it as long as I could. I'm going to be posting 2 chapters a week, so this story should be fully published in the next month or so. I hope you guys enjoy it!

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