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"That movie was lame," Nate states, tracing circles on the leg Bronwyn through over his legs.

She hits him, playfully rolling her eyes. "Allegiant is a cinema masterpiece. Calm yourself down, babe."

Nate gives out a low chuckle, leaning over to place a kiss on her nose.

They were hanging out in Bronwyn's movie room on a boring Saturday night, finishing their Divergent series binge that Bronwyn forced them to watch (even though Nate would watch anything for her.)

"Well, looks like I'm choosing the movie next week, huh?" He smirks, going back to tracing circles on her leg.

Bronwyn rolls her eyes again but gives out a soft smile. "Yeah, yeah. And I'm sure you'll let me pay the price for forcing you to watch the series tonight."

Nate gives out a laugh, running his free hand through her hair. "Don't worry about it, baby."

She sighs, taking her leg off of his and half-laying herself on Nate. "I can't believe we only have two more movie sessions before I'm gone."

Nate runs his hands in her hair, humming. "Yeah, but it'll be okay. I told you, I can do the long-distance game for as long as we have to."

Bronwyn closes her eyes, enjoying the warmth his body is radiating.

"I know it's silly, but," She pauses for a minute, causing Nate to give her another reassuring hum. "I feel like you'll find someone else when I'm gone and you'll forget about me."

"What?" Nate asks, causing her to sit up and turn to look at him. "You think I'll find someone else?"

She nods, causing him to laugh.

Bronwyn furrows her eyebrow, tilting her head a little. "I didn't think that would be funny."

Nate shakes his head, placing a hand on his chest.

"No, I just find it funny that you think I would find someone else and not you." He begins. "You're going to Yale, out of all schools. I have a fear that you will find someone else there and forget me."

"Now I'm just confused," Bronwyn says, crossing her arms on her chest.

"You're the most intelligent person I have ever met, and that is not an exaggeration or something to make you feel better. That is the literal truth. So, the thought of you going to a school with other geniuses and people that could intellectually challenge you in a way that I can't makes me feel like you'll leave me for someone like that." Nate says.

Bronwyn shakes her head, placing a hand on his arm. "Why would I do that, though? You're my soulmate, Nate."

She still remembers that day over 6 months ago where they finally shared their first kiss at Marshall's Peak. And also the day, about a week later when Nate officially asked her to be his girlfriend. She could see his soulmark glowing twice through his shirt, and she could feel hers, a warm, tingly sensation running throughout her body.

Nobody could have ever put into words how great that sensation felt.

Nate gives out another low chuckle. "Yeah, but you know that I didn't really believe in it before."

"You see, that's what I never understood about you. You seriously never believed in all of this stuff?" Bronwyn asks him.

"No," Nate shakes his head. "Never a thing I cared too much about."

"But why?" Bronwyn asks him.

Nate sighs, looking down at his fingers for a minute. "My parent's relationship turned me off from all of that."

"Not once did you think about the fact that there was someone out there that you would have spent the rest of your life with?"

"Not until you came around."

Bronwyn's face softened, a smile threatening to make its way on her face. Nate sees it, causing him to laugh.

"It's true, though!" He begins. "I mean, my parent's relationship made me think that not all soulmates were destined to be together, which is kind of stupid since that's the whole point. But, finding you again and reconnecting with you again made me think differently."

Bronwyn smiles, a blush creeping onto her face. "I seriously did all that?"

Nate nods, looking at her. "That's why I won't just 'find someone else and forget about you,' because I won't be able to do that. I-"

Nate pauses, causing her to furrow her eyebrows. "You what?"

"I love you, Bronwyn."

Bronwyn freezes, her jaw dropping a little. "You love me?"

"Of course I do, Bronwyn," He says. "I always have."

Bronwyn leans in, gently kissing him. He places one hand on her hair and another on her waist, pulling her in closer. Her arms find their way around his neck, her body getting on top of his.

They stay like that for a couple of minutes, kissing and holding each other, before Bronwyn breaks it.

She stares at him for a minute, debating what she should say. In the end, she settles for, "I love you too, Nate."

Nate smiles, placing another quick kiss on her before he wraps both of his arms around her waist and pulls her in for a hug.

She hugs him back, whispering into his hair, "You don't have to worry about some Yale genius. I don't need a guy like that when I have you."

Nate laughs, hugging her tighter.

"Whatever you say, my love."

The end.

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