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"So, Nate, you coming to the party on Friday?" Nate looks up from his phone to see Cooper standing over him.

"What party?" He asks, shutting his phone off and putting it into his leather jacket pocket.

Cooper sighs, shaking his head. "The party TJ is throwing," he says. "The one we've been talking about for almost two weeks now? Ring any bells?"

Nate blinks twice before nodding his head. "Oh, that party."

Cooper sits down across from him, crossing his arms. "What's up with you?"

Nate shakes his head, leaning back on his chair. "Nothing, I'll probably go to the party."

"Nate, I'm done talking about the party," Cooper says. "You've been acting weird for a while now. What's up?"

Nate crosses his arms like he's protecting himself from something that's not there. "Nothing's up with me."

Cooper rolls his eyes, uncrossing his arms. "You know I know that's bullshit, Nate. You've been acting like this for a couple of months now."

"It's just," Nate sighs. "This stupid soulmark thing or whatever is just getting to my head."

Cooper's jaw drops for a second, but he retains his composure.

"I know, this is some dumb shit you'd never expect out of Nate Macauley." He says, chuckling to himself.

"You know, I've heard that some people start acting a little bit different when their soulmate is near them," Cooper begins. "I don't know how true that is, but maybe they're somewhere around here."

Nate snorts, shaking his head. "We're back with the delusional bullshit again, Cooper. My soulmate isn't near me because no one is likely to have this tattoo."

Cooper squints his eyes at him. "You know that's bullshit. Someone's bound to have it."

"Anyway," he stands up. "Class is about to start soon so I'm out of here."

He begins to walk away before turning back to Nate. "By the way, it's a pool party. Don't forget your swimming trunks bud."

And just like that Cooper's gone.


Friday rolled around quicker than expected, and it's already 8 pm.

Nate's sitting on his couch, staring at a black tv screen.

He was debating whether or not he should actually go to the party, or just stay home and binge Japanese horror movies all night.

He wanted to very much choose the latter, but he knew he needed to get out of the house for a bit.

Nate groans to himself, getting off the couch. Fine, I'll go. But I will definitely not be swimming tonight.

He heads up towards his bedroom to change.

In less than 5 minutes, he had what he needed and was on his motorcycle, ready to head out.

"Please, just don't let this be a dumb decision." He says, hoping someone or something would hear him.

He sighs, starting the engine to his motorcycle, and driving off.

Nate pulls up to TJ's house about 15 minutes later, parking his bike behind some random red car.

He shuts off his engine, removing his keys, and getting off his bike.

He makes his way through already half-drunk teenagers making out in the middle of the yard, dancing, or just generally talking.

He enters the house, or should he say mansion, and goes straight to the kitchen, where he spots Cooper.

"Hey, man!" Cooper cheers when he sees him. He walks over to him, a cup already in his hand.

"What number is that cup?" Nate speaks up, pointing down at it.

Cooper snorts, taking a sip from his drink. "Just cup number 2, don't worry about me."

He walks over to the counter where at least 20 cups were all spread out and picks one out of the pile.

He walks back to Nate, handing it over to him.

"Come on, let's go out back. Less crowded than you think!" Cooper shouts over the music, and they make their way over to the back door.

It took a little longer because of all the people and girls trying to get up on him, but he managed to successfully leave the house without injury.

Cooper was leaning against a wall, and he makes his way over to him, trying not to get water splashed on him from the people jumping in the pool.

Cooper takes another sip of his drink, and Nate leans against the wall as well.

They stay like that for a minute before Cooper speaks up, "So, you think your soulmate is here?"

Nate let out a dry laugh, and he finally sips the drink Cooper handed to him.

Not bad.

"Cooper, we've talked about this," he says, looking around at the people splashing each other in the pool. "Won't happen."

Cooper nods his head, unimpressed. "She's probably out there somewhere. Just gotta look for her."

He looks over to see a couple of people coming outside, TJ being one of them.

When TJ sees them, he waves them both over, and Cooper looks back at Nate. "You coming?"

Nate shakes his head, looking down at his Converse.

"Okay, see ya later," Cooper says, and he walks over to where a group is forming.

Nate looks back up and scans the area.

Few groups of people here and there. A couple of people just talking in pairs. Nothing too big. He could still hear the loud music from the inside, though.

Then he spots a group of three girls, not too far from where he's standing.

He looks closely at one of them, looking at the familiarity of the face. Black hair, glasses, tan skin.

Holy fuck, that's Bronwyn Rojas.

You could say Nate's flabbergasted. It felt like he hasn't seen her in years.

He scans her body. She's just wearing a yellow tank top with black shorts. Nothing too extreme, but still somehow something that managed to take his breath away, like she always did.

He sees something on her chest, and he squints his eyes to see it better.

He almost dropped the cup on his hands.

It's her soulmark.

And it's exactly like yours.

Hello! I can't believe I'm actually managing to keep this schedule that I have going. Hopefully I won't be breaking it anytime soon. Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. We're finally maybe going to see some Nate and Bronwyn interaction huh :)

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