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"Come on, Bronwyn," Nate says to himself as he sends her probably the hundredth text since the lake incident.

"Hey, man," Cooper says as he enters through the doorway. "What's up, what's going on?"

Nate looks up from his phone to look at his friend. "I fucked up, bad."

Nate sends another text before grunting and throwing his phone on his bed.

"Woah, man, you gotta calm down," Cooper says, coming up to him and grabbing him by his shoulders. "What happened?"

Nate rubs his hands on his face and sighs, deciding to finally sit down on his bed.

"I, uh, I asked Bronwyn to go to the lake outside of town, and it ended up with her finding out about my soulmark." He says, looking up at Cooper who was standing in front of him, arms crossed.

Cooper sighs, staying silent for a minute.

"So, I assume she got mad that you didn't tell her?" He finally says, prompting Nate to nod his head.

"She knows that I knew about us having the same soulmark," Nate begins. "I mean, her chest has been exposed multiple times. I'd have to be blind to not see the obvious soulmark on her."

Cooper shakes his head, sitting down next to Nate.

"I mean, I understand why she's mad. She found out you know you two were soulmates, but you never told her," Cooper says. "She could feel like she may have been led on because of this."

Nate grunts, grabbing his phone to see if he had any new messages. And of course, there were none.

At least, not from the person he wanted them from.

"I didn't mean for this to happen, and I certainly wasn't trying to lead her on," He says. "It's just, ugh, It's hard for me to do things like these. I truly like her, but I don't know how I'm supposed to talk to her about these things."

Cooper stares at the wall across from them, pondering for a minute. "Alright, I'll text Addy so she can text Bronwyn and tell her that you need to talk to her. Maybe she'll actually want to talk to you if someone pushes her to do it. But, you have to promise me that you tell her everything, from the very start. How you feel and how long you've known and blah, blah, blah, got it?"

Nate looks at Cooper, smiling a little. "Yes, I promise you. I'm not going to let her slip away from me, not after what just happened."

Cooper chuckles, hitting Nate's knee before standing up. "Alright, I'll get to it, then."

And just like that, Cooper is out of his room, leaving Nate alone with his thoughts.


Bronwyn sighs, clicking her car keys until she hears the little beep and stuffing the keys in her back pocket.

She parked her car at a little parking lot at the bottom of Marshall's Peak, making her way up the little path made up for those wanting to get up at the peak.

She finally agreed to meet with Nate a little over a week after the lake incident, but not without objection first. Addy came to her house yesterday, no, more like barged into her house the second Maeve opened the door.

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