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"What the fuck? What the literal fuck?" Nate curses at himself.

It's been 10 minutes since he noticed her soulmark, and he still can't wrap his head around it.

"Why her with me?" He asks himself.

Why did you pair absolute perfection with the complete opposite?

"Dude, are you okay?"

Nate looks up and sees Cooper walking towards him.

Nate clears his throat and nods. "Yeah, all good."

Cooper gives him a skeptical look but eventually drops it. "Sure bud, whatever you say."

Nate scratches his head and gives him a quick grin. "How's the party going?"

Cooper's mouth turns into a grin before speaking. "TJ lost cup pong to Keely. You should have seen him! He was so upset because he thought he had it in the bag."

Nate gives a quick laugh before quickly turning to look back at Bronwyn.

I guess he stared a little too long because when he turned back to look at Cooper, he was looking at her, too.

"Bronwyn?" He turns back to look at Nate. "What's up with that?"

Nate shakes his head before sipping his now neglected drink that was still in his hands.


Cooper rolls his eyes before sighing. "Fuck off, man. I know you. You can't lie to me without me knowing. What's going on?"

Nate takes a quick glance back at Bronwyn before he starts speaking.

"She has the mark."

Cooper's eyebrow raises for a second before realizing what he meant.

He smiled. "Nate, that's fantastic, man! You know who it is."

Nate shakes his head. "Not it's not."


"Because," Nate sighs. "She's literally everything I'm not."

Cooper let out a chuckle. "I guess you could say opposites attract."

"Fuck off, Cooper." Nate lets out a genuine laugh for the first time the entire night.

"No, but seriously," Cooper begins. "Bronwyn is the complete opposite of you, you're right, but this could be a good thing. She could actually help you grow into a good person. The person that is dying to get out of you."

Nate sighs, shrugging his shoulders and once again leaning against the fence. "Who knows. I don't even know if I want to ruin her life by putting myself back in it."

Cooper shakes his head, lightly hitting Nate's arm with the back of his hand. "You've known her for most of your life, and when you were in hers, you didn't 'ruin her life,' or whatever you said you think you're going to do. She's always respected and liked you. It'll be fine."

He looks down at his phone and sighs. "TJ is being dumb again. I gotta go back inside."

Nate shrugs. "It's fine, go in."

Cooper nods before turning around and heading back into the loud room.

Nate turns to look at Bronwyn and notices she's now alone. She's leaning against the railing of the bench, looking up at the sky.

He didn't realize he was walking towards her until he noticed her getting closer to him every second.

I should turn back now. She doesn't see me; turn back now.

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