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"Well, tell me about your date with Nate!" Addy comes up to Bronwyn during lunch.

She sits across from her cafeteria seat and Bronwyn looks up and smiles.

"There isn't much to say about it," She shrugs. "And it wasn't a date."

Addy narrows her eyes and turns to Maeve.

Maeve dramatically raises her hands before dropping them. "She won't tell me anything, either."

Addy groans.

"Oh, come on! What did you guys do? Was he a gentleman? Spill!"

Bronwyn sighs in defeat.

"He picked me up, we rode on his motorcycle, and then we went to this casual restaurant for dinner. After that, we went to see some movie I don't remember."

There was a reason why she couldn't remember it, and it was because she didn't understand what was happening.

The plot was confusing.

She would tell herself that, but the reason it was so confusing is that she couldn't stop staring at Nate.

She would zone out and think about him, or just turn to look at him.

I mean, he looks so innocent with the light from the screen shining on him. So young.

And don't get her started on his laugh.

The cutest little thing.

Addy gives her a big smile. "You said it wasn't a date? You clearly don't know what a date is."

Maeve let out a laugh. "Ain't that the truth."

Bronwyn turns to glare at her sister but let's her win this one.

"So, where are you guys going next?" Addy asks her, stealing an apple slice from her bag of apples.

Bronwyn shrugs. "We didn't say anything about hanging out again.

Addy shakes her head. "Nope, you guys have to do something again."

"Agreed," Maeve chimes in. "Maybe you should text him this time."

This got a positive response from Addy. "Yes, girl power. Make sure you're in control just as much as he is."

Bronwyn shakes her head and laughs while going back to her food. "Fine, I'll text him later."


Cooper collapses next to Nate.

"So, anything happen between the two of you? Did you two kiss? Make out? Full-blown sex?"

Nate turns to look at him with a calm expression. "You're an idiot, you know that, right?"

Cooper nods his head and eats a chip from the bag he has.

"Yeah, but this isn't about me it's about you and your date with Bronwyn you had on Friday. It's Monday and you haven't said shit to me about it."

Nate shakes his head and goes back to the textbook he was looking at.

"It wasn't a date, and nothing happened."

Cooper crosses one leg over the other and sighs. "Are you gonna tell me what you did?"

"Dinner and a movie," Nate says. "I picked her up and we rode on my bike."

"Ah," He could feel Cooper's smirk without seeing him. "So you were all up close on each other."

Nate closes the book and looks at Cooper.

"You're a dumbass. I wouldn't destroy this, whatever you wanna call relationship I have with Bronwyn by doing some dumb shit."

Cooper pauses for a second. "Now that I think of it, you haven't done some dumb shit yet."

Nate nods. "I don't want to fuck it up."

Cooper hums and finishes the bag of chips he has in his hands. "Guess you never got over that childhood crush you had on her, huh?"

Nate shakes his head. "I mean, how could I? That girl has always been perfect. And the fact that she's supposed to be mine? Yeah, it doesn't really help, does it?"

Cooper coos, wiping an imaginary tear from his eye. "The baby is growing up. And he's unlocked a new emotion too, something called: love."

Nate hits him on the shoulder, letting out a low chuckle. "Idiot."

"Text her again. Make some new plans." Cooper tells him.

Nate snorts, opening his book again. "Yeah, we'll see about that."

"I'm serious," Cooper says, taking Nate's book in protest. "Text her and make some more plans. Hang out. I'm sure she wants to hang out with you, too."

Nate sighs. "I sincerely doubt it, but fine. Can I have my book back, now?"

Cooper hums in victory, handing Nate his book back. "Studying Nate. Something I never thought would be possible."

Nate rolls his eyes, going back to his book and trying to ignore the dumbass jock of a friend next to him.

Now I'll have to be nervous all over again.

Hello everyone! A couple of days ago I was reading a story on AO3 and I was debating on whether or not I should write a story like that. But, I can't think of what couple to use, since I try to write about a lot of different couples in the series. Currently having writer's block which sucks since I still have to write the last chapter of this story. Anywho, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)

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