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It's been a couple of weeks since Nate and Bronwyn have been hanging out. They usually hang out once a week, sometimes maybe even two. But, they text each other constantly.

Nate's not gonna lie, he's definitely felt better. He's noticed his mood change for the better. He's smiling a lot more, to the horror of his friends since they never see him like this, but he doesn't care.

Nate feels amazing. He feels euphoric.

This one girl has changed Nate's entire life around, and he still doesn't understand how he got her as a soulmate.

Bronwyn's this beautiful creature. She's amazing, bright, funny. She lights up the room whenever she walks in there, even if she doesn't realize it. She carries so much weight on her shoulders for no reason, but she does it so others don't have to. She's the definition of perfection.

Nate, on the other hand, is practically the opposite. His mom abandoned him, made him think she was practically dead. Growing up with a deadbeat father took a toll on him. So, he did what any other teenage boy would do if they were in the position. Sleep around. He used to be a player, and as he looks back at it now, it was the stupidest thing he's ever done.

Anyway, Bronwyn has changed Nate's life for the better, and he doesn't understand a single thing he's done for her.

But, if you ask anyone that knows Bronwyn, they would tell you that she has changed herself. She's become a little less shy and a little more outgoing. Of course, she still cares about her grades and makes sure all her work is done perfectly, but it's not all she does anymore.

She becoming a little bit looser. She's enjoying the adventure she's having with Nate.

Bronwyn is starting to take more risks in her life. She doesn't overthink before she does most things anymore. She and Addy are having a lot more fun than they used to have. All because of one guy.

They've slowly changed each other's lives for the better, but neither of them wants to believe it.


Bronwyn's sprawled out on her bed, remote in one hand, phone being held up to her ear with the other. It's currently a little after 8, and Nate and Bronwyn are going to be watching a movie with each other.

"No, come on!" Bronwyn starts. "You chose last week, so, technically, it's my turn to choose a movie."

She could hear Nate's faint breathing over the phone, and after a minute, he sighs, agreeing with her. "Fine, you choose tonight."

Bronwyn smiles, clicking on Insurgent, which was already set to be played. She knew he was going to let her choose, that's just how it is.

"We're watching Insurgent tonight." She says, and she could hear Nate's groan over the phone.

"Didn't we already watch it?" Nate asks. "Why are we watching it again?"

"Because I had to watch Ringu twice, so now you're watching Insurgent twice, as well," Bronwyn says, setting her phone down and putting it on speaker.

"Fine, fine, we'll watch Insurgent again," Nate says, making Bronwyn giggle.

"Now that's the spirit," She says, making him sigh over the phone.

"Yeah, yeah," he says. "Just play the movie already."


An hour into the movie, Bronwyn could hear Nate getting restless over the phone.

"I'm bored."

"Aww," Bronwyn coos. "That's too bad, isn't it."

Nate playfully scoffs over the phone, and she could tell that he was shaking his head. "Do you know the lake outside of town?"

Bronwyn hums in confirmation, half paying attention to what he's saying, the other half paying attention to the movie on her TV.

"We should go there." She hears Nate say.

"I'm down with that," She begins. "When do you want to go."

"Right now." Bronwyn freezes.

She blinks a couple of times. Nate wants to impulsively go to a lake, at almost 9:30 at night, with her.

"Bronwyn?" Nate says over the phone, bringing her back from her thoughts.

"Um, yeah?" She asks, pausing the movie and sitting up on her bed.

"Do you want to go right now?" He asks her. "Because if you're down with that we can. If you're not, we can just go another day, no pressure."

Bronwyn's parents aren't home again. This time, they're out for a romantic weekend down in Sacramento. She doesn't know what's so romantic about Sacramento, but she was completely fine with them being out of town for the weekend. Maeve was over at Phoebe's house for the night, doing God knows what.

Which left Bronwyn having the whole house to herself that night. And frankly, she didn't understand why she was still here. She should have been out, preferably with Nate. So, she decides that's what she wants to do.

"Yeah, let's go right now," She tells him over the phone. "Meet you there in about 30?"

Nate chuckles over the phone, and she could hear him moving around his room already.

"See you then."

Hi, hello. Yes. I definitely forgot. I told myself earlier today that I was going to update after one of my classes, but I ended up not doing that. I'm so sorry this is coming out later than usual. I will definitely try not to do that again. But, I do hope you enjoyed this chapter <3.

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