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Nate was sort of freaking out.

He didn't really know why, but he was.

He was the one that invited her to go to the lake, not the other way around, so he just doesn't get it.

Maybe it's because he fears tonight will be the night she finds out about the soulmark, and he's scared that she's going to get scared away from him because of it.

He's trying to decide whether he should go for a black shirt or a white shirt.

Black is to make sure he's protected if he does end up wet, but he's not planning to go into the water, so it just doesn't make sense.

Plus, he just looks better in the white shirt, and honestly, he just wants to look good for Bronwyn.

So, after careful consideration, he decided to go with the white. It's riskier, but it's worth it.

He put on a pair of jeans and his converse, and ran down the stairs and out of the house, already falling a little bit behind schedule.


Bronwyn makes it to the lake a little bit after 9:40.

She parked the car about 10 yards from where she's standing, waiting for Nate to show up.

It only took a couple of minutes for her to hear the roar of the engine of Nate's motorcycle.

She smiled, looking over to where she heard the noise, and sees Nate emerging from the shadows a couple of seconds later.

"Sorry," he chuckles, heading over to her. "I fell a little bit behind schedule."

Bronwyn laughs, shaking her head. "You're okay, don't worry."

Nate pauses in front of her, scanning down her body.

She wore a pair of her skinniest skinny jeans and a black tank top, most of her soulmark exposed.

Nate liked the outfit. Boy, did he like the outfit.

I mean, she's always beautiful, but she's absolutely breathtaking tonight.

"So, why did you want us to come down here tonight?" She asks him, trying to make him refocus.

He looks back up at her and shrugs.

"I guess I just wanted to see you," Nate begins. "Plus, I've kind of wanted to come here for a while, but just never had the chance. It's actually really pretty over here."

Nate's right.

Bronwyn hasn't really noticed the area because she was too busy paying attention to Nate, but he's right.

The area had lights wrapped around trees, had lights hanging from tree to tree and had lights all around the lake.

It was honestly pretty bright for it being almost 10 o'clock at night.

She walks over to the dock, sitting at the edge of it, her feet swinging over the water. A couple of seconds later, Nate sits next to her.

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