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Bronwyn Rojas absolutely loved the thought of having a soulmate. Someone you spent the rest of your life with.

And she was destined to find who that person was when she turned 18.

She was sitting on her bay window, looking at the view outside her window. The sky was a light gray color, and it was lightly raining. The sound of raindrops hitting her window every once in a while relaxes her.

She sighed, smiling softly at the view.

She looked back down at her book and continued reading it. It took her a while to realize her sister, Maeve, had been standing in her room for the past 5 minutes.

"Can you put down the book for one second, for God's sake?" Maeve said, causing Bronwyn to look up at her.

"What do you want?" Bronwyn said, placing her book down.

"Dinner's ready," Maeve said, pointing to the door. "I've been trying to call you for the past 5 minutes."

Bronwyn stands up, signaling Maeve to get out of her room. "Sorry."

"Yeah, whatever. Mom and Dad are waiting." She rolls her eyes, walking out of the room.


"So, hun, are you excited about tomorrow?" Bronwyn's dad asks her, breaking the comfortable silence. "You're going to get your soulmark."

Bronwyn looks up from her chicken, giving a soft smile. "Yeah, I guess I am."

"She's more than excited. She's been planning this thing since she found out about the soulmark." Maeve jokes.

Bronwyn turns and gives her a soft glare. "Have not." She mumbles, taking a bite of her food.

"Do you think you're going to find them right away or down the line?" Her mom asks.

Bronwyn shrugs. "Depends on who my soulmate is. Maybe I'll never find them, who knows?"

Her mom sighs, shaking her head. "Don't think so negatively. You'll find them someday."

"Maybe I will," she says, finishing her plate. "Can I be excused?"

Her dad sighs, nodding his head. She gives him a quick smile before heading back upstairs into her room.

"This is going to be a long night."


Bronwyn sat on her desk chair, slowly spinning around in it so she doesn't get dizzy.

She had already finished all her homework and had nothing to do, so she impatiently waited for midnight to strike.

Looking over at the clock on her desk, it reads "11:25." A little over 30 minutes left, Bronwyn.

She sighs, standing up and laying down on her bed.

"It's almost time, Bronwyn," she says to herself. "You're going to find the love of your life. Your one true love. All of this, it will all be worth it soon."

She hoped that her soulmate isn't as different as she is.

She wanted someone who had aspirations and goals in life. Someone who wanted to be successful in life. Someone who wanted to start a family in the future. Someone who didn't just live without an endgame.

Bronwyn simply did not think she could put up with someone childish. It would be too much for her.

Please just don't let it be someone bad. That's all I ask for.


Bronwyn didn't realize she fell asleep, because the next thing she knew, she was being woken up by a very enthusiastic Maeve.

"Happy birthday, bitch!" She says, smiling widely. "You've made it to the big one-eight."

Bronwyn groans, kicking Maeve off her bed. "Get out of my room."

Maeve lets out a small, sarcastic gasp, shaking her head.

"How rude of you, Miss Rojas," she puts a hand on her chest. "Anyway, breakfast is ready in 5 minutes. It's your favorite. See you then."

Maeve shut the door on her way out, leaving Bronwyn to let her thoughts process through her head.

She got up out of her bed and walked over to her mirror.

It took her a minute or two, looking around her entire body, but she finally smiled in satisfaction when she found her soulmark.

A tattoo of a withering rose with one petal left sits on the right side of her chest. It's surrounded by the other petals.

She looked at it a little more before smiling again and finally deciding to leave her room to head downstairs.

"Happy birthday, honey." Her mother smiled at her, putting the remaining food in the pan on the plates.

"Did you find your tattoo yet, sweetie?" Her dad asks her, setting the plates on the table.

Bronwyn gave a soft smile, nodding her head.

"It's on the right side of my chest." She said, sitting down.

"What is it?" Asked Maeve, the first one already eating out of all of them.

"A withering rose with only one shiny petal left on it. The remaining ones are surrounding it." Bronwyn says, taking a sip from her orange juice.

Her mom nods, giving her a smile.

"I can't believe my baby is all grown up now." She says, sighing.

"Oh, mom," Bronwyn says. "Don't get too sentimental on me, now."

Hello! This should have been posted way earlier, but I completely forgot I was writing a book. Love that for me. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this!

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