2 7 || 𝙃 𝘼 𝙋 𝙋 𝙔 [2/3]

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𝚆𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚎  𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎 - 𝟸  𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜  𝚊𝚐𝚘

"Mr President, Sir. The Senator is inside for you," I spoke.

"Thank you, Seraphina. Why don't you and Agent Hans go do some recon at the Cafeteria. You deserve a break."

"But Sir-"

"That's an order."

I smiled at the President as he ushered me away. I had been working at the White House for a year, and it was exhilarating. Protecting the Leader of the Free World and doing some side missions for him was no easy job, but it made me happy. I had made some great friends and a good name for myself.


I drew my gun and pressed it to the abdomen of the person who had grabbed my arm. Klein stood behind me with an exasperated look on his face.

I laughed, "Sorry, old habits die hard."

He smiled at me, "You're going to kill someone one day."

"I know."

We walked down the endless corridors of the White House together.

"So, I've been meaning to ask you something," Klein started.


"You, er, taking anyone to the Presidential Ball?"

"No. It's a few months away and why do I need to?" 

"Woah there, I didn't mean it like that-"

"Well then," I smiled," I'd love to accompany you."

He looked at me, baffled, "How did you-"

"Know you were going to ask? I just do. I'm amazing like that."

He laughed at me. I loved his laugh, it was so intoxicating and-


I was drawn away from my impure thoughts. A swarm of tiny humans look at me with wide eyes. My eyebrow arched and I turned to Klein, "Should we approach?"

"Kids?" Klein tilted his head.

"I might get smothered with little people love."

"You're tough-girl reputation will be ruined."

"You're so dramatic, be gone," I laughed as I pushed his face away and turned to the kids, "Hey little hoomans."

"Are you a secret service agent?" a little girl asked.

"Well," I read her name tag, "Nancy, if I tell you, it won't be secret anymore, now would it?"

She stared at me in awe and confusion. Klein snickered behind me. That was when the light bulb flashed on.

"Let's say I am a secret service agent. Would you like to see a trick?"

✦ ✧ ✩ ✨ ✩ ✧ ✦

Twenty minutes later, we stood in a little courtyard. 

"Now, my little agents, while most of you won't have access to the super cool blow torch I used to take down evil guys in the mission I told you about, I can teach you some self-defence moves."

"But I'm 6 years old."

I bit my lip to hold in my laugh. These kids were so damn cute.

"Indeed! But you never know when the Boogeyman might be near!" 

𝙅𝙊𝙇𝙇𝙔 𝙎𝘼𝙄𝙇𝙊𝙍 𝘽𝙊𝙇𝘿 || 𝘚. 𝘔𝘊𝘎𝘈𝘙𝘙𝘌𝘛𝘛 💌Where stories live. Discover now