Ch 1:Reunion

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I had to edit the following sentence because of constants comments that made me shriek of laughter and embarrassment at a mistake I had committed. -backs away in the corner of shame-
"My name is Iz**u Mid***ya.Whats yours?"

He was so gorgeous...his fluffy green hair shun in the dark sun compared to his bright smile and wonderous voice.

I just stared at him only realize he stared at me awkwardly back.

"Oh sorry...I'm Todoroki,Shoto Todoroki."

.                 .               .                .              .              .
That was the 5th time I had that dream.

Was that a dream or more like a memory...?I don't recall seeing that boy.

If I did,it must've been in my previous life before becoming a villain since I don't remember nothing before I became a villain.

Perhaps it was that..?Strange.Everyone in that 'dream' seems to be wearing the same uniform.Including me and that boy.

Did we go to the same school?Were we friends?Were we something else...?I don't remember.

Thats what I hate about losing my memory.

"Todo-Kun!!!Hurry up!!!You promised we were gonna go buy something for Shiga-San!"

"I never promised that,Toga."

"Ya you did!!!"

"Ya i didn't."

"Oh cmon!Stop being sarcastic!"

"I'm not being sarcastic,I'm just stating the truth."

"Cmon now!!!...FINE!!!IM GOING ON MY OWN ICY HOT!!!"

"Later."She Shut the door of the bar with force.

I sat there on one of the stools of the bar watching Kurogiri cleaning some cups.

So bored...

Who was that green-head boy...?He looked so cute as well...



"You've been sighing the whole time.Is something bothering you?"

"N-nothing's bothering me!"Why did I stutter?!

"Hmm...alright.You can go out and take some fresh air.Maybe that might clear your mind.Stay on a low profile and cover up your face so no one can see your face.

"You act like a mom sometimes,Kurogiri."


"Yup.Well,I'll go grab a hoodie and take a walk."I started walking towards what was my room."

Time skip to outside

I was sitting at a bench underneath a tree that Toga once told me was a 'Sakura tree'.I don't get it why many people like the tree.sure it's pretty but not as pretty as that green-haired boy.

As I was sitting there when I suddenly started closing my eyes due to the tiredness I had to later feel something fall on my head.

I grabbed the thing on my head to see it was a nice pretty pink flower from the tree.I stared up and saw a bunch of them fall down due to the strong wind that suddenly came roaring upon the land.

As I looked around,many of the flowers from the Sakura trees were falling down.

Just as how they're beauty bloomed...they're disgrace of inevitable death...

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