Ch 6:Out of the blue

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Todoroki's P.O.V

Holy shit who's dorm is this???!!???

I looked around and spotted a picture frame of the kids who were interrogating me.

'Okay so imma just teleport out of here....'

I consecrated on the base...the annoying ass people there and All For One...

I felt myself become lighter and teleported.

"Back in the ba....!?Im still here...?"

But I was sure I teleported away....

Crap!!!Why do I have stay here?!?!

This quirk is driving me mad...

Supposedly this quirk can teleport you to a place it knows you have to go yet you have absolutely no idea what that place is.But,if you can Master this quirk,then it will turn into a regular teleportation quirk...

And since my lazy ass doesn't want to master 15 quirks,most of the quirks are at a beginners level...

Well,if I can't teleport myself out of here without being noticed,I'll just have to break myself out of here.

I pointed my hands to the window and chains started forming in my hand.Before I could shoot the chains,the doorknob started to move.

Someone was entering the room.

'I need to activate my invisibility quirk.....!'

I heard muffled voices outside the room,seeming to be that whoever was about to open the door got delayed by someone talking to them.

That gives me more time then...

'How the heck do I activate my invisibility quirk...?!...I am a stupid bitch...I don't have an invisibility quirk...I swear All for One if I survive after this...I will kill you...Now then,on to Plan B.'

The room was dark,until suddenly some rays of light entered the room as the door was being opened.

I used my chains to get hold of whoever the person who entered was and pulled them towards me covering their eyes with my hand as they hit my chest.


Whoever this person was,they started getting tensed up.

Wait...they were activating their quirk!?

I pulled the chains harder as the person started gasping for air.

'Now then...let's do this nice and quick....'

I mentally formed the location of where I wanted the thorns to come out of until I heard a very familiar voice.



"W-w-What are you d-doing h-here?!"

He probably wanted to activate his quirk for I felt him getting tensed up again as my hand was on his shoulder.

I felt him getting more and more red on his face.

Was I suffocating him with the chains?!?!

"Hold up."

I loosened the chains and reverted them back to my hand until all of the chain finally disappeared.

"Are you alright?Your face is red.Did I perhaps suffocate you?!"

"N-no...I-I-it isn't t-that...."


"A-ah,Shoto!W-What are you d-doing in m-my dorm?"

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